

range:[英 [reɪndʒ] 美 [rendʒ] ]


过去式:ranged;   过去分词:ranged;   现在分词:ranging;   复数形式:ranges;

range 基本解释

名词范围; 射程; 类别; (山脉,房屋等的)排列

不及物动词搜索; 变化; 延伸; 漫游

及物动词排列; (按一定位置或顺序)排序; 把…分类; 徘徊


range 相关词组

1. in the range of : 在...范围之内;

2. in range with : 和...并列;

3. range oneself : 安定下来;

range 相关例句


1. The cards were ranged in alphabetical order.



1. The road ranges westward from the lake.



1. range的解释

1. The library has ranges of books in perfect order.


2. What is the range of this telescope?


range 情景对话

Apartment for Rent-(公寓招租)


A:This apartment has three rooms and a bath. Heres the kitchen.


B:It seems a little small to me.


A:Not really, for one person, and it has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator.There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.


B:What about closets?


A:Youll have two large ones in the badroom.One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.Then theres a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.


B:The living room looks sort of dark.


A:Were painting it a lighter color, and it gets the afternoon sun.


B:Well, thank you for showing me around.Ill let you know tonight if I decide to take it.I want to look around before I make up my mind.

谢谢你给我们看了房间。 如果我决定要,今天晚上我会告诉你。我想作出决定前再慎重考虑一下。

range 网络解释

1. range的解释

1. 值域:内核 支持的 键值(keycode) 范围单键 可编联(bind) 的 动作(action) 数:内核 支持的 动作码(action code) 值域(range):这个选项使 dumpkeys 只显示 组合键(compose key) 定义.它 只对 支持 组合键的 内核 有效.

2. 全距:[2] 假使回覆客户的制程能力指标是来自於短期 (Short Term) 的观察, 那标准差可使用移动全距 (Moving Range), 全距 (Range) 或是样本标准差 (Sigma) 管制图等方法来估计.

3. 极差:极差(Range) 极差(Range) 一个子组,样本或总体中最大与最小值之差. 合理子组(Rational Subgroup) 合理子组( Subgroup) 按下列方式组成的子组:给予最大机会使得每个子组中测量相同,

range 双语例句

1. Physicians should be especially wary of anticholinergics, a class of drugs that affect nerve cells used to treat a wide range of conditions.


2. range在线翻译

2. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.


3. Fortunately, there is a range of products available to treat the symptoms of hay fever.


4. range在线翻译

4. In a certain range, the grain protein content was enhanced with the increase of planting density for both cultivars.


5. We confirm the range of losing index of monetary policy and exchange rate by analysis.


6. This smaller range corresponds to the index numbers in an array.


7. It is an error to provide elements with index values outside the index range of the array.


8. Xiao-Long Song of the view that the current index is fluctuation range is the time to enter long-term investors.


9. range的解释

9. After, the outside, the outside range of axial three index difference is not significant.


10. At present, the most domestic and foreign scholars, the majority uses the finite element method modelling, and is restricted in the frequency range analysis.


11. range

11. METHODS: Exposed cutaneous branches rooted in rami posterior nervi spinalis and dominated muscles by exciding the median skin at the back of the rat's neck, given electric stimulation to the muscles by Low-frequency pulse transmitter. The output range was Voltage 0-40 V, frequency 1-111 Hz and pulse width 0-1000 ms.

切开大鼠颈后正中表皮,显露脊神经后支皮支及其所支配的颈部后外侧肌群,使用低频脉冲发射器对上述肌肉进行电刺激,发射器的输出范围为:电压0~40 V,频率1~111 Hz,脉宽0~1 000 ms。


12. Turning 50 this year, the company's tumultuous history helps reveal just how far the National Ballet of China has come, showing its range with a slew of imported and original performances along with old favorites.


13. In application of squeeze die casting of Aluminum alloy, Magnesium alloy, Zinc alloy in high internal quality and mechanical performance, such as loading components, wearing components, pressure-proof components and air tightness components in automobile, motorcycle, household appliances, hardwear, aviation and arsenal industry.

应用范围 Application Range 用于内部质量和力学性能要求高的铝合金、镁合金、锌合金的挤压铸造。如汽车、摩托车、电器、五金、航空及军工等行业受力件、耐磨件、耐压、气密性零件的制造。

14. In particular, the Fano factor for the asymmetric contact structures is more than double that of symmetric ones due to increased backscattering, and is within the experimental range.

特别的,Al(001)面的非对称结构的单原子接触的Fano Factor是对称结构的两倍多,并且其计算数值在实验范围之内。

15. range是什么意思

15. Limited by the ring material, the use of butterfly valve pressure and low temperature range.


16. However, the use of hard-seal butterfly valve pressure and operating GATE VALVES temperature range, has greatly improved.


17. range的近义词

17. SubLoop – Boolean, 1=This missile will repeat a specific sequence as long as enough range is left, 0=This missile will play it's animation normally (as defined in the LoopAnim column).

SubLoop –布尔型,1=投射物将尽可能久的重复指定的序列。0=投射物将只正常的运行自己的动画

18. Total range of salinity of the algal ecotopes is 0.2-44.9g/L, but most of the species develop in fresh or slightly saltish water with salinity not exceeding 1-5(8)g/L.


19. Because of the low test current level used, a very sensitive voltmeter is required to measure the voltage drop, which is usually in the microvolt range.



20. Target blood drug concentration of group B was set as 0.5μg/ml, patients ingroup C was given loading dose by intravenous infusion in the range of 0.5 or1.0mg/kg (Anesthesia not regain consciousness without the patients agitation dose of0.5mg/kg, Other patients a dose of 10mg/kg.).The induction time of both groups was1 minute. Ramsay Scale was recorded every 1 hour.

B组起始目标血药浓度0.5μg/ml,C组首先静脉推注负荷剂量0.5或1.0mg/kg(全麻未醒无躁动者用0.5 mg/kg,余用1.0mg/kg),诱导时间均为1分钟,两组均每小时进行Ramsay评分,B组以0.5~2.0μg/ml为目标血药浓度维持目标镇静深度(Ramsay镇静评分2~5分);C组以0.5~2mg/kg/h的输注速度维持同样的目标镇静深度。

range 词典解释

1. (同类事物的)一系列,一连串

A range of things is a number of different things of the same general kind.

e.g. A wide range of colours and patterns are available...


e.g. The two men discussed a range of issues...


2. 幅度;等级;范围

A range is the complete group that is included between two points on a scale of measurement or quality.

e.g. The average age range is between 35 and 55.


e.g. ...properties available in the price range they are looking for.


3. 最大范围;射程

The range of something is the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things.


e.g. The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards...


e.g. The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled...


4. (在一定幅度内)变化,变动

If things range between two points or range from one point to another, they vary within these points on a scale of measurement or quality.

e.g. They range in price from $3 to $15.


e.g. ...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric.


5. (文章或讲话)涉及,包括

If a piece of writing or speech ranges over a group of topics, it includes all those topics.

e.g. The conversation ranged over the desirability of such restaurants, the shortcomings of men, and why it had only taken 15 minutes to cross a continent.


6. 使(人或物)排成行或列

If people or things are ranged somewhere, they are arranged in a row or in lines.

e.g. Some 300 trees have been ranged along the perimeter hedge...


e.g. More than 1,500 police and troops are ranged against them.


7. (人或动物)漫游,自由活动

If animals or people range somewhere, they move around in a place without having a particular destination in mind.

e.g. Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area...


e.g. They range widely in search of carrion.


8. 山脉

A range of mountains or hills is a line of them.

e.g. ...the massive mountain ranges to the north.


e.g. ...an impressive range of hills topped with trees.


9. (尤指美国的)牧牛场,牧区

A range is a large area of open land, especially land in the United States where cattle are kept.

10. 射击场;靶场

A rifle range or a shooting range is a place where people can practise shooting at targets.

e.g. It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.


e.g. ...an Army firing range.


11. (旧式)炊具

A range or kitchen range is an old-fashioned metal cooker.


12. 炉灶

A range or kitchen range is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A range consists of a grill, an oven, and some gas or electric rings.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 cooker

13. see also: free-range

14. 在可及的范围内/在可及的范围外

If something is in range or within range, it is near enough to be reached or detected. If it is out of range, it is too far away to be reached or detected.

e.g. Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.


e.g. ...a base within range of enemy missiles...


15. 接近地/靠近地/以…的距离

If you see or hit something at close range or from close range, you are very close to it when you see it or hit it. If you do something at a range of half a mile, for example, you are half a mile away from it when you do it.

e.g. He was shot in the head at close range...


e.g. McCoist knocked the ball in from close range.


range 单语例句

1. We will improve the system of receptions for government employees on official business, and scientifically set the allowed range for operating expenses of institutions.

2. Purple concord grape juice had by far the highest levels and range of phenolic antioxidants, which are found in plants.

3. Emphasis is placed on an extensive range of imported wines, with Californian wine served by the glass.

4. A Californian company recently produced a range of hairpieces for cats and dogs.

5. Experts and analysts call for removal of restrictions to incorporate a wider range of institutional investors into the structured product market.

6. The Beijing Shooting Range Hall and Shunyi Rowing and Canoeing Park were completed on July 28 and handed over to the Games organizers.

7. The capacity of the solar power plants will range from 5 to 50 mW depending on customers'need.

8. The children who attend the school range in age from 7 to 17, but infants who were with their mothers are also among those being held captive.

9. Its productions range from classical dance and theater to those inspired by literature, such as A Christmas Carol and Wuthering Heights.

10. It is unclear what price range for oil the cartel wants to establish.
