

oppression:[英 [ə'preʃn] 美 [əˈprɛʃən] ]



oppression 基本解释

名词压迫; 被压迫的状态; 压迫物; 沉闷,苦恼

oppression 网络解释

1. oppression

1. 压抑:弗洛伊德将文艺的创造归因为只有成年男性才具备的生命利比多(Libido)的压抑(oppression)和升华(sublimation),而女性的成长历程最初被菲勒斯崇拜(penis-envy)控制,然后陷入由于身体的虚空感而导致的去势恐惧(be castrated),

oppression 双语例句

1. First, China's working class and popular imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the triple oppression, it is in the bottom of society, oppression and exploitation of any other class than the Chinese to be heavy, which is rare in the world.


2. I have a dream that one day even the forum of Chris Lee, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of profoundness and love.


3. To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.


4. oppression的意思

4. Imperialist oppression and the obstruction and suppression of bureaucrat capital of the Kuomintang, fundamentally speaking, accounted for the failure.


5. The vacillations of China's big landlord class and big bourgeoisie in the War of Resistance and their policy of high-handed oppression of the people.


6. Metastatic symptoms: direct infiltration of pancreatic bile duct wall, or in the early days of oppression as a result of cancer caused obstructive jaundice; in tumor development, cancer and stomach, duodenum, colon and the inferior vena cava adhesion, to the occurrence of cancer or organ infiltration, infiltration to continue to develop superior mesenteric artery and portal vein, etc., leading to portal hypertension and ascites appeared等症; pancreatic body and tail cancer significantly to the development of peritoneal cavity after splenic artery oppression, often splenomegaly and esophageal venous aneurysm; cancer continue to expand the latter, oppression or erosion of celiac plexus appeared low back pain, even at the same time can be complicated by pancreatitis; cancer bone metastases can lead to severe persistent pain; to the lungs and mediastinal shift can produce chest pain, cough, symptoms such as difficulty in breathing; cholestasis or transferred to the liver can cause hepatomegaly; subclavian, axillary or inguinal lymph nodes may also be a result of metastasis rather hard swollen fat.


7. The infiltration of inflammatory cells in adventitia and the hemodynamic oppression by myocardial contraction are related to the occurrence and development of these lesions.


8. The memories surrendered to more recent recollections as Scott and the rest of the shuttle's privileged boarded a transfer vehicle that ferried them into the ship proper, Ark Angel's artificial gravity settling on him like oppression itself.


9. oppression的近义词

9. This kind of discrimination and national oppression here has its own history and uniqueness.


10. In old China, severe national discrimination and oppression existed over a long period of time.


11. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state, swelte ring with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.


12. They were aggrieve d by oppression and extortion.


13. It is good proof the Qing Government's nationality policy, reflecting the nationality contradiction and fighting under the guidance of their big nationalism、nationality discrimination and oppression policy.


14. And to rejoin the community of nations, come clean about your nuclear intentions and past actions, stop your oppression at home, and cease your support for terror abroad.


15. And to rejoin the community of nations, come clean about your nuclear intentions and past actions, stop your oppression at home, cease your support for terror abroad.


16. oppression的解释

16. Oppression is normal, giving up resistance is abnormal


17. From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men.


18. Given the objective material foundations, the commanders in the anti-Japanese war should display their prowess and marshal all their forces to crush the national enemy, transform the present situation in which our country and society are suffering from aggression and oppression, and create a new China of freedom and equality; Here is where our subjective faculties for directing war can and must be exercised.



19. Indonesia – Pray for an end to the migration of Muslims to West Papua, that the area will not become Islamized and that West Papua will be freed from the oppression of Indonesian control.


20. No oppression is so heavy or lasting as that which is inflicted by the perversion and exorbitance of legal authority.


oppression 词典解释

1. 压迫;压制

Oppression is the cruel or unfair treatment of a group of people.

e.g. ...an attempt to escape political oppression.


e.g. ...the oppression of the 19th-century poor by the rich.


oppression 单语例句

1. He never experienced colonial life and cannot understand the pain and shame of living under the oppression of a foreign race.

2. After centuries of oppression and domination by western nations, most developing nations are trying to pull their nations up from poverty.

3. The CPC founded the People's Republic of China after a bloody and long struggle that ended foreign domination and local feudal oppression.

4. In a sense, monopoly has almost become a symbol of economic oppression.

5. Yet the violence that erupted once Saddam's oppression was lifted has threatened to engulf the Iraqi High Tribunal.

6. " Feminist works are never only about battling oppression from the opposite sex, " Li says.

7. The Shiite Arab majority expects the vote to formalize its domination over Iraq after decades of oppression by the Sunni Arabs.

8. The Chinese government forbids discrimination and oppression against any ethnic group, as well as any act aimed at undermining ethnic harmony and splitting the country.

9. Any ethnic minority subjected to discrimination, oppression or insult has the right to complain to judicial institutions.

10. The state prohibits ethnic discrimination and oppression in any form, and bans any behavior aimed at undermining ethnic unity and causing ethnic antagonism.
