

recluse:[英 [rɪˈklu:s] 美 [ˈreklu:s] ]



recluse 基本解释


recluse 网络解释

1. recluse

1. 隐士:这位数学隐士(recluse)目前失业在家,全家靠着母亲每月30英镑的退休金相依为命. 一位因拒领百万美元大奖而声名远播的的数学天才,目前和母亲住在圣彼得堡的一个简陋公寓里,两人靠母亲每月30英镑的退休金相依为命,这是因为他多年以来一直失业.

2. 隐士,遁士者:recline 斜倚,横卧,依赖 | recluse 隐士,遁士者 | recognize 认得,认出,注意

3. recluse的意思

3. 隐士,遁世者:preclude 妨碍,阻止 | recluse 隐士,遁世者 | reclusive 隐怼,幽寂的

4. 隐遁的:reclothe 再穿着 | recluse 隐遁的 | reclusion 隐居遁世

recluse 双语例句

1. After that, he became a recluse.


2. recluse

2. We see Michael Jackson as a suffering recluse who has come to the conclusion that his girlfriend is cheating.


3. She lived the life of a recluse.


4. All these years, Eric had lived as a recluse.


5. All these years, Eric had lived a recluse life.


6. They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse.


7. recluse

7. The accidia had turned him into a recluse, accessible only to his intimate friends.


8. This is the'doctrine'of the Great Recluse.


9. Terror of the lecher, hope of the mad recluse


10. In this particular model, had a unique to China Historical phenomenon: no officials, and when the saints; back then do not serve the country recluse, poetry or drink leisurely winds and waves, then Taoism, Buddhism subsequent rise of corruption since the religious students, and both sexes may be the world-weary.


11. Rama's queen, going by her regal bearing, even though she appears stricken and is dressed like a recluse.


12. Giving up the material and social benefits of office to live as a recluse was a different choice, since it meant depriving not only oneself but one`s family.


13. recluse在线翻译

13. It is this antique manner of the pine tree that gives the pine a special position among the trees, as it is the antique manner of a recluse scholar, clad in a loose-fitting gown, holding a bamboo cane and walking on a mountain path, that sets him off as the highest ideal among men.


14. recluse的反义词

14. The brahmin householders of Nagaravinda heard:「 The recluse Gotama, the son of the Sakyans who went forth from a Sakyan clan, has been wandering in the Kosalan country with a large Sangha of bhikkhus and has come to Nagaravinda.


15. The brahmin householders of Nagaravinda heard:「The recluse Gotama, the son of the Sakyans who went forth from a Sakyan clan, has been wandering in the Kosalan country with a large Sangha of bhikkhus and has come to Nagaravinda.



16. A Sung poet and recluse, Lin Hoching, declared that he had married plum trees as his wives, and had a stork for his son.


17. Elder brother tells me, him has not wanted to become king actually, he wants to do, is only goes to the imaginary snow god mountain to live in seclusion, is a free recluse, sings while drinking.



18. The third is the direction for the lost man given by KONG, i. e. as a hermit on recluse.



19. Deacon: Of Paul and Anthony of Egypt, Hilarion, Pachomius, Columba, Giles, Benedict, the Venerable Bede; of Kevin, Brendan, Leobardus the Recluse, and Vulfolaic; of Seraphim of Sarov and John of Kronstadt; of Mary of Egypt, Scholastica, Hilda of Whitby, Gertrude, Genevieve, Brigid of Kildare; Radegonde, Clothilde, Killeedy of Limerick and of all the holy hermits, monks and nuns.

迪肯:保罗和安东尼,埃及,伊拉里,帕科谬斯,鸽,贾尔斯,笃,古老的比德;的凯文,海伍德,Leobardus的隐逸,并Vulfolaic ;的塞拉芬的萨罗夫和约翰喀琅施塔得;玛丽埃及,Scholastica ,希尔达的惠特,格特鲁德,热,布里吉德的电影;拉德贡德,克洛蒂尔德,Killeedy的利默里克和所有神圣的隐士,僧侣和尼姑。

20. But Fate had to rule otherwise! Now she's a young widow, a companion for life to her crochety old mother, living like a recluse in a nunnery.


recluse 词典解释

1. 隐居者;隐士

A recluse is a person who lives alone and deliberately avoids other people.


e.g. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.


recluse 单语例句

1. The quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and comfort for the meditative recluse.

2. " He has since lived as a recluse because of his horrific disfigurement, " Xinhua said.

3. Lu has embraced the life of a recluse in his rural Jiangxi province paradise, where he produces " eggshell porcelain ".

4. He has accused McLaren of favouring Hamilton while Dennis has described him as a'remarkable recluse'and their relationship as'very cold'.

5. He was known to be a fiercely private person and stayed as a virtual recluse in his house overlooking the sea.

6. These quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and quiet for the meditative recluse.

7. She's been a recluse over the last year being a mum and she knows the whole world will be watching.

8. Her son was working overtime, so she lived like a recluse.

9. He has become a recluse and is uncomfortable being around his grandchildren, his lawyer said.

10. Rumors spread that he turned into a Taoist recluse and hid himself in a mountain.

recluserecluse 英英释义


1. one who lives in solitude

Synonym: hermitsolitarysolitudinariantroglodyte


1. withdrawn from society

seeking solitude

e.g. lived an unsocial reclusive life

Synonym: reclusivewithdrawn