

lump:[英 [lʌmp] 美 [lʌmp] ]


过去式:lumped;   过去分词:lumped;   现在分词:lumping;   复数形式:lumps;

lump 基本解释


名词肿块; 块,团; 许多,大量; 笨拙的人

不及物动词结成块; 成团; 笨重地行走

及物动词使成团,使成块; 使团结在一起; 把…混在一起



lump 相关词组

1. lump it : 无怨言地接受, 勉强容忍;


lump 相关例句


1. Like it or lump it, I'm not going to turn my radio off.



1. The words lumped in her throat.


2. The old lady was lumping along in the snow.



1. The artist started with a big lump of clay.



2. John dropped two lumps of sugar into his coffee.


lump 网络解释

1. 块:我司可提供PE/PP大块(Lump)及PP粒状(Pellet),照片附请参考. P聚苯乙烯(EPS)透明料.可代替新料用.可注塑笔.镜框.玩具.生活旅游用品.(T

2. 肿块:上播出的连续剧 (serial) 或连续性的故事情节,...专家爱打人(spank),天鹅爱打扮(swank) 妈妈不开心(mump),不要去碰她(bump),哥哥大傻瓜(gump),长个大肿块(lump),丰满才漂亮...于是男孩开始改变,

3. 一团:卫生署所本的原因是询问国内整形外科学会所得的;而国内整形外科学会则是遵循1987年美国整形外科医师特别会议(American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Ad-Hoc Committee)的结论. 该结论认为:5. 要体认到有脂肪腐烂(liponecrosis)而造成硬块(nodule)或摸起来一团(lump)的可能性

4. lump的近义词

4. 成块:最底层的构成元素是顶点(vertex),两点相连成边(edge),由边构成的封闭轮廓称作环(loop),一组外环和内环界定一张面(face),若干张面构成子壳(subshell),子壳形成封闭的壳(shell),壳组合成块(lump),块再组合成体(body).

lump 双语例句

1. When Russia sold Alaska to the United States for two cents an acre in 1867, it thought it was parting with a useless lump of ice.


2. There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot.


3. The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body.


4. The contract between the management and store owners stipulates, in black and white, that each store be provided with a parking space and that the parking payment be a part of sanitary and maintenance charges, which is a costly lump sum that must be paid in advance at the start of each three-month season.


5. That search began January 20, when Spirit took its first rock sample from a mountain-shaped lump that scientists have named Adirondack.


6. Legend holds that Hsi-Ling-Shi, wife of Emperor Hoang-Ti, was relaxing in her garden taking her tea when a small white lump fell into her cup.


7. lump

7. This paper analyzes three common types of construction contracts based on the terms of payment, as the lump sum contract, unit price contract and cost reimbursable contract, and the risk allocation in terms of construction scope, quantity and unit price between the employer and the contractor.


8. A lump-sum, this land should be listed in Shanghai this year to the most expensive piece of land.


9. The lump-sum contracting mode is one kind of engineering project management mode.


10. lump的翻译

10. Reporter: I have also found the majority of your lump-sum payment options.


11. lump的意思

11. In fact, the time of the lump-sum education, which depends on college education, had already gone.


12. Withdraw 100% in lump-sum at one-go, this original method of payment is still in use

100 %提款一次过提款,最初的付款方式是仍然在使用

13. lump是什么意思

13. Your company is hiring 3 contractors to manage the project and is using a lump-sum contract.


14. You may be able to arrange a lump-sum payoff on your balance for less than you owe.


15. Methods Forty-eight cases of fat milk extravasation after peripheral intravenous infusion, were randomly divided into two groups, 24 cases in each group. 1gL^(-1) phentolamine hydropathic compress was used in observation group, and 500gL^(-1) salamarum hydropathic compress was used in control group. The color, temperature and lump size of local skin were observed after one hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hour.

选择外周静脉输注脂肪乳过程中发生了外渗外漏的恶性肿瘤晚期患者48例,分为2组,每组24例,观察组采用1gL^(-1)酚妥拉明湿敷,对照组采用500 gL^(-1)硫酸镁湿敷,2组患者分别在开始湿敷后1h,12h,24h,48h及72h观察局部皮肤的颜色、温度及肿块的大小。

16. Retrospective analysis showed lower DFS for patients with higher amplification of human epidermal growth factor-2(HER-2), higher number of axillary fossa lymph node metastasis, larger lump of breast and negative estrogen receptor...


17. When he retired in 2000, McCarthy took his retirement payout as a lump sum.


18. You can't lump all these different things together.


19. He wondered what sort of place it was: a barren lump of rock, or a thriving community of farmers?


20. We make wax lump of bone and ossification, to express bFGF by technology of immunohistochemical, analysis it by computer and observe the thick of ossification under HE microscope.


lump 词典解释

1. (一)块

A lump of something is a solid piece of it.

e.g. The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.


e.g. ...a lump of wood...


2. 肿块

A lump on or in someone's body is a small, hard swelling that has been caused by an injury or an illness.

e.g. I've got a lump on my shoulder...


e.g. Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest.


3. 一小块(方糖)

A lump of sugar is a small cube of it.

e.g. ...a nugget of rough gold about the size of a lump of sugar...


e.g. 'No sugar,' I said, and Jim asked for two lumps.


4. see also: lump sum

5. 只得忍气吞声;不得不忍受

If you say that someone will have to lump it, you mean that they must accept a situation or decision whether they like it or not.


e.g. The crew will be sleeping in the hull and will have to lump it...


e.g. William was going to kick up a fuss, but he realized he'd have to lump it.


6. (因情绪激动)喉咙哽塞,哽咽

If you say that you have a lump in your throat, you mean that you have a tight feeling in your throat because of a strong emotion such as sorrow or gratitude.


e.g. I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears...


e.g. It was a great reception and it brought a lump to my throat.


相关词组:lump together

lump 单语例句lump的近义词

1. As the dough comes together knead it by hand until it leaves the sides of the bowl and forms a lump.

2. News of the lump sum payment roiled Wall Street, and even some board members were surprised by certain pay arrangements.

3. A lump of jade worth 27 million yuan that was lost in the back of a Beijing taxi has been recovered by police.

4. The Utah team claimed to have obtained better results by running an electric current through water and a lump of palladium in a jar.

5. Minogue was recovering in her hometown of Melbourne after a cancerous lump was successfully removed from her breast Friday.

6. It is divided into two kinds of accounts - lump sum deposit and withdrawal account, and time or saving optional deposit account.

7. Ferrari's Felipe Massa had tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat on Sunday after he joined the ranks of Formula One winners.

8. The efforts of Liu left many audiences with a lump in the throat.

9. " I got a lump in my throat when the crowd reacted " with applause during introductions, Miller said.

10. Interest would be calculated from May 11 and paid in a lump sum at maturity.

lumplump 英英释义


1. a compact mass

e.g. a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder

Synonym: ballclodglobclumpchunk

2. a large piece of something without definite shape

e.g. a hunk of bread

a lump of coal

Synonym: hunk

3. an awkward stupid person

Synonym: loutclodstumblebumgoonoaflubberlummoxgawk

4. an abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement

Synonym: swellingpuffiness



1. group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side

Synonym: collocatechunk

2. put together indiscriminately

e.g. lump together all the applicants

Synonym: chunk