

creditor:[英 [ˈkredɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈkrɛdɪtɚ] ]



creditor 基本解释

名词债权人,债主; [会]贷方

creditor 反义词


creditor 网络解释

1. 债主:如果超过追溯时限,那麼欠债方(debtor)有权要求法院不受理债主(creditor)的起诉. 这与中国有关诉讼法的规定不同,中国法下,超过诉讼时效,当事人只是丧失了胜诉权,但仍然可以在法院起诉,只是在没有其他证据主张起诉仍在诉讼时效期内的话,

2. 债权人,债主,贷方:Credit worthiness 偿还能力,信用能力 | Creditor 债权人,债主,贷方 | Currency 货币

3. 贷方:152. credit 信用 | 153. creditor 贷方 | 154. crossed check 划线支票

creditor 双语例句

1. The notice of real estate registration system is a sort of creditor`s right with intense character of property right, and the system of China features its administrative property.


2. In the ordinary way a lien gives a creditor a right to retain possession of a thing until his account is paid.


3. Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall agree in the contract that after the creditor takes lien of the property, the debtor shall repay the debts in no less than two months.


4. creditor在线翻译

4. As Article 231 provides, movable properties taken as a lien by the creditor will be in the same legal relationship with the creditor` rights, except for liens between enterprises.


5. Article 111 The court shall not support the creditor's lien if such lien conflicts with his liability or specific stipulations of the contract.


6. If the creditor agrees with the debtor on grace period in the contract according to Article 87 of Security Law, the creditor may exercise lien without notification.


7. If there are no such arrangements in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, after the creditor takes lien of the property, the creditor shall set a deadline of no less than two months for the debtor to pay off the debt and notify the debtor of the deadline set.


8. creditor

8. Second, the unlimited liability of shareholders can make them be charged with the liability and realize the whole balance of the risk and liability of the shareholders and legal person and realize the the protecetion of the creditor`s interest.


9. This dissertation is from the point of large shareholder, discussing the relation of large shareholder`s shareholding and investment of enterprise under large shareholder control, open out the mechanism of large shareholder aggrieves atomic shareholder and creditor through investment, and the mechanism of large shareholder chose investment to realize maximum of enterprise value and reduce agency cost of large shareholder.


10. creditor是什么意思

10. What`s more, it has practical meaning for betterment of director`s liability and creditor`s protection.


11. Thus the commercial bank market withdrawal is refers to the commercial bank according to certain procedure stop management, the cleaning up creditor's rights, the discharge of a debt, loses the civil right ability and civil capacity, loses the legal personality to withdraw from the market the process.



12. Much has been made of how China and the U. S. are now fatefully tied to one another as creditor-to-debtor and seller-to-buyer.


13. The protection of creditor`s rights after the expiry of the limitation period claims protection is an important topic for China's civil legal system.


14. creditor

14. Any unsettled credit and debt under the contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.


15. Any unsettled credit and debt under the Contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the Contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.


16. creditor的解释

16. To begin with the setting up, through modifying organize, issuing debenture stock, reducing capital, dividing into parts, merging of a corporation to the dismiss, liquidating, bankruptcy, settlement and rebuilding of a corporation, we may have a more detail look to the corporation creditor protection.


17. The Withdrawal Right of a creditor is one of the debt protection policies.


18. Close analysis of real right and creditor's right will help to understand and practise the relative low.


19. The right of subrogation of the creditor is one of the preservation measures concerning debts.


20. Note guarantor and ordinary responsibility and right of guarantor of creditor's rights exist and distinguish?


creditor 词典解释

1. 债权人;债主;贷方

Your creditors are the people who you owe money to.

e.g. The company said it would pay in full all its creditors.


creditor 单语例句creditor是什么意思

1. Further a partner's judgement creditor may obtain an order charging the partner's " transferable interest " to satisfy a judgment.

2. Expanding the circulation of the yuan in the international financial market will help raise China's status as a major international creditor nation.

3. But most of the interpretations of China's " No 1 creditor " position are exaggerations.

4. If Japan again becomes the chief foreign creditor to the US, that change will mark the second time it has surpassed China to claim that title.

5. And it would be even tougher for the creditor if the entrusted firm refuses to pay back the debt it has collected.

6. It is the lack of will to use its power, rather than not having enough power that has led the creditor into a passive position.

7. If Japan again becomes the chief foreign creditor to the US, that will mark the second time it has surpassed China to claim that title.

8. The move will help Japan diversify its reserves away from the dollar and strengthen ties between the two largest creditor countries in the world.

9. China's rise to be a major world creditor has been faster than its ascendance as a world economic power.

10. The Group of 7 leading industrial nations will asks the larger Paris Club of creditor nations to go along at a meeting Wednesday.

creditorcreditor 英英释义


1. a person to whom money is owed by a debtor

someone to whom an obligation exists