

consonant:[英 [ˈkɒnsənənt] 美 [ˈkɑ:nsənənt] ]



consonant 基本解释

名词辅音字母; 辅音,子音

形容词一致的; 符合的; 协和音的; 和音的

consonant 相关例句


1. His view on the issue is consonant with mine.


consonant 网络解释

1. 辅音:辅音(Consonant)+元音(Vowel)+辅音(Consonant)而根据西方的音节定义,音节是不包括声调(tune)的,这也是汉语音节定义出现争议的根本原因. 但是,西方语言中,声调(tune或调高tone)在音节中的作用跟汉语是不同的,

2. 子音:元音(vowel)用an,子音(consonant)用a. 一般而言,以a、e、i、o、u等字母开始的字,第一音都是元音,所以有an apple(一个苹果)、an egg(一只蛋)等说法. Master的第一音是子音(m),所以说a master;但MA的M却作(em),第一音是元音(e),所以说an MA.

3. 辅音字母:两个辅音字母(consonant)结尾的, 直接加ed: helped; learned.一个元音(vowel)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词:(1) 对单音节(one-syllable)单词,双写最后一个辅音字母加ed.(2) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第一个音节处,不双写加ed.

consonant 双语例句

1. A continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the''.


2. consonant的反义词

2. A consonant is sometimes doubled to avoid misinterpretation, for wxample, -ss- is given whenever -s- might be pronounced as -z-, as in /cha-liss/.


3. IT is one of the most frequently occurring consonant sound.


4. consonant在线翻译

4. The sibilant consonant s; a sibilant bird call.


5. It is not so difficult for her to finish other four consonant digraphs and their example words after supper.


6. Relating to or having the nature of a consonant.


7. BACKGROUND: Traditional acoustic examination is to make subjective descriptions of abnormal acoustic features, or carry out quantitative analysis of vowels with sensitive consonant utterance only subjected to qualitative analysis.


8. RESULTS: Palatalized misarticulation mostly involved consonant, after behavior therapy, speech intelligibility improved significantly (P.00l). CONCLUSIONS: Behavior therapy can improve speed intelligibility in patients with palatalized misarticulation.


9. Results According to articulation position, 68.44% of misarticulations of functional speech disordes occurred in dental consonants; while 57.78% in palatal consonants; 23.11% in alveolar consonants; 24% in velar consonants; 14.67% in lateral consonant and 17.33% in retroflex consonants. According to speech pathology, 37.33% of misarticulations was palatalized misarticulation; while 22.67% lateral misarticulation; 21.33% inter-dental misarticulation; 8% palatalized misarticulation with lateral misarticulation; 5.33% lateral misarticulation with interdental misarticulation; 1.33% nasopharyngeal misarticulation and 4% others.

结果 功能性异常语音的异常语音出现率按构音点分:舌尖前音(68.44%)、舌面音(57.78%)、舌尖后音(23.11%)、舌根音(24%)和舌尖中边音(14.67%)、舌尖中音(17.33%),它们可单独出现,也可两种异常音并存;按语音病理学分类:腭化音占37.33%、侧化音占22.67%、齿间音占21.33%、腭化音+侧化音占8%、侧化音+齿间音占5.33%、鼻腔音占1.33%、其它占4%。

10. I am old, and my tongue is no longer flexible, at least not flexible enough for retroflex consonant.


11. Firstly, we recommend the interrelated productions about the primitive rhyme, initial consonant, phonogram and primitive segmental phonol...


12. Compared with the phonology of Putonghua, Dazhou dialect has some similar and different characters in the aspects of the initial consonant, the rhyme, the tone and their matches.


13. We can learn Putonghua more quickly and effectively only if we intentionally correct the voices of initial consonant, rhyme, tone that can` t be found in Putonghua after Dazhou dialect is compared with the phonology of Putonghua.


14. consonant的解释

14. In Experiment 2, habitual Cangjie and Zhuyin users were asked to judge whether two sequentially presented characters shared an orthographic component, shared the onset consonant, or shared the rhyme.


15. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it.



16. Many students have difficulty producing some of the initial consonant clusters of English.


17. When Greek words with this onset, such as psychology, were borrowed into English, the initial consonant is dropped.


18. consonant什么意思

18. Chinese syllable consists of three parts: the initial consonant of a syllable, a vowel and a tone.


19. Alliteration 押头韵is the recurrence of initial consonant sounds in two or more words which are close to each other in a sentence.


20. A jargon systematically formed by the transposition of the initial consonant to the end of the word and the suffixation of an additional syllable, as igpay atinlay for pig Latin.

儿童黑话,把单词的第一个辅音字母移至词尾并附加上另外的一个音节而成的一种行话,如用 igpayatinlay来代替 piglatin

consonant 词典解释

1. 辅音

A consonant is a sound such as 'p', 'f', 'n', or 't' which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth.


2. 一致的;相符的

Something that is consonant with something else fits or agrees with it very well.

e.g. I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking.


consonant 英英释义


1. a speech sound that is not a vowel

2. a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken consonant


1. in keeping

e.g. salaries agreeable with current trends

plans conformable with your wishes

expressed views concordant with his background

Synonym: accordantagreeableconformableconcordant

2. involving or characterized by harmony

Synonym: harmonicharmonicalharmonizedharmonised