

interplay:[英 [ˈɪntəpleɪ] 美 [ˈɪntərpleɪ] ]


interplay 基本解释



interplay 网络解释

1. interplay的翻译

1. 相互作用:另外,目前一般认为,1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病不仅可以共同存在而且可以相互作用(interplay),比如2型糖尿病时高血糖造成的应激状态(stress)不仅使胰岛B细胞代谢上调,合成和分泌胰岛素量增多,而且可能使胰岛B细胞表达的自身抗原增多,

2. 相互作用,内部播放:Interval 音高差别 | Interplay 相互作用,内部播放 | Interval shifter 音歇移相器

interplay 双语例句


1. As a result of discourse itself and interplay of factors beyond discourse, the discourse structure and style difference between languages make troubles in the choice of translating tactics and use of translating skill.


2. You can know only that much of the play and interplay of force and matter as impinges in one way or another on our senses.


3. interplay的翻译

3. The technical term for this type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which refers to the interplay of both the male androgenic hormones and a genetic predisposition in bringing about this condition.


4. In fact, criminal acts are a result of the interplay between individual propensity to crime and a given situation.


5. Is fascicular: The link of 10 thousand thousands of websites that exist on the net is used to discover a site the structure between the network, alexa analysis is linked in interplay between them.


6. This interplay is central to mitochondrial biogenesis.



7. Ed Arnett, a conservation scientist with Bat Conservation International, based in Austin, Texas, agrees with Brack that the study is significant but feels that in order to save bats'lives, more focus needs to be placed on understanding the interplay between wind farms and migration paths.


8. The relationship and interplay between probability theory and analysis is remarkable, for example, the connection...


9. The endlessly vast material universe was characterized as the product of the incessant interplay and interpenetration of energies and matters in the unimaginably infinite realms of space.


10. In chapter 3, the origin of the complex magnetoresistance in La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3/SNTO p-n junction was studied by combining the complicated band structure of La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3 with charge injection characteristics in p-n junction. Due to the subtle interplay among the Hunds coupling, JT effect and crystal field of La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3, the filling of the electrons from SNTO in the different subbands of LCMO at the LCMO-SNTO interface plays a key ingredient in understanding the remarkable MR variations for the heterojunction.

第三章结合La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3中与自旋有关的复杂能带结构以及p-n结中存在的电子注入的特点,详细地分析了La_(1-x)Ca_xMnO_3/SNTO p-n结中复杂磁电阻的起源,即由于锰氧化物中晶场劈裂能、自旋劈裂能、Jahn-Teller能等能量之间微妙的相互竞争,SNTO中的电子在外电场的作用下有选择的被注入到LCMO复杂的与自旋相关的有关能带中,那些被填充到e_g~(1↑)和e_g~(2↑)带的多数自旋载流子将导致负磁电阻;被填充到t_(2g)~↓带的少数自旋载流子将导致正磁电阻。

11. Transition-metal oxides exhibit a variety of physical properties determined by the electronic structure of valence electrons. The electron attributes: charge, spin, and lattice structure strongly couple with orbital symmetry of the valence electrons. The strong interplay among these attributes gives rise to fascinating phenomena, such as high-temperature superconductivity, metal-insulator transition, and colossal magnetoresistance.


12. interplay是什么意思

12. Much of the spectacle derives from the interplay of the steel lattice and the concrete shell underneath.


13. As far as the currency market reaction is concerned, traders will scrutinize the interplay between the headline and core rates.


14. The SalesCenter taken as a platonic solid in space exudes its pure form in a given perspective. From it, the SalesCenter is designed with its form or interplay of a body or a volume in space.


15. interplay的解释

15. PDGF and TGF-β, which interplay with pulmonary mesenchymal cells, are involved in fibroplasia and deposition of extracellular matrix as well as angiogenesis and epithelial cell repopularization.



16. This research is with the view of prosperous circulation, observed the influence factor`s seasonality, periodicity and relative of bulk Carrier Shipping industry, it has a four major ships type to bulk Carrier Shipping industry (Capesize, Panamax, Handymax, handysize). The target of ships type selected Capesize to study. These risks substantially affect the interplay between revenue and cost which emanate from fluctuations in average spot earnings, bunker price, interest rate, foreign exchange rate, newbuild ship price and second hand ship price.


17. Then by case study of dynamic interplay of semiconductor technology innovation diffusion and rival structure in semiconductor industry in developed countries based on the theoretical framework above-mentioned, this paper concludes that there exists structural factors for Low Priority mode of technology diffusion, i.


18. He gave up sharp delineation and glaring colour contrasts for a softened spectrum based on a delicate interplay of tones.


19. He gave up sharp delineation and glaring colour contrasts for a s of tened spectrum based on a delicate interplay of tones.


20. He gave up sharp delineation and glaring colour contrasts for a soften ed spectrum based on a delicate interplay of tones.


interplay 词典解释

1. 相互作用;相互影响

The interplay between two or more things or people is the way that they have an effect on each another or react to each other.


e.g. ...the personal interplay between great entertainers and a live public.


e.g. ...the interplay of political, economic, social and cultural factors.


interplay 单语例句

1. You says that her designs were inspired by the interplay of blue and white hues on traditional Chinese porcelain.

2. In others, the garden's appeal lies more in its interplay with the cityscape.

3. The interplay of the colors in the laser theater creating adorable elves will dazzle you and leave you craving for more.

4. Audiences can also enjoy the interesting interplay between guitar and erhu and guzheng, another two traditional Chinese musical instruments.

5. Lending rates in Wenzhou are widely regarded as indicative of the availability of funding nationwide and the interplay between the demand and supply sides.

6. Lending rates in Wenzhou are widely regarded as indicative of the availability of funding nationwide and the interplay between demand and supply.

7. One factor spurring interest is the intriguing interplay between cancer and diabetes.

8. But it hangs over any interplay between Iran and the United States.

9. An equally lethal interplay between the bursting of housing and credit bubbles is now at work in the US.

10. This ancient style has been getting a lot of attention in recent years for its rich interplay of light and color.

interplayinterplay 英英释义


1. reciprocal action and reaction