

preface:[英 [ˈprefəs] 美 [ˈprefəs] ]


过去式:prefaced;   现在分词:prefacing;   复数形式:prefaces;

preface 基本解释

名词序言,引语; 开端,前奏; [宗](弥撒的)序诵,序祷

不及物动词&及物动词作序; 作为…的序言,作为…的开端; 给…作序; 开始,导致

preface 相关例句


1. preface的近义词

1. She prefaced her remarks by an apology.


2. He prefaced his speech with an amusing story.


3. Each chapter is prefaced by a short introduction.



1. The book has a preface written by the author.


2. Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.


preface 网络解释

1. 序言:一般而言,更新版次较多的书(例如第九版、第十版等),通常都只印上最新版的序言[仍称为(Preface)],而不保留过去旧版的那些序言. n次的改版. 如果每次改版都要保留旧版的序言,那序言将占去相当大的篇幅. 不保留原序的新序,

2. 序:数组的实体由 web 服务器创...序(preface) 这份手册是 1.0 版阿帕奇服务器(apache http server)的文件. 这个 服务器是阿帕奇计划的产品,此计划试图回应某些对积极发展一套可以 免费取得之 http 服务器的关心. 这个计划的目标是提供一个安全的, 有效率的而...

3. 緒 論:促癌因子的作用是可逆的,如果去除,引起扩增的克隆就会消失;演进--是指肿瘤在生长过程中中医理论体系的形成和发展绪论(Preface)二,中医理论体系的形成和发展 中医学理论体系的形成和发展经历了一个非常漫长的过程,

preface 双语例句

1. The thesis has four section aggregately but the preface and epilogue.


2. preface的翻译

2. This paper, which consists of six parts, makes a basic theoretical study of time adverb in modern Chinese. In preface this paper first points out the importance of the study of time adverb in modern Chinese, it also provides an overview of the status quo and problems in current study.


3. Wordworth in his preface contended, and most ably contended, for a reformation in our poetic diction, as he has envinced the truth of passion, and the dramatic propriety of those figures and metaphors in the original poets, which, stript of their justifying reasons and converted into mere artifices of connection or ornament, constitute the characteristics falsity in the poetic style of the moderns; and as far as ha has, with equal acuteness and clearness, pointed out the process by which this change was effected and the resemblances between that state into which the reader`s mind is thrown by the pleasurable confusion of thought from an unaccustomed train of words and images and that state which is induced by the natural language of impassioned feeling, he undertook a useful task and deserves all praise, both for the attempt and for the execution.


4. In first two parts, We descripted the content of explanations of words in ancient books about Chucizhangju and Chucibuzhu comprehensively, including the annotation style, releases the words, releases the sentence, the preface, the explanations of words in ancient books terminology.



5. This dissertation is composed of two parts which are divided into eight chapters, with preface at the beginning and appendix at the end.


6. In the preface, an introduction is made of the current situation of researches on Most-Favored-Nation treatment to China and significance of this paper.


7. preface在线翻译

7. The preface introduces the cause and the meaning of choosing this question, and the basic concepts. Chapter 1 describes the history of Canada, and makes analysis of the ethnic policy.


8. As the preface to the opera says, For the unknown reason, people fall in love with others so deeply that the health may die while the dead may turn to live.



9. In the Chinese herbal medicine adjust the operation work preface of, request dispensation personnel since want systematic theories knowledge, again have to have tradition of craft technique.


10. The thesis is divided into five sections. First, this section is the preface, including background and review of literature.


11. The Birth of Tragedy Attempt at a Self-Criticism(1886) Preface to Richard Wagner(1871) To keep at a distance all the possible scruples, excitements, and misunderstandings that the thoughts united in this essay will occasion, in view of the peculiar character of our aesthetic public, and to be able to write these introductory remarks, too, with the same contemplative delight whose reflection--the distillation of good and elevating hours--is evident on every page, I picture the moment when you, my highly respected friend, will receive this essay. Perhaps after an evening walk in the winter snow, you will behold Prometheus unbound on the title page, read my name, and be convinced at once that, whatever this essay should contain, the author certainly has something serious and urgent to say; also that, as he hatched these ideas, he was communicating with you as if you were present, and hence could write down only what was in keeping with that presence.



12. In accordance with theperiodic nature of the cultural change of the area, in view ofthe relations between the culture and the ecological conditions, as well as the diffusion and deposit of culture, the presentessay is composed of a preface, five chapters and a concludingpart, of which the main points are as follows


13. The second chapter will study the preface of book during the Qin and Han days.


14. As an important type, the prefaces of book strengthen the position of preface in the realm of learning and culture.


15. For each 印张, and not enough of a 印张印张, poststack must be at the 印张 on the first page of your order number, the title of a page number, and so on, if the number has encountered a table of contents, preface, schf, advertising in the references, the preamble, the layout of a page number exactly where a good shangbiao clearly, so as to avoid making-leaks, errors, and so on.


16. For each 印张, and not enough of a 印张印张, poststack must be at the 印张 on the first page of your order number, the title of a page number, and so on, if the number has encountered a table of contents, preface, schf, advertising, Editor's note, the preamble, the layout of a page number exactly where a good shangbiao clearly, so as to avoid making-leaks, errors, and so on.


17. During the Preface of the hymn, the deacon presents the thurible to the celebrant who blesses incense.


18. The Part One, including the Preface and Chapter One, is the theoretical researchof the thesis.


19. PREFACE With the rapid development of the electric power projects and electrization of industrial corporations, more and more transformers have been used.

序言 随着电能的大规模应用,电力行业迅速发展和发电公司越来越多,变压器的使用也越来越广泛。

20. However, only the Rantei preface was not available.


preface 词典解释

1. (书的)序言,前言,绪论

A preface is an introduction at the beginning of a book, which explains what the book is about or why it was written.


2. 以…为开端;以…作为开场白

If you preface an action or speech with something else, you do or say this other thing first.

e.g. I will preface what I am going to say with a few lines from Shakespeare...


e.g. The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along.


preface 单语例句

1. The preface called for four central reforms, including the creation of a chief operating officer at the United Nations.

2. The preface emphasizes that the formulation of the socialist system of laws provides the legal basis for all walks of life.

3. In the preface, he describes the last time he saw her.

4. The move is seen as a preface to larger changes at the management level expected to happen by the end of this year.

5. The magazine's online edition added a preface about the date change to the " Harry Potter " story.

6. The scholar Yi Zhongtian says in his preface to the book, " students are only the screws or gears produced for different purposes ".

7. " Neither the Security Council nor the Secretariat leadership was clearly in command, " the preface to the report said.

8. At the front of the preface hall is a sculpture titled " Safeguarding our Country ".

9. " Lots of them directly or indirectly conduct charity works, " the preface says.

10. As Liu writes in the preface, the book conveys his new ideas about family education.

preface 英英释义


1. a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book

Synonym: forewordprolusion



1. furnish with a preface or introduction

e.g. She always precedes her lectures with a joke

He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

Synonym: precedepremiseintroduce