

facade:[英 [fəˈsɑ:d] 美 [fəˈsɑːd] ]



facade 基本解释

名词外表; 建筑物的正面; 虚伪,假象

facade 相关例句


1. Her honesty was all a facade.


2. That is the facade of the Palace.


facade 网络解释

1. 正面:解决的办法是采用正面(Facade)型式的一种变形,正面(Facade)是指一个的对象或者组件,它被引入到客户和一个的复杂的子系统之间. 那个正面只展示客户要求的服务以及有联系的全面服务,那样没成绩帮助粗选的相应服务(不那样细选).

2. 外观模式:第九章 一目了然:外观模式(Facade) 第十章 改头换面:适配器模式(Adapter) 第十一章 越俎代庖:代理模式(Proxy) 第十二章 真人不露相:装饰 ...

3. 外观:在网上看到的一篇关于设计模式的一个比较好玩的解读 很早以前有用三国来解读设计模式的 还有用西游记来解读设计模式的 今天这个解读,有点不一样,好玩. 工厂模式, 工厂方法模式,单例模式, 外观(Facade)模式, 观察者(Observer)模式,桥接(Bridge)模式都是比较常用的,不同的项目有不同的设计方向,可以参...

facade 双语例句

1. Over the past four years the company has set up the following projects: Rizhao City Construction Committee Building elevator between Mentao stone materials for decoration, the national flag for Taiwan and the stone facade and construction; Rizhao City Mentao the Inland Revenue Department building elevator doors decorated stone for construction materials and, within Dry-hanging stone wall for materials and construction, the East China Sea Hotel for materials; Gloria Plaza Hotel before the floor, stone ornaments for materials; sunshine-million for materials and construction of the hotel; part of the Shandong Water Conservancy Institute for materials and installation; sunshine Commissioner of South East along the external walls of floor dry hanging Stone materials and for installation in Chinese medicine hospitals, the East and the transformation of the old city hospital and other projects for materials and installation; sunshine Belvedere Garden staircase still for materials and installation works.


2. The results show that the external respiration double skin facade has a superior energy efficiency pot...


3. Compares the heating and cooling energy consumption of buildings applying external respiration double skin facade with that of buildings applying four single glazing curtain walls.


4. The courtyard facade towards the south has large windows to make full use of solar heat.


5. Facade of Library of Celsus Built in 114 AD, Ephesus, Izmir, Turkey


6. facade

6. If you strip away that facade of wealth, you may find self-loathing.


7. If you strip away the veneer of happy domesticity, you may find grief. if you strip away that facade of wealth, you may find selfl-loathing. if you strip away the veil of helplessness, you may find cruelty.


8. facade的翻译

8. The Vierendeel type of brace d bents has the advantage of being easily treated architecturally and can be used on the outside walls as part of the building facade.


9. The Vierendeel type of braced bents has the advantage of being easily treated architecturally and can be used on the outside walls as part of the building facade.


10. The professor is nothing more than a slightly eccentric gentleman -- or so it seems -- for behind his facade, lurks the head of a criminal gang intent on robbing a Mississippi casino.


11. At Prague`s Old Town Square, the gothic steepled towers and stern facade of Tyn Church rise up behind the square`s many baroque buildings.


12. The construction of the thrid piece, reinforces the idea of the other two: the new vertical communications core section shapes the north-west facade of the court yard.


13. facade

13. Retaining the location of a pre-existing Victorian garden on a terraced site approximately 60x130 feet that was slightly uphill from the original nineteenth-century farmhouse, Shipman redesigned the garden to complement the new late-Georgian facade and brick terrace with which the Currys had updated the house.


14. facade

14. The facade of the building will become a projection surface for the mutual perceptions of Germany and China during the Creative Week.


15. The enterprise also is to think enterprise website is a decoration nevertheless more, it doesn't matter is practical good, although did enterprise website, also not be for dress the facade of a shop too, think others has him to also want to have, after building very few or never update content, should not say to undertake popularizing more, the result is there is few visitors necessarily.


