

diverge:[英 [daɪˈvɜ:dʒ] 美 [daɪˈvɜ:rdʒ] ]


过去式:diverged;   过去分词:diverged;   现在分词:diverging;

diverge 基本解释

不及物动词分歧; 分开,叉开; 偏离,背离; [数]发散,无极限

及物动词使发散; 使偏离

diverge 反义词


diverge 相关例句


1. These figures and the last ones diverge greatly.


2. The road diverges ahead.


3. His account of the event diverged from the truth.


4. diverge什么意思

4. Our opinions diverge.


diverge 网络解释

1. 发散:复变分析中 , 有时候要取一个pole或多个pole, 是因为被积分的方程式中, 分母要避开这些poles作积分 否则会发散(diverge)

2. 分叉:但当两种思维模式分叉(diverge)时,为了使native English speakers不致于遇到语言障碍(language barrier),使用英语特有的表达方式来表达自己的思想才显得殊为重要.

3. 偏离:当价格暂时更加偏离(diverge)基本价值,如果套利者面临资本约束,就要过早的展开头寸(unwind the position),从而蒙受损失. 自有价值:the market value of the parents equity less any measurable net assets--母公司的未列入综合报表 (unconsolidated) 的净权益.

4. 分散的 分散的:dithering 抖动 递色 | diverge 分散的 分散的 | Divide 等分 等分

diverge 双语例句


1. It brings about a convergence of ideas from scattered sources with then, amplified, platted or stacked, diverge out into branching pathways of meaning.


2. Ontology, is one of the oldest, and most traditional topics in philosophy. However, not enough attention has been paid to it up till now, and views on it diverge a lot.


3. People write article make thing observe the same old stuff always, diverge from such thinking tendency come and write article often can cause some suspicion suspicion definitely


4. Both the organic and fairtrade product markets are showing high growth, however future growth depends upon how much the standards diverge or converge.


5. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out.


6. After screening and comparing APX gene sequences at the NCBI database, the degenerate primer sets designed from tomato and potato were used to amplify the APX cDNA of eggplant with the reversetranscription PCR method. The completion of a full-length of APX cDNA was performed using 5'and 3'rapid amplification of cDNA ends technique. The open reading frame of cDNA clone was 753 base pair long encoding a cytosolic APX. The sequence of eggplant APX gene had 96%, 95%, 93% and 91% homology to that from the potato, tomato, pepper and tobacco APX gene, respectively. A phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of APX by Neighbor-Joining method indicated that the plant cAPXs diverge into two major clusters, and eggplant cDNA is more closely related to potato than to tomato. Southern blot analysis revealed that the eggplant gene encoding APX had two copies.


7. But then our visi of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out.



8. The paper bases on the development of China's holiday tourism status and mainly analyses the difficulties of holiday tourism development to discuss and search some countermeasures of above troubles, for example, modulating the current vacation system, moderatly strengthening the infrastructure construction, enhancing the enterprise management and guiding the tourist to diverge in many ways etc. The reasons for the troubles of holiday tourism is various, such as the absence of law system or unsound and unreasonable system, the low-level economy, ineffective management of tourism enterprises and the tourists'unreasonable, improper consumption behaviors.


9. diverge在线翻译

9. The lines at the sides of the head diverge considerably from the outer corner of the eyes toward the back of the head.


10. These are very different business and economic models, and they will diverge even further in the years ahead.


11. diverge在线翻译

11. Snowshoe tracks and footprints diverge in the middle of awintry central Minnesota field.


12. An elaborate system of vaulting in which the ribs diverge like fans.


13. diverge是什么意思

13. Indeed, the very idea there was a single Ur-text from which later versions diverge either more or less is hardly tenable, as Mr Vermes persuasively argues.


14. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out.


15. When two trails diverge in a yellow wood, the one more worn tells you something.


16. The Chinese scholars diverge in their definition of misjudged case and m is judged criminal case, which counteracts turning theory into judicial practice.



17. There are two important differences between the indexes that can cause the GDP deflator and the consumer price index to diverge.


18. In sympatric speciation, species diverge while inhabiting the same place.


19. But there are two people there insofar as that one person-stage is a part of two different people who diverge later.



20. Here opinions diverge Pope believes the deficiency does have something to do with marijuana because his team controlled for such obvious things as IQ differences, psychiatric histories and heavy use of other drugs.


diverge 词典解释

1. 分化;偏离;背离

If one thing diverges from another similar thing, the first thing becomes different from the second or develops differently from it. You can also say that two things diverge .


e.g. His interests increasingly diverged from those of his colleagues...


e.g. Scientists believe that man diverged from the apes between 5 and 7 million years ago...

科学家们相信人类是在 500 至 700 万年前由类人猿分化而来。

2. (意见、观点等)存在分歧,相悖,相异

If one opinion or idea diverges from another, they contradict each other or are different. You can also say that two opinions or ideas diverge .

e.g. The view of the Estonian government does not diverge that far from Lipmaa's thinking...


e.g. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.


3. (道路)分开,分叉,叉开

If one road, path, or route diverges from another, they lead in different directions after starting from the same place. You can also say that roads, paths, or routes diverge .


e.g. ...a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline...


e.g. Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.


diverge 单语例句

1. It will help them to diverge investment risks, enlarge their business scope as well as gain larger profits.

2. Bishops differ on whether Catholic lawmakers should refrain from receiving Communion if they diverge from central church beliefs.

3. Clinton stressed that the world's largest two economies were working together to expand the areas where both cooperate and narrow the areas where both diverge.

4. " We cannot diverge from this direction, " the premier said.

5. This year's meetings have demonstrated that the two countries could promote cooperation on what they agree and limit tension on what they diverge.

6. So the paths to gay rights taken in Western countries probably diverge from those that will be available here.

diverge 英英释义


1. move or draw apart

e.g. The two paths diverge here

2. be at variance with

be out of line with

Synonym: deviatevarydepart

3. extend in a different direction

e.g. The lines start to diverge here

Their interests diverged

4. have no limits as a mathematical series