

blacksmith:[英 [ˈblæksmɪθ] 美 [ˈblækˌsmɪθ] ]



blacksmith 基本解释

名词铁匠,锻工; 打铁工人; 装蹄工; 蹄铁


blacksmith 网络解释

1. (铁匠铺):各兵种每周增加50%城堡(Castle) 为城增加两个副箭塔,各兵种每周增加100%魔法工会(Mage Guild) 提供魔法(1-5级)市场(Marketplace) 交换各种资源酒馆(Tavern) 雇佣英雄,访问盗贼工会铁匠铺(Blacksmith) 生产战斗武器资源


2. 锻工:blacksmith welding 锻焊 | blacksmith 锻工 | blackspot 斑痕


3. 锻工, 铁匠:in block 整批, 全部, 整个儿 | blacksmith 锻工, 铁匠 | skee 滑雪, 滑水

blacksmith 双语例句

1. The blacksmith's business is on its last legs.


2. The men who make it are craftsmen: the millwright, the watchmaker, the canal builder, the blacksmith.


3. The men who make it are craftsmen; the millwright, the watchmaker, the canal builder, the blacksmith.


4. blacksmith是什么意思

4. In his work in g clothes, Joe was a well-knit characteristic-look in g blacksmith


5. I bet your father must be a blacksmith.


6. blacksmith的意思

6. Go talk to the blacksmith in the Pugna


7. It is as if a blacksmith could pass on his massive arms to his offspring.


8. The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to the job.


9. blacksmith什么意思

9. It came into being at a locksmith's, but it could wellbelieve that it was at a blacksmith's, it was hammered andfiled so much.


10. O'rodusk N'urncer, a legendary Altmer blacksmith from Summerset Isle, was renowned far and wide for his amazing craftsmanship, and knights, heroes, kings, lords and many other people of importance from around Tamriel would risk life and limb simply to request a weapon from him.

奥诺达斯科·努恩瑟(O'rodusk N'urncer)是一个传奇的夏暮岛高精灵铁匠,以其令人惊异的手艺而远近闻名,全泰姆瑞尔的骑士们、英雄们、国王们、领主们和许多其它举足轻重的人们都愿意奔波万里,甚至冒生命危险来找他,只为了求一把他制造的兵器。

11. Kuqa Thousand-Buddha Grottoes in Dunhuang and the blacksmith's groove Tertiary Paleocene formation discovered in Central Populus fossil, Suanqi Lai has at least 6, 500 years of history.


12. Several days after, the coppersmith and the blacksmith tell Lao Liu that they are willing to move.


13. Every day Hans used to see a beautiful princess drive past the blacksmith's shop.


14. Some time afterward, a friend of the doctor, on a visit to the countryside, happened to pass the blacksmith's shop one evening and overheard the striking hammer and the swearing.


15. blacksmith

15. The blacksmith's shop is always noisy.


16. The blacksmith's shop is in the southwest corner.


17. Joe Gargary, has been attacked by Orlick, a journeyman blacksmith in Joe's shop.


18. I stared. He saw I knew nought about it, and he told how a gentleman and lady had stopped to have a horse's shoe fastened at a blacksmith's shop, two miles out of Gimmerton, not very long after midnight!


19. Everyone I asked told me you were the best blacksmith in town.


20. This was what the blacksmith was reading.


blacksmith 词典解释

1. 铁匠

A blacksmith is a person whose job is making things by hand out of metal that has been heated to a high temperature.


blacksmith 单语例句

1. A traditional blacksmith's apprentice might be startled by the footwear in the stables of Tianjin's Metropolitan Polo Club this week.

2. Blacksmith Yang Fuzheng doesn't normally work on Sundays but he made an exception on the day we visited.

3. Parts up for grabs include a poor woodcutter and the shy son of a blacksmith.

4. First he is an artistic craftsman, then he becomes an electric welder or blacksmith in his gloves.

5. One of them was a man named Li, a blacksmith who made gun barrels.

blacksmith 英英释义


1. a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil