

cadence:[英 [ˈkeɪdns] 美 [ˈkedns] ]



cadence 基本解释

名词节奏; 韵律; 调子; (声音的)抑扬顿挫

cadence 相关例句


1. cadence的反义词

1. There was an unfamiliar cadence in her voice.


2. Pay attention to the pause at the end of each cadence.


3. He liked the relaxed cadence of his retired life.


cadence 网络解释

1. 终止:从音乐的结构与终止式的和声模式上划分,终止式可分为半终止(Half-cadence)与终止(Cadence)两大类. 半终止是乐段中间的乐句的收束,属于不稳定的收束,相当于一个逗号;终止是整个乐段的收束,属于相对稳定的收束,相当于句号.

2. cadence是什么意思

2. 节奏:如果我们把新诗定义为「新兴的自由诗体」,自由诗文本的音乐性,正是由旋律(melody)和节奏(cadence)这两部份所共同构成. 旋律包含韵脚(押韵)、音调这两个次元. 进一步分析,音调(旋律;melody)应是指「带状文字(每行)音阶的高低起伏(抑扬顿挫)所形成的声调线(line of intonation)」;

3. 抑扬顿挫:如同声调(tone)一样,抑扬顿挫(cadence)或单字本身在不同语言中带有含意,脑部的语言也能有所本,例如,基於反应的强度或精准时机. 为了建立这个,科学家们使时间的精确度(temporal precision)模糊难辨并观察这些模拟细胞的预知能力(predictive power)如何变化.

4. cadence的解释

4. 踏频:踩骑行台时,速度的参考价值不大,脚踏的踏频比较重要,所以应该选个有踏频(cadence)的码表. 职业选手认为,平地巡航 90rpm 是个很好的踏频. 在骑行台上阻力较小,并且为求加强训练效果,会踩到 100rpm 以上,甚至到 120rpm 或更高.

cadence 双语例句

1. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.


2. In this paper, we implemented a one-dimensional layout compactor based on edged shear line techniques with jogs insertion on a personal computer. The compactor can be connected off line from current commercial layout tools, such as Tanner Pro`s L-Edit and Cadence`s Virtuaso, with the CIF file format.

本篇论文中,我们在个人电脑利用边缘剪线具折线插入技术完成一维布局压缩器,此压缩器能在离线方式利用CIF的档案衔接现有商业的布局工具,例如Tanner Pro之L-Edit 与Cadence 之Virtuaso。

3. In this paper, we investigated a one-dimensional compactor based on a 45°-shear line technique with jogs insertion for a cell layout. The compactor can be connected off line from current commercial layout tools, such as Tanner Pro's L-Edit, Cadence's Virtuoso or Springsoft's Laker, using the CIF format.

本篇论文中,我们研发利用45度剪线具折线插入技术完成一维布局压缩器,此压缩器能在离线方式利用CIF的档案衔接现有商业的布局工具,例如Tanner Pro L-Edit、Cadence Virtuoso与Springsoft Laker。

4. cadence

4. Cadence announced the Invarium company that already bought headquarters to be located in holy carry on one's shoulder to fill in recently -- the optical model with an advanced research and development and graph are integrated the enterprise of science and technology.



5. This vocal organ was in itself a rich endowment, insomuch that a listener, comprehending nothing of the language in which the preacher spoke, might still have been swayed to and fro by the mere tone and cadence.


6. You hear the grating roar Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, At their return, up the high strand, Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sadness in.


7. With tremulous cadence slow, and bring


8. Qinzhou Suona resounding sound, bright, cadence, with a strong appeal, both for the performance of the natural things or human emotions, has its own unique.


9. cadence的反义词

9. Jia Xuan Ci express a depressed and dissatisfied atmosphere of heroes without battlefield by special times and his life. This style is created with syncopated cadence. His lyrics of the Song Period never show uninhibited.


10. cadence的意思

10. The schematic of the circuit is simulated in Cadence; and the simulation results are in accordance with the theoretical results.


11. If you want to reach a speed of 25 MPH downhill using a 50-RPM cadence, then you will need to have a 5.6:1 gear ration.

如果你想达到每小时25英里的速度下坡使用50 - RPM的节奏,那麼你将需要有一个齿轮比5.6:1 。

12. Cadence Signal Processing Worksystem is a system design tool that lets you capture, simulate, and verify digital signal processing designs.

Cadence SPW是一个用于捕获、模拟并验证数字信号处理设计过程的系统设计工具。SPW通常的应用范围包括有线和无线数字通信系统、多媒体和网络。

13. CMSC 0.6μm 2 ploy n-well CMOS mixture signal model and Cadence Spectra tool were used for simulation. Simulation results showed that the output voltage varied lower than 1.6mV 6.2×l0^(-6/℃ and 0.13mV with a temperature range of -50℃ to 150℃ and the supply voltage ranged from 4.5V to 5.5V respectively.

使用CSMC标准0.6μm双层多晶硅n-well CMOS工艺混频信号模型,利用Cadence的Spectre工具对其仿真,结果显示,当温度和电源电压变化范围为-50~150℃和4.5~5.5V时,输出基准电压变化小于1.6mV6.2×10^(-6/℃和0.13mV;低频电源抑制比达到75 dB。

14. In this thesis, the topic is to design and come true integrated SRD controller. On the basis of generally and deeply summarizing some documents, research and discuss to SRD controller spreads, introduced the Power Electronic integrate concept and method, the Power IC evolution and develop foreground, and introduced the IC design tools Cadence.


15. cadence什么意思

15. The Common Felling of Pace and Cadence in Music and Interior Design


16. On basis of the principle of the study of Chinese rhythm and news title, this paper widely reviews the news titles of newspaper, television and broadcasting and analyze various presentations of rhythms in news titles, such as, pause and delay, cadence, stress, tune and cockneyism.



17. In addition to covering all the requirements of the aural test component of the practical examination, including melodic memory, sight-singing, chords and cadence identification as well as musical understanding, this course also helps students to develop skills in sight-reading by means of class practice.


18. To feel: The cadence and facial expression on line.



19. Her voice is like this beautiful, the not surprised cadence in great waves adjusts, having no to doubt of is called the sounds of nature.


20. The sea was like a blue velvet carpet, crooning in cadence to the tune of the breeze.


cadence 词典解释

1. 抑扬顿挫

The cadence of someone's voice is the way their voice gets higher and lower as they speak.

e.g. He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice...


e.g. He is not attempting necessarily to reproduce the cadence of speech.


2. (音乐的)终止式,结尾和弦

A cadence is the phrase that ends a section of music or a complete piece of music.

cadence 单语例句

1. There are copious notes Hepburn used for help with intonation, cadence or pitch.

2. More departures like this from their usual comfortable cadence would have helped " Rise Up " do so.

3. The choir responds, the women in the front row moving their shoulders to the music's shuffling cadence.

4. Audiences always find themselves fully immersed in the aesthetic images created by the cadence of the performance.

5. The scenes alternate between daily life and dreams, combining the change of language cadence and misplacement of body movements.

6. The title track " Aphrodite " boasts a dated drum track with an almost military cadence that grates on the ears.

cadence 英英释义


1. a recurrent rhythmical series

Synonym: cadency

2. the close of a musical section

3. (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse

Synonym: metermetremeasurebeat