

hyperbole:[英 [haɪˈpɜ:bəli] 美 [haɪˈpɜ:rbəli] ]



hyperbole 基本解释


hyperbole 网络解释

1. 夸张法:夸张法(Hyperbole)是指为了达到强调或滑稽效果,而有意识的使用言过其实的词语,这样的一种修辞手段. 夸张法并不等于有失真实或不要事实,而是通过夸张把事物的本质更好地体现出来. 夸张法既用在日常会话中,也用在文学作品中.


2. 伊皮博:高价成衣:未来时装(Courreges)较低价成衣:伊皮博(Hyperbole)克里斯汀.迪奥(Christian Dior)创始人、①设计师:克里斯汀.迪奥(1946-1957)1905年出生于法国诺曼底.

3. 双曲线:椭圆 ellipse | 双曲线 hyperbole | 抛物线 parabole

hyperbole 双语例句

1. Fortunately, although bucktooth pout arrives such hyperbole, you still let a person cannot bear will describe with malformation.


2. The author makes no apologies for his hyperbole and claims that his book is unerringly factual.


3. It was delivered with the sort of attention-grabbing hyperbole that any tweeter would be proud of: It`s a real crisis now.



4. By this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love.


5. hyperbole在线翻译

5. That the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love.


6. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to discuss the hyperbole of Taiwanese Min-Nan proverb.


7. In the third line, Blake used hyperbole, antitheses and metaphor.


8. Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole.


9. hyperbole

9. Chair compere of men and women of purpose of section of this kind of advertisement, expressional hyperbole, shout oneself hoarse, the good point that describes some product repeatedly and sell a site, say bazaar sells thousands of yuan, they just sell hundreds of yuan, hit into the phone to buy the overflow great gift that still can get expect is less than to wrap inside formulary time; Free deliver goods, 7 days in termless return money.


10. hyperbole

10. It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.

Hyperbole 与汉语的夸张完全相同,都是为了表达深刻的感受,抒发强烈的感情,通过故意夸大事实来给人留下深刻的印象。


11. The two-door, in olive green with a black vinyl roof, was my car during high school, and it`s not hyperbole to say that I grew up in it.


12. hyperbole的近义词

12. The animated cartoon is the portrait of moving images and deformable art of hyperbole, which includes rich content and various means.


13. But every thing I did will be always out of the place, even hyperbole.


14. It requires, to be sure, a degree of hyperbole to wonder this. Academics like me, who eke out their sustenance by writing and teaching the stuff, still browse in the journals; it's mainly the laity that seems to have lost interest.



15. The third chapter draws attention to two figures of speech: hyperbole and litotes.


16. Many examples are cited in this chapter todemonstrate the great similarities found in the comparison in hyperbole and litotes.


17. This essay illustrates the artistic expressive effects of aesthetic rhetoric by analyzing the usage of some kinds of figures of speech, such as: Simile、Metaphor、Personification、Hyperbole、Litotes and Antithesis.


18. hyperbole是什么意思

18. This dissertation takes the words in the 2002 Enlarged Edition of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary as the language data bank, analyses the lexical entries included in this dictionary one by one and classifies them as figurative words, metonymy words, hyperbole words, caique words, euphemism words, contrast words, respect and depreciatory expression according to the rhetoric methods they adopted when they are created, the author tries to reveal some basis of creation of their generation through the analysis of these rhetoric words.


19. Hyperbole here serves to underscore the urgency of radical action to remove the source of a temptation.


20. Tolstoi, on the other hand, while failing to recognize Jesus'use of such techniques as hyperbole, found here maxims the serious person must literally observe.

tolstoi ,在另一方面,虽然还没有认识到耶稣的使用这种技巧的夸张,在这里找到格言严重的人必须从字面上遵守的。

hyperbole 词典解释

1. 夸张(法)

If someone uses hyperbole, they say or write things that make something sound much more impressive than it really is.

e.g. ...the hyperbole that portrays him as one of the greatest visionaries in the world.


hyperbole 单语例句hyperbole的意思

1. The boutique's slogan - " Shanghai's sexiest menswear store " - isn't marketing hyperbole.

2. But skeptics consider that hyperbole, saying there are still too many questions.

3. " Media hyperbole will not help " speed resolution of the case.

hyperbole 英英释义


1. extravagant exaggeration

Synonym: exaggeration