

dejected:[英 [dɪˈdʒektɪd] 美 [dɪˈdʒɛktɪd] ]


dejected 基本解释


dejected 相关例句


1. He was dejected to learn that he had failed the examination.


dejected 网络解释

1. dejected

1. 沮丧的:dejecta 粪便 | dejected 沮丧的 | dejectile 投射物

2. 垂头丧气的:情绪低落的;沮丧的:I amused myself with a game of solitaire. 我玩单人纸牌戏使自己放松. | 20.dejected 垂头丧气的:情绪低落的;沮丧的 | Repeated failure had left them feeling very dejected. 他们三番五次失败後情绪非常低落...

3. 沮丧的,失望的:ensuing:接踵而至的 | dejected:沮丧的,失望的 | rule of thumb:凭感觉的方法,单凭经验的方法

4. dejected的解释

4. 失望的;沮丧的:defunct#死的 | dejected#失望的;沮丧的 | deleterious#有害的

dejected 双语例句


1. These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness, leaving me dejected.


2. dejected

2. It`s neither the luxurious ism of Paris and Milan, nor the dejected indulges under the impact of material demand.


3. Among them, the dejected to BOC Hong Kong Lok Ma Liu Jinbao, the biggest shock to the industry.


4. Soon, the money YE discovered she was pregnant, when she told the news to Bangladesh when cold, the mature man suddenly became extremely nervous flawless and dejected.


5. While I dejected, they are the moments I like to see the first light of morning, when I finally regain confidence, ignited the fighting will continue, God once again broken angel wings, let me severely drop down!



6. At the corner of Maroseyka, opposite a great house with closed shutters, and the signboard of a bootmaker, stood a group of some twenty bootmakers, thin, exhausted-looking men, with dejected faces, in loose smocks, and torn coats.


7. I become dejected and sentimental. and I m often in a trance!


8. dejected的反义词

8. The workers have shown no deference and apparently intend to continue defying the company no matter how dejected they become.



9. Become dejected and despondent; In low spirit


10. Become dejected and despondent; In low spiritA whalebone whaleof Arctic seas, having a very large head and an arched upper jaw.


11. dejected在线翻译

11. Suddenly, Wang Ho-fu ran back, panting and dejected; he wrung his hands as he gasped, Opened with a rise!



12. A new icon has recently emerged for today's China: the disgruntled, laid-off factory worker, standing dejected outside a shuttered factory, another victim of the global economic downtown.


13. dejected的意思

13. Zhang as one of the network invisible to bear in mind together, and the net I can not escape the escape route, they are allowed to own the dejected Banimodu symbols into memory.


14. The value of Zhang`s depiction of man and look towards man is that by her unique way of writing and outstanding talent, she has portrayed the dejected and confused image of man in old Shanghai where urbanization was in progress, thus setting up a historical latitude of probing the existence of man`s world.


15. When I see narrow forehead and protruding lips of Peking ape man in museum, I feel dejected for hominid's roughness in remote antiquity.



16. When I see narrow forehead and protruding lips of Peking ape man in museum, 凹 I feel dejected for hominid`s roughness in remote antiquity.


17. When I see narrow forehead and protruding lips of Peking ape man in museum, 刘 I feel dejected for hominid`s roughness in remote antiquity.


18. dejected什么意思

18. When I see narrow forehead and protruding lips of Peking ape man in museum, 凴 I feel dejected for hominid`s roughness in remote antiquity.


19. Since eight o'clock she had been trying on and rejecting dresses, and now she stood dejected and irritable in lace pantalets, linen corset cover and three billowing lace and linen petticoats.


20. IN ONE of the ramshackle tent cities that have sprouted in open spaces all across Port-au-Prince, Isa Longchamp, a dishevelled and dejected eight-year-old girl, starts to whimper.

太子港大街小巷都是摇摇欲坠的帐篷,在其中一个帐篷里,蓬头垢面的8岁小女孩Isa Longchamp在伤心地呜咽。

dejected 词典解释

1. 沮丧的;失意的;泄气的

If you are dejected, you feel miserable or unhappy, especially because you have just been disappointed by something.

e.g. Everyone has days when they feel dejected or down.



Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.

乘客沮丧地排队等候使用越来越脏的厕所。dejected 单语例句

1. I left feeling emotionally unraveled, morally dejected and incredibly pissed off that people categorically accept this treatment.

2. Prince Naruhito recently spoke out against the pressure on his dejected wife, asking for her to be granted a more challenging role when she regains her spirits.

3. A very dejected man there told me that they couldn't sell me any rum or a cigar until next week.

4. Bryant cut a dejected figure in the locker room after the loss, clearly feeling the effects of his illness.

5. " It's a massive shock, " a dejected Kawaguchi told reporters.

6. The dejected pair plops down on the pavement wearing their lion suits, and they unintentionally become the center of attention.

7. But Henry would not express any sympathy for the dejected Irish, preferring instead to pinpoint his own team's recent problems.

8. A fan sat dejected after China's home loss to Iraq in men's qualifying tournament for the 2014 World Cup.

9. Wade turned to his bench after the shot and gave a dejected, helpless look.

10. " I was not well prepared to compete at home, " a dejected Du told reporters afterward.

dejected 英英释义


1. affected or marked by low spirits

e.g. is dejected but trying to look cheerful