

broken:[英 [ˈbrəʊkən] 美 [ˈbroʊkən] ]


过去式:broke;   现在分词:breaking;

broken 基本解释


形容词破碎的,打碎的; (腿,臂等)已骨折的; (线条)虚线的,断续的; 被打断的

动词打破,折断(break的过去分词); 打破(纪录); 损坏

broken 相关例句



1. She said she had a broken sleep last night.



2. Joe's watch is broken.


3. broken的反义词

3. After a broken promise, it is hard to count on a person.



4. John suffered from a broken spirit.


5. Most of these children come from broken families.


broken 情景对话


A:This is going to be a very (expensive/ painful/ serious) broken leg.



B:Oh no!


Health Insurance-(医疗保险)


B:Ohhh, I think I broke my leg.


A:Here, sir, sit down in this wheelchair.





A:The doctor will be with you in a moment. I just need to ask you a few questions.


B:All right.


A:Name, age and date of birth, please.



B:John Taylor, 32, May 23, 1970.


A:Health insurance company and policy number?


B:I don’t have it.




B:I don’t have health insurance.



A:Well, this is going to be a very expensive broken leg, Mr. Taylor.




Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)

A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.





A:Her father is dying.


B:Oh, that’s very sad.


A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid.


B:What did you do?


A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.



B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things.


A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.


B:Yeah, me too.


broken 网络解释

1. 破损:形成崩碎型切屑(图2)造成切削力不断波动,在切削过程中产生高频振动.铸件表面的粗糙与不平,切削时使刀具产生机械磨损. 切屑粘接(Adhesion) ,熔接(Welding)在刀具表面.切削中也会由此造成磨损及缺损(Chipping)破损(Broken).

2. 破坏:破坏(broken)这部电影的吗?有喜欢破坏(broken)这部电影的吗?有喜欢破坏(broken)这部电影的吗?有喜欢破坏(broken)这部电影的吗?

broken 双语例句

1. Oh, yum. I'm starved.- What, was Rufus'waffle iron broken?

哦 好啊我饿死了-什么 Rufus烤华夫饼的机器坏了吗?

2. It includes Break-even Analysis, Sales Forecasts, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements broken down monthly for the first year and then annually for the next 2-5 years.


3. Look up see the casement broken in


4. Look up at; gaze up atlook up and see the casement broken in, ;The bats and owlets builders in the roof!


5. The U. S. government aware of this matter later, and sent a named police officer went to the findings of Lyon, Lyon, go there after, they found where the town's residents have been infected may not know it was Lyon who infected long - looks like to do, a result, he went to an ordinary house to ask whether, Lyon just a question of circumstances, to see him behind and in front suddenly have a lot of strange people coming forward themselves, Lyon suddenly felt wrong, This to General Telephone, can be more surprising thing is even here, there is no signal, step by step, those who went to the Lyon, This is a woman, just get behind a motorcycle Chuang broken glass, Lyon mobile phone signal in here, Lyon immediately raised his cell phone and asked how it is one thing, the headquarters said: This is the city's residents have been infected with, and you must immediately destroy them, otherwise the virus will spread to the United States lead to disastrous consequences in various cities, Lyon has just a cell phone down and immediately picked up the pistol with the woman escaped with the tight encirclement half an hour later, they finally died Lyon is very pleased to this woman asked: What's your name and that name woman said: My name is Clayton Er, I have come to me brotherCosta Rica, and your brother What's your name called Chris Lyon asked she said.


6. broken的翻译

6. There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river.


7. Head to the temple and ask Dorion M2.2(2) about temple's problem. It appears that there are giant amebas in the crypts and they want you to clear them out and find three pieces of a broken relic relic.

和多利昂对话 Talk to Dorion 前往神殿,和多利昂(DorionM2.2(2)对话,得知在地穴中有巨型变形虫,你需要清除这些怪物,并拿到遗迹的三个碎片。

8. broken的翻译

8. A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart. When a bone is broken in more than 2 places or gets crushed, the name for it is a comminuted fracture.


9. Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as do not know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6 o'clock much time, in the evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7 o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.



10. If the connection broken, we can break a knife to paint 刮干净 Department, the lead Department in the exposed painted wax, and then along the alignment pin is zoned to the wax, then drop in on top of silver nitrate solution.


11. broken的近义词

11. Broken Arrow, quiver of arrows were filled with a break.


12. Suddenly he is dumpfounded. He sees a broken arrow in the quiver.


13. A Broken Arrow, contained in a quiver of arrows broken.


14. Broken arrow, quiver of arrows a few hundred bucks a break.


15. broken的反义词

15. Yes, we maybe sad, may be crying, andmaybe heart-broken, but we don't dothis because we have to say goodbye, we do this because our tears and nostalgia show how much we cheirsh theold daysand how much we love those memorable moments in our lives.


16. The bank was broken, so, in October and November 2008, Antonucci methodically went about pretending to fix it, 'said Preet Bharara, the U. S. attorney in Manhattan, at a press conference.


17. A broken compact fluorescent lamp will release its mercury content.


18. He'd lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.


19. The pintail hook of the trailer was broken and the vehicle was about to be toppled.


20. Next day was a hectic day; a small repair shop was located where the broken pintail hook of the trailer was welded.


broken 词典解释


2. (线条)不连贯的,断续的,中断的

A broken line is not continuous but has gaps or spaces in it.


e.g. A broken blue line means the course of a waterless valley.


3. (婚姻)破裂的

You can use broken to describe a marriage that has ended in divorce, or a home in which the parents of the family are divorced, when you think this is a sad or bad thing.


e.g. She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage...


e.g. Children from broken homes are more likely to leave home before the age of 18.


4. (语言)蹩脚的,不流利的

If someone talks in broken English, for example, or in broken French, they speak slowly and make a lot of mistakes because they do not know the language very well.


e.g. Eric could only respond in broken English.


broken 单语例句broken的解释

1. Wang Guangling saw this business opportunity thanks to his daughter, who would often pester him for new toys and throw away the broken ones.

2. They have been kept busy trying to salvage thousands of trees straining under the weight of the snow and removing broken branches.

3. Li and her mother found they couldn't stand up and reach the emergency button, because they had broken bones.

4. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity.

5. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterized by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.

6. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterised by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.

7. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.

8. The tranquility was broken only momentarily by children rolling skating in the square.

9. Instead, someone had broken into the cart to steal the PM's cache of whisky.

10. They were eventually informed that a German shepherd had broken out of its cage in the luggage compartment and was wreaking havoc there.

broken 英英释义


1. physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split

e.g. a broken mirror

a broken tooth

a broken leg

his neck is broken

2. (especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded

e.g. broken (or unkept) promises

broken contracts

Synonym: unkept

3. not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly

e.g. broken lines of defense

a broken cable transmission

broken sleep

tear off the stub above the broken line

a broken note

broken sobs

4. lacking a part or parts

e.g. a broken set of encyclopedia

5. discontinuous

e.g. broken clouds

broken sunshine

6. out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken')

e.g. a broken washing machine

the coke machine is broken

the coke machine is busted

Synonym: busted

7. destroyed financially

e.g. the broken fortunes of the family

Synonym: wiped out(p)impoverished

8. weakened and infirm

e.g. broken health resulting from alcoholism

9. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

e.g. troops fleeing in broken ranks

a confused mass of papers on the desk

the small disordered room

with everything so upset

Synonym: confuseddisorderedupset

10. imperfectly spoken or written

e.g. broken English

11. subdued or brought low in condition or status

e.g. brought low

a broken man

his broken spirit

Synonym: crushedhumbledhumiliatedlow

12. topographically very uneven

e.g. broken terrain

rugged ground

Synonym: rugged

13. tamed or trained to obey

e.g. a horse broken to the saddle

this old nag is well broken in

Synonym: broken in