

poise:[英 [pɔɪz] 美 [pɔɪz] ]


过去式:poised;   过去分词:poised;   现在分词:poising;

poise 基本解释

名词姿态; 自信; 泰然自若; 体态

及物动词使平衡; 保持(某种姿势); 抓紧; 使稳定


poise 相关例句


1. He poised his head disdainfully.


2. The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam.




1. The troops poised for a final battle.



1. poise什么意思

1. She had perfect poise and never seemed embarrassed.


2. She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model.


poise 网络解释

1. poise

1. 平衡:i蜡烛 想象一个走钢丝的人摆了一个平衡(poise)的姿势(pose),头顶上顶了 ...... 大部分的精油都是用高压蒸馏的,所以在蒸馏并冷却后,可以得到两种成品:精油与花水. ... 花水的保存期限也可以用「更自然」的方式延长,

2. 姿势:由于编者水平有限,此教程如有疏漏,望广大舞者批评指正 基本要领 姿势(Poise) 男士:自然直立,双膝稍曲,腰部撑紧,肩膀自然放松. 胸部不 可拉紧,身体重量往前放在脚掌上,而双脚平放. 女士:基本上与男士姿势相同,除了女士在腰部以上,

3. 站姿:.nbsp;技巧是由许多要素的合成,而非上述那些,它是跟身体的每一部份有关,也就是:躯干、腿与脚它是有关于舞者在不同标准位置时身体必要的站姿(poise)与角度(Angle)的方式,例如:基本舞伴内侧位置,

poise 双语例句

1. 5And having got thus far in my thoughts, I paused, watching the swallows; for they seemed to me the symbol, in their swift, sure curveting, all daring and balance and surprise, of the delicate poise and motion of Art, that visits no two men alike, in a world where no two things of all the things there be, are quite the same.


2. poise

2. In fashion, there are somethings that can`t be bourgt off the rack. Poise, wit and charisma.



3. In fashion, there are somethings that can't be bourgt off the rack. Poise, wit and charisma.



4. If you make the effort, you will give evidence of poise in your physical bearing



5. She was a cool, leggy blonde who, despite her youth, carried herself with the poise and authority of someone used to solving difficult problems.


6. When stress is applied to a fluid that fluid will flow to a greater or lesser extent, depending upon the applied stress and the fluid's viscosity (defined as the resistance of a fluid to flow; the unit of viscosity is the poise, defined as the resistance in dynes presented by the liquid to a surface of area 1 square centimeter moving at 1 centimeter per second at a distance of 1 centimeter from another fixed surface, all submerged in the fluid).


7. I think a good boss should have poise.


8. It's a maze. so life is full of up and down. but we have poise and self......


9. I don't a person in stupid. also in life I have for at poise and self ---respect.


10. poise是什么意思

10. If you kiss her, then you do not have gentleman's poise but if you do not kiss her, Then you do not include men!


11. The more poise you have, the more likely you are to look natural and show your best smile.



12. From our brief glimpse of her at the memorial, Paris seems to have poise and maturity.


13. poise的近义词

13. A weight that acts to balance another; a counter poise or counterweight.


14. poise是什么意思

14. Keyboard: We use counter poise balancing leaded technique and choose special multilayer basswood laminated keyboard, dependable quality and it isn't easy to twist more sensitive rally.


15. poise的近义词

15. Their gesture of pulling the car, poise of bargaining, choosing near way of walking, which bring them back glory and infectious new generation.


16. When the wind howls and action is necessary, fear will arise, but safety requires poise and balance.


17. poise的意思

17. In all the years of negotiation with me he never lose his poise.


18. poise的近义词

18. She puts forward three advices based on legislation and ethics in order to poise the conflicts between informed consent and the defensive medicine principle.


19. poise在线翻译

19. The Curly's independence and poise should not beconfused with shyness or a lack of willingness to please.


20. The fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same.


poise 词典解释

1. 镇定;沉着;泰然自若

If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified, and self-controlled.

e.g. What amazed him even more than her appearance was her poise...


e.g. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.


2. (优雅的)姿势,姿态

Poise is a graceful, very controlled way of standing and moving.

e.g. Ballet classes are important for poise and grace...


e.g. Even when he moved he did so without poise.


poise 单语例句poise的解释

1. Mirren has already triumphed at Venice for her performance in The Queen, winning over audiences and Tony Blair with her poise and charisma.

2. All this was done with great decorum, with key people maintaining their dignity and poise even after the alcohol took hold.

3. A 911 recording released Wednesday attests to the children's poise, as they relayed messages between their mother and a dispatcher.

4. Whether in the limelight or out of it, she has poise and panache galore.

5. " Boobie is a guy with a lot of poise and a lot of heart, " Cavs coach Mike Brown said of Gibson during the trophy presentation.

6. Paper Republic's Abrahamsen appreciates Mo's poise between literary and analytic aspirations best.

7. Although Nelson has won hundreds of games for both of these franchises, he couldn't inspire his Warriors to exhibit the same poise shown by the Bucks.

8. " In those situations you have to play with poise, " Van Gundy said.

9. He also showed a poise well beyond his years by making winning plays at the end of numerous games last season.

10. I do wish Leung's team had more poise and tact in the way it runs Hong Kong.

poise在线翻译poise 英英释义


1. great coolness and composure under strain

e.g. keep your cool

Synonym: aplombassurednesscoolsang-froid

2. a cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter

the viscosity of a fluid in which a force of one dyne per square centimeter maintains a velocity of 1 centimeter per second

3. a state of being balanced in a stable equilibrium


1. hold or carry in equilibrium

Synonym: balance

2. cause to be balanced or suspended

3. prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult

Synonym: brace

4. be motionless, in suspension

e.g. The bird poised for a few moments before it attacked