

esophagus:[英 [ɪ'sɒfəɡəs] 美 [aɪˈsɑfəɡəs] ]


  复数形式:esophagi; esophaguses;

esophagus 基本解释



esophagus 网络解释

1. 食管:1.食管 (esophagus) 食管为一肌性管道,长约25~28cm,门齿距食管起点约15cm.食管位于胸腔的纵隔部,脊柱前和气管,心脏后,是连接咽和胃的空瘪管状通道;当有食物通过时即被扩张.2.胃(stomach) 位于左上腹部的左膈下,呈囊袋状,

2. 食道:食管部位(TheEsophagalArea)[1]胃灼热(Heartburn)食道(esophagus)是一条长而薄的肌肉管道,位于支气管树(bronchialtree)的后方. 它的主要功能是在胃食管瓣膜(gastroesophagealvalve)允许通过的情况下将在口腔内咀嚼过的食物传送到胃部.

3. 四、食管:三、咽Pharynx | 四、食管Esophagus | 五、胃Stomach

4. 第三节 食管:第二节 咽Pharynx | 第三节 食管Esophagus | 第四节 胃Stomach

esophagus 双语例句

1. esophagus的反义词

1. Infestation with the parasite Spirocerca lupi can cause osteosarcoma of the esophagus.


2. BACKGROUND: Traditional detection methods of HIS-Bundle are hundreds of nestification of surface electrocardiogram, via esophagus or via intracardiac catheter. Developing the analyzing system of extract HIS Bundle signals from surface ECG is not only beneficial to clinical diagnosis, but also beneficial to animal drug experiments.


3. esophagus什么意思

3. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory acid and bilirubin measurements on the lower part of esophagus were obtained with synectics Bilitec 2000 and Digitrapper Mk Ⅲ. Results The esophagitis in group R was more severe than that in group P.


4. BACKGROUND: In this pilot study we explored the suitability of the esophagus as a new measuring site for blood oxygen saturation (Spo2) in neonates.


5. esophagus的近义词

5. The same procedure was carried out 14 days later. Results The temperature of inferior segment of esophagus was significantly increased at 60min. The temperature of physic liquor was significant higher than that of perfusion. The temperature of perfusion was becoming significantly increased at 5min (P.05). The WBC, PLT, ALT, AST, Cr and CO2CP of preoperative and postoperative had no significant changes. Only lightly peritoneum dropsy and infiltrate slight phlegmasia were observed postoperatively and 14 days later. There were no significant differences among groups.

结果 在60min时食道下段温度显著升高,灌注温度明显高于抽取温度,抽取温度5min时开始升高(P.05);各组术前和术后WBC、PLT、ALT、AST、Cr和CO2CP无明显变化,组间比较也无明显差异;术后和术后2wk腹膜均见轻度水肿、少量的炎细胞浸润;吻合口见黏膜层有小溃疡形成,表面有渗出,组间无明显差异。

6. Mu opioid receptor was not observed in the wrist, funnel, abdomen of mantle, mouth, craw, stomach theca, intestine, rectum, sialoid gland, liver. Weak positive mu opioid receptor immunoreaction was found in inner epidermis, ectoblast, connective tissue of the esophagus and the keratolytic of the stomach and positive immunoreaction in epidermis of back of mantle and membrane of wrist.


7. esophagus

7. Be like diagnose, need with medicine discreet, as far as possible need not tea is alkaline kind reach β 2 a shot in the arm accepting put oneself in another's position, and reach the medicine that fight acid in order to add gastric motivation drug to give priority to, reach in order to increase the platoon below content content body for nothing reduce hydrochloric acid in gastric juice to secrete return stream, at the same time gastric motivation medicine the tensity that fourth Lin still can enhance constrictor of esophagus lower end, prevent return stream.


8. The digestive system is a hollow tube extending from the mouth through the esophagus, intestine, rectum, and anus.


9. esophagus的意思

9. This, to our knowledge, would be the first case ever reported. Our patient was a 54-year old man with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, who had suffered from tarry stool.


10. Additional pathologic findings included: chronic peptic duodenitis (6 out of 17, 35%), active duodenitis (1 out of 17, 6%), and celiac-like features (2 out of 17, 12%) in the duodenum; chemical gastropathy (3 out of 18, 17%), active chronic gastritis without Helicobacter pylori (2 out of 18, 11%), and erosion (1/18, 6%) in the stomach; reactive epithelial change (3 out of 7, 43%), active esophagitis (3 out of 7, 43%), ulceration (2 out of 7, 29%), and erosion (1 out of 7, 14%) in the esophagus. Serum MPA levels were available in 7 patients, 6 of whom had abnormal duodenal apoptotic counts.


11. When one feels a painful sensation in the esophagus, the condition is called heartburn.


12. Once the chick is hatched, the male feeds it with milk from a gland in his esophagus.


13. Once the baby penguin is born, instead of the female, it is the male who produces milk from a gland in his esophagus to feed the baby.


14. This waste causes stomach spasms or twitching that causes an increase in stomach gas that pops open the valve between the esophagus and stomach.


15. By the same method, delta receptor was detected on the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, coat ganglia and in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, sialoid gland, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


16. Using the immunohistochemical technique, nerve cell bodies and fibres immunoreactive to the anti-Met-enkephalin sera were observed in the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, inspect ganglia and coat ganglia of Octopus ocellatus. Met-ENK immunoreactivity was also localized in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, rectum, sialoid gland, liver, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel, and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


17. Methods The clinical data of 906 patients with carcinoma of esophagus and gastric eardia treated by radical resection in 1996-2004 were analyzed retrospectively.

目的 探讨食管癌和贲门癌患者行根治术治疗后的预后影响因素。

18. Objective To prepare anti-nuclear matrix proteins of tissues surrounding esophagus cancer monoclonal anti- bodies.

目的 制备抗食管癌旁组织核基质蛋白的特异性单抗。

19. Eating without chewing well can also harm the esophagus and other parts of the alimentary tract.


20. Try to untangle his trachea and esophagus!


esophagus 词典解释

1. -> see oesophagus

esophagus 单语例句

1. The endoscopy " indicated mild esophagitis " or swelling or irritation of the esophagus, the tube that leads from the back of the mouth to the stomach.

2. The reflux disease is the result of acid flowing back into the esophagus, and it can cause pain after the lower esophageal sphincter is relaxed.

3. New government figures show a worrisome increase in esophagus disorders from severe acid reflux.

4. Serious but uncommon complications include a narrowing of the esophagus and changes to the lining which can be precancerous.

5. The bottle of sulfuric acid that he gulped has severely damaged his stomach and esophagus.

6. Persistent heartburn is the result of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus.

esophagus 英英释义


1. the passage between the pharynx and the stomach

Synonym: oesophagusgorgegullet