

ewe:[英 [ju:] 美 [ju] ]



ewe 基本解释


ewe 反义词



ewe 网络解释

1. 埃维人:而阿散蒂人和埃维人(Ewe)编织肯特布的历史也已经有上千年了. 阿丁克拉蜡染布料同样也与阿散蒂人有着深厚的关系,对于60多种不同的阿丁克拉符号,阿散蒂人都给予了它们不同的语言称呼. 人们主要在葬礼和其它一些重要的场合上穿着阿丁克拉蜡染布.

2. 羊:拉尔夫指着羊、高架铁路和日本弓箭手说:英语中,字母U和母羊(ewe)一 词发音完全一致;高架铁路在口语中就写作el;而这位日本弓箭手可能指日本武士, 但我不这么看,他是日本佛教禅宗(Zen)的弓箭手.

3. 雌绵羊:ram 雄绵羊 | ewe 雌绵羊 | lamb 年幼的绵羊

4. ewe:emulsion with embeddeddeveloper; 内显型乳剂

ewe 双语例句

1. Live in union, you will be saved because it is the isolated thing ewe take the big cats.


2. Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her.


3. It is made from mare`s, cow`s or ewe`s milk.


4. And yet you take away the one little ewe lamb of pleasure that I have in this dull of life of mine.


5. It is probably quite unpleasant for the ewe, too.


6. ewe

6. Tests show that she is identical to the ewe whose single cell created her.


7. Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it we are all we got in this world when it spins, when it swirls, when it whirls, when it toirls two little beautiful girls looking puzzled, in adaze i know it's confusing you daddy's always on the move, mamma's always on the news i try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems the harder theat i try to do that, the more it backfires on me akk tge tgubgs growing up as daddy that he had to see daddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he we did not plan it to be this way, your motherand me but things have got so bad between us i don't see us ever being together ever again like we used to be when we was teenagers but then of course everything always happens for a reason i guess it was never meant to be but it's just something ewe have no control over that's destiny is but no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be 2 pour out some liquor and i reminsce, cause through the drame ican always depend on my mama mama...

是啊,但是他爱你的女孩,你最好知道它我们都是我们在这个世界上当它旋转,当它漩涡旋转时,它的时候,它toirls吗两个小美女看,在adaze困惑我知道你很困惑爸爸总是四处奔波,妈妈总是对这个消息我试图让你避开它,但不知怎的它看起来的那样我越努力,也对试图做得越多,以至于适得其反 tge是tgubgs成长为爸爸说他要去看的爸爸不想让你看到,你看就像他一样我们没有计划,这是这样的话,你的母亲和我但一切都变得如此糟糕我看不出我们曾在一起了就像我们以前是当我们是青少年不过当然一切永远都有其理由我猜它本来就不该是但这只是些母羊的无法控制的命运但是没有更多的担忧,把你的头,去睡觉吧也许有一天我们会醒来,这将只会 2 倒些酒,我reminsce drame,造成的我总是依赖我的妈妈妈妈……你是我……当我似乎很绝望你说的话,可以给我回的焦点我生病的时候作为一个小孩吗让我开心的是那些你所做的事和我所有的童年的记忆全是所有的甜蜜的事情你为我所做的事吗生活中没有你……尽管我iact craaazy igotta感谢上帝,你让我没有言语能够表达自己的感受你从不保密的,总是呆在真实的我很欣赏你提出,我和所有的额外的爱情,你给了我我希望我能以痛苦如果你能使他在黑夜中有一个美好的日子一切都会好的。

8. The change of temperature of ewes is active; the timing between ewe and fetus is excellent. Cooling of maternal bypass makes the decrease of fetal heart rate markedly, and fetal heart rate recovers to basal value following the rewarming phase. There were no marked effect of CPB on fetal mean BPs, however CPB impacted on blood flow of fetal brain and umbilical artery.


9. The results of experiments have shown that the blood pH of the pregnant ewe and fetus during 115 days of gestat...


10. Four sheep lines, HU-Yang, Chinese M erino monotocous, Chinese Merino multiparous for wool production and Chinese Merino multiparous for mutton production, were used in this study. Litter sizes were recorded for each ewe in the four lines. Primers for BMP15 and BMPR-IB gene were designed from database sheep sequence and polymorphisms were detected by PCR-RFLP method.


11. ewe的翻译

11. Pokka labor interests Feeding ewes and ewe milk postpartum sufficient postpartum estrus normal and the distribution rate is low.


12. To promote the success rate of frozen embryo transfer of Dorper sheep, 997 of recipients ewe were induced estrus synchronization by the external hormones and the average of estrus synchronization ratio for total recipients were 78.4%. The ESR of Hu sheep(84.6%) was higher than that of Han sheep(73.9%), and the ESR of Hu sheep and Han sheep in autumn(83.3%) was higher than that in spring(75.8%).


13. Category: D Type: Semisoft Milk: Sheep Origin: France Natural rind cheese made from blend of raw cow and ewe milk in traditional Pyrénées style. Rich and dense, fruity and slightly acid.

类别:D 类型:半软奶:绵羊奶原产地:法国自然形成外壳的奶酪,用生牛奶和母羊奶用传统比利牛斯风格混合生产;口感丰富、紧致,有水果味,微酸。

14. Faults--Neck too short or too thick; a ewe neck; a goose neck; a neck lacking in substance.


15. But the poor man had nothing at all except one little ewe lamb that he had bought.


16. Zounds, sir, you're robb'd; for shame, put on your gown; Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is topping your white ewe.


17. Iago.'Zounds, sir, you're robb'd; for shame, put on your gown; Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is topping your white ewe.


18. After the 13th day postpartum, the collagen sections reduced its number and its fibers were in a relatively regular arrangement. By the day 25 postpartuna, collagen fiber bunch arranged in a crisscross way, cross striation was clear, and no collagen sections were seenPostpartum ewe; uterus; collagen fibers; ultrastructure

在整个产后期母羊一直给羔羊哺乳。1.2 试验器械及药品子宫内膜活检采样器,透射电镜(JEM 一1200EX),冲洗透射电镜像片的有关器械,超薄切片机,光学显微镜,搅拌机,恒温箱和常用的手术器械等;2.5%戊二醛固定液,0.1%PBS液(pH值7.2),1.0%锇酸,不同浓度的酒精(30%、50%、70%、80%、90%、100%),不同浓度的丙酮30%、50%、70%、80%、90。。。。。。

19. And all his brethren came to him, and all his sisters, and all that knew him before, and they ate bread with him in his house: and bemoaned him, and comforted him upon all the evil that God had brought upon him. And every man gave him one ewe, and one earring of fold.



20. A python sits on a road after swallowing a pregnant ewe in the village of Kampung Jabor, about 200 km (124 miles) east of Kuala Lumpur.


ewe 词典解释

1. 母羊;雌羊;牝羊

A ewe is an adult female sheep.


ewe 单语例句

1. DNA tests have revealed that Dolly is identical to the ewe who donated the udder cell and is unrelated to the surrogate mother.

2. They are being fed with ewe milk as their mother hasn't enough milk for them.

ewe 英英释义



1. female sheep