

singular:[英 [ˈsɪŋgjələ(r)] 美 [ˈsɪŋɡjəlɚ] ]


singular 基本解释

形容词奇特的; 非凡的; 单数的; 突出的



singular 同义词



singular 反义词


singular 相关例句


1. I had a singular experience in Africa.


2. She was a lady of singular beauty.


singular 网络解释

1. singular的解释

1. 奇异:本文首先以运动学的理论导出机械臂各关节间的几何误差与手端定位精度的关系,并分析各种机械臂产生奇异(singular)或非奇异矩阵的状况. 利用机械臂在几个所选择的特定点其手端位置与方向理论值与实际值误差,以一套能兼解方阵或非方阵,

2. singular

2. 单一:一个索引双向迭代器(Indexed Bidirectional Iterator) 可以有一个单一(singular) 值,意味着大多数运算的结果,包括相等比较,是未定义的(undefined). 所保证的唯一的操作是将一个非单一(nonsingular)赋值给一个单一迭代器(singular).

3. 单一的,奇异的,单数的:Single way suction 单向吸入 | Singular 单一的,奇异的,单数的 | Sintered metallic filter 金属陶瓷过滤器

singular 双语例句

1. The approximation at non-trim point is improved, and the calculation problem of singular matrix is avoided which usually occur in conventional controller design.


2. When an indefinite pronouns is the subject, it always takes a singular verb, even when it refers to more than one


3. Indefinite pronouns, even though they are always followed by a singular verb.


4. singular的反义词

4. The formation of university professors implies much more than knowledge of the discipline, it also requires a necessary pedagogical and practical knowledge to be able to take part in a singular, complex and uncertain reality.


5. In these and many other such accounts, there is a singular theme: Matsushita management is tough


6. singular

6. In these and many other such accounts, there is a singular theme: Matsushita management is tough- minded


7. singular的翻译

7. The modified axisymmetric boundary integral method has following characteristics: the mixed linear-quadratic element to discretize the boundary integral equation, the elaborate treatment of singular integrals, the second-order explicit midpoint formula for the time integration, the nodal redistribution enhanced by the ENO algorithm, and avoiding the artificial smoothing.


8. singular是什么意思

8. In this paper, We use the singular perturbation theory and method to study the two types of singular perturbation problems with fractional derivative.


9. For instance, we obtained the existence and uniqueness theorem and several judgement theorems on stability and instability for several types of nonlinear singular systems. Using Z-transformation, we estabilished the response formula of discrete singular systems with delay, and obtained the sufficient and necessary condition of rearchability.


10. singular的解释

10. Several types of singular systems are discussed in the thesis: nonlinear timevarying singular systems, affine nonlinear time-invariant singular systems, linear time-varying singular systems.


11. The input-output block decouping problem for a class of nonlinear singular systems is discussed and a new algorithm is proposed, by which the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem are derived.


12. And to all those watching tonight fro m beyond our shores, from parliaments an d palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our wor ld - our stories are singular, but our destin y is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.


13. A non-confirming finite element eigenanalysis methodbased on displacement is developedin this paper to study the singular displacement and stress fields surrounding the tips of prismatic anisotropic bimaterial wedge s.


14. singular

14. The door opened, a singular and violent group made its appearance on the threshold


15. On this eventful day, moreover, there was a certain singular inquietude and excitement in her mood, resembling nothing so much as the shimmer of a diamond, that sparkles and flashes with the varied throbbings of the breast on which it is displayed.


16. With a friend co-operation of all sectors of the community, create magnificent cause of building the future, for your singular standard of excellence make new contributions.


17. It is found that the elastoplastic singular stress field can be described with two extended Dunders parameters α, β which are mainly related to the hardening coefficients.


18. This holy synod, moreover, declares and decrees that all and singular prohibitions and all processes, sentences, constitu- tions, censures and any other things whatsoever that were issued by him and might impede the aforesaid, are without effect; and it invalidates, revokes and annuls them; saving always the other penalties which the law decrees for the above cases.

这个神圣的主教,而且,宣布和法令,即所有与奇异的禁令和所有过程,句子,constitu筹措,责难和任何其他东西的事都是他发出的,并可能阻碍基于上述理由,是没有效力的;而且无效,撤销和annuls ;储蓄始终是其他刑罚,其中法律法规,为达到上述案件。

19. But is not by less, is because of his heavy black makeup, rebel hair, piercings, tattoos and singular black clothing.


20. singular的翻译

20. The fact that the pink plants were predominant among the population of RP1 cross progeny hints that the pink had the strong descendiblity, Whereas another fact that the plants with the color of another parent were predominant among the population of R01 cross progeny indicates that the nacarat/saffron plant had the low descendiblity. The above results suggest that it is better to choose the pink plants with the target color flower of breeding as a parents when arranging the cross combination. Many novel flowers with singular value of view and admire can be bred by the different cross combination since the wide segregation chromatogram is not confined to the parents'.


singular 词典解释

1. 单数的;单数形式的

The singular form of a word is the form that is used when referring to one person or thing.


e.g. ...the fifteen case endings of the singular form of the Finnish noun...

芬兰语的名词单数形式的 15 种格尾

e.g. The word 'you' can be singular or plural.

单词 you 可以是单数也可以是复数。

2. (名词的)单数,单数形式

The singular of a noun is the form of it that is used to refer to one person or thing.

e.g. The singular of Inuit is Inuk.

Inuit (依努依特人)的单数形式是 Inuk。

3. 非凡的;突出的;显著的

Singular means very great and remarkable.


e.g. ...a smile of singular sweetness...


e.g. Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena, although with singular lack of success.



It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake.


...a former sales executive singularly unsuited for the job.


4. 异常的;奇特的;奇怪的

If you describe someone or something as singular, you mean that they are strange or unusual.

e.g. Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character...


e.g. Where he got that singular notion I just can't think.



...his abrupt, turbulent style and the singularity of his appearance.

他唐突、躁动的个性和怪异的外表singular 单语例句

1. The man has a singular talent for coaxing stunts out of ravishing damsels.

2. Her utopian urge to share the spotlight sits a bit uneasily against the very singular nature of her stardom.

3. Combined in this solo exhibition at UCCA, they form a singular and evocative witness to history.

4. Teams from 32 qualifying nations will kick it in a dozen German cities for the singular honor of hoisting a cup.

5. The result is singular, unmistakable and fascinating products across all vehicle segments.

6. As Friedman's landmark television series " Free to Choose " was being broadcast in 1980, the world economy stood in the throes of a singular transformation.

7. Apple's goal has never been to amass market share, but rather to attract customers one by one through the singular appeal of its products.

8. For those who can bear it, " Imprint " proves a singular experience.

9. When the date is written numerically, the singular digits are said to represent single people.

10. As well as its singular scenery, the archipelago is also renowned as an excellent place for fishing.