

draught:[英 [drɑ:ft] 美 [drɑft] ]



draught 基本解释

名词通风; 气流; (船的)吃水深度; 一饮,一口之量

及物动词draft的变体; 起草; 征兵; 选派

形容词汲出的; 拖拉的

draught 网络解释

1. 生啤酒:生啤酒(Draught)又称鲜啤酒或扎啤, 是指酿成的啤酒不经加热杀菌处理而直接入桶密封,口味较鲜美,但稳定性较差,极易变质,其保存期为3~7天. 生啤酒在饮用时需经生啤机加工(加入二氧化碳并速冷). 熟啤酒是指酿成的啤酒需经过加热杀菌处理的瓶(罐)装啤酒.

2. 通风;牵引;绘图:Drain valve 排放阀 | Draught 通风;牵引;绘图 | Drive shaft 传动轴

3. 要求:10. pale 范围,界限 | 11. draught 要求 | 12. oracle 神谕宣誓,预言,圣言

draught 双语例句

1. Draught animals were the chief means of transport in Xinjiang prior to the founding of New China.


2. Although, it seems that the priority for agriculture water use is higher than other water demand when the agriculture water demand is preserved, the manipulation for agriculture demand is conservative. Been preserved as a higher water right, the agriculture water demand is to keep the same amount as it used to be, but not considering the potential need of long or short period water re-distribution caused by the hydrological or environmental condition such as the draught period or the depletion of groundwater water.


3. draught的近义词

3. A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child`s grace, the starry skies, apple trees in spring—the thought of beauty—these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by draught.


4. Recently, for the trade of coffee shops, coffee bars, restaurants and clubs, we supply the draught beers we have represented as well as our own coffee brand EXPRESSO PARISIENNE. We always work closely with our clients in every aspect of marketing and even financing.

其实我们亦已建立了自己的咖啡品牌 EXPRESSO PARISIENNE,除了咖啡之外,还有所代理名牌啤酒,均供应给咖啡室、咖啡吧、餐厅和会所之用;而我们的服务还包括协助客户进行市场推广和融资等。

5. Our builder has returned the first draft of the architect's plan, asking for better draught-proofing.


6. Record the stating time and suspended time of the cargo work, the quantities loaded, ship`s draught, etc.


7. According to the feature of the layout of draught steel wire rope of trolley of quayside container gantry crane, and consideration of the problem of the rope s replacement and its unsafe factors, this paper gives a method to improve it, so that the replacement of the rope and the working safety are fully enhanced.



8. The number of stability containers with above-mentioned figures at full container draught is abt. 700 TEU.

装载上述重量的满载集装箱时该船的装箱量约为 700TEU。

9. draught的意思

9. The new yacht on a Philippe Briand Yacht Design project, has benefited from totally new solutions such as more modern hull lines on increased water lengths and a lifting keel which varies the draught from 3.25 to 5.25 metres.

Bristolian Ⅱ属于Philippe Briand游艇设计项目,许多全新的解决方案在其身上得到体现:船体线型更加现代化,吃水线加长,龙骨保证吃水在3.25米到5.25米之间。


10. Thinking in the heart, rise than delimiting in the hand, let winch overturn fall into at a draught went in well.


11. draught

11. If you open both the two windows, there will be a draught.


12. There's an awful draught in here.


13. draught的意思

13. When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught conveyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with good working solidungular cob (roan gelding, 14 h).


14. The high street shops will feel the draught most keenly.


15. Since much oil is presold, the recent plunge in its price will start to be felt in earnest only this month. That is when Venezuela will start to feel a cold draught from the slowdown in the world economy.


16. In this paper, a series of laboratory experiments have been taken out to analyse the factors which influence the draught flow rate of a jet fan.


17. You can't quit smoking at a draught, instead, you should do it little by little.


18. I at a draught dizzy, after all what is culture originality industry.


19. Smoking is not given up at a draught, you must be step by step.


20. We do not see more to its definition, want to say to understand at a draught so, still not so easy.


draught 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 draft

1. 穿堂风;通风气流

A draught is a current of air that comes into a place in an undesirable way.

e.g. Block draughts around doors and windows...


e.g. On a cold day there can be quite a draught from the letterbox.


in AM, use 美国英语用 draft

2. 桶装的;散装的

Draught beer is beer which is kept in barrels rather than bottles.

e.g. Draught beer is available too.


3. 一大口

A draught of liquid is a large amount that you swallow.

e.g. He took a draught of beer...


e.g. Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.


4. 国际跳棋;西洋跳棋

Draughts is a game for two people, played with 24 round pieces on a board.


e.g. He was in the study playing draughts by the fire with Albert.


in AM, use 美国英语用 checkers

5. (国际跳棋的)棋子

A draught is one of the round pieces which are used in the game of draughts.

in AM, use 美国英语用 checker

6. (牲畜)役用的,拉车的

A draught animal is one which pulls heavy loads, for example on a farm.

e.g. ...an Irish draught mare.


7. 药水;饮剂

A draught is a medicine in the form of a liquid which you drink.

e.g. One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.


draught 单语例句draught

1. It was windy that day and after sitting in the draught for a whole afternoon, he caught cold.

2. But he would not comment when the draught is likely to end.

3. Floods and landslides have plagued most parts of southern China while severe draught has devastated large areas of the northeastern and central regions.

4. Poor water source to the reservoirs due to serious draught caused less hydro power generation but more power consumption for farm land irrigation.

5. A top agriculture official yesterday warned the lingering draught could affect the autumn grain harvest this year.

6. But on ordering a refreshing draught beer for 20 yuan, we were rewarded by the tapas of the day.

7. The heavy rainfall is in sharp contrast to the severe draught that struck the landlocked city last year.

8. The Ministry of Agriculture has called on local governments to take steps to ensure autumn grain production in the wake of widespread flooding and draught.

9. Patrons can choose from a wide variety of Asian and Western favorites, plus a free flow of selected wines and draught beer.

10. The draught " poses a grave threat " to the autumn harvest Sun said during an inspection tour in Jiangxi yesterday.

draught 英英释义


1. the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling

Synonym: draftdrawing

2. a large and hurried swallow

e.g. he finished it at a single gulp

Synonym: gulpdraftswig

3. a dose of liquid medicine

e.g. he took a sleeping draft

Synonym: draft

4. the depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded)

Synonym: draft

5. a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg

e.g. they served beer on draft

Synonym: draftpotationtipple

6. a current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)

Synonym: draft



1. make a blueprint of

Synonym: blueprintdraft