16. Because nonexistent shop is decorated, nonexistent lease the facade of a shop, but the exterior of the website is very important also, a lot of do the talented person of pattern plate technically for the website now, expenses is not large, but the website that can let oneself looks brand-new, not only him find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, as the client, what I want to also like very beautiful website to change is beautiful, more absorbing.


17. B. Handle simple insertion merely in view of above reason UserGroupService and UserService, handle simple relation, offer to offer the conversational the facade of a shop that calls remotely next, userGroupService and UserService are included in appearance, handle a relation next, OK and very good the situation that in solving A, encounters, but the method in there are a lot of methods to just call Dao simply in can discovering Service, there also are a lot of methods in face of additional external door is the simple method in calling Service only, feel processing at odds.



18. Return old home red after installing, the facade of a shop of 30 square metre was leased in food market downtown, preparation makes sale capital bake steamed bread, he chose a great red-letter day to leave piece, but do not resemble Beijing in that way sell like hot cakes, different sales volume also has situation very big difference, the first day sold more than 200 only, the following day, the 3rd day even little.


19. The brown concrete exterior was painted white as was the by-now greenish copper facade.


20. facade的反义词

20. Like a cat I slumber, blissfully unencumbered, Through eighty per cent of my allotted span, Occasionally awoken, when dissent is spoken, And I invent another cunning five year plan, Lately it was pensions, that were being mentioned, So I borrowed from the French and Robespierre, Scrap all that went before, saved by tooth and claw, And let my all equal Citizens appear, Currently it is time, for me to be in my prime, For there is another election looming, I have to appear sincere, for part of this coming year, And assure everyone that everything is booming, Never mind strict quotas, Ive imported multitudes of voters, And told them which party let them stay, Though Ive rigged the postal vote, and defamed everyone of note, You never know what might happen on the day. So to be on the safe side, I swallow all my pride, And allow my people to hear my hallowed voice, And roll out the charade, put on the facade, And even make believe they have a choice, Next time around the crown, will be trampled underground, House of Lords and Lord Chancellor history, With the other Chancellor gone, I alone will soldier on, Yes, then there will only ever be me, Ill hold elections for you, as all dictators do, And fill positions with those that grease my palm, As for civil unrest, there is always house arrest, Or secret imprisonment for those that mean me harm.


facade 词典解释

1. (尤指大型建筑物的)正面,临街的一面

The facade of a building, especially a large one, is its front wall or the wall that faces the street.

2. (虚假的)外观,外表;假象

A facade is an outward appearance which is deliberately false and gives you a wrong impression about someone or something.


e.g. They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.


facade 单语例句

1. While city guidelines state that the facade of Bund buildings may not be altered, surely the glass could have been replaced or given an industrial cleaning treatment.

2. Welcome to the age of excessive marketing, when facade is more relevant than substance and foreplay accounts for more than consummation.

3. The facade and roof glazing consists of " Asi Thru " photovoltaic modules on top of 383 sq m of surface area convert sunlight into electricity.

4. The facade at a flooring store collapsed, as did the roof of a storage shed at a car dealership.

5. On the other is a hotel facade dressed up for " Indiana Jones " festivities to look something like a plastic temple of doom.

6. Management has put on a collective facade of endurance, replacing its erstwhile flamboyance and euphoria.

7. But this is hardly the first time that yoga's enlightened facade has been cracked by sexual scandal.

8. Don't be fooled by the tranquil facade of the Taihu Lake district.

9. A rose bush adorns the facade along with a neat stack of firewood and a row of garden gnomes.

10. Roman House will be refurbished to reflect the modernist heritage of the current building while retaining its stately Portland stone facade.

facadefacade 英英释义


1. the face or front of a building

Synonym: frontagefrontal

2. a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant

Synonym: window dressing