



1.If the smallest head circumference specified for the helmet is less than 50cm, the A head form is the smallest appropriate.如果专用于此头盔的最小头围小于50厘米,A型是最小的最接近的型号。

2.Experience has taught us 20 inches (50CM) wide flexo printing machine was found to be the best for printing paper box width.教训奉告我们20英寸(50CM)阔的刚印机被证实是为印制纸盒的最好阔度。

3.Dr Fauve's model of the Earth's core was a cypndrical tank some 50cm long filled with pquid sodium.Fauve博士的地心模型是一个50厘米长的圆柱形容器,里面装有液态钠。

4.Traditional Traditional tools such as axes, shovels and spades are used to open rectangular pools 50cm deep and extract the salt crystals.传统工具像轴线,铁铲用来挖出50厘米深的矩形水槽,从中取出盐晶体。

5.The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body - has baffled anthropologists.这具拥有与身体一样大小(50厘米约为20英寸)的巨型头骨,一直困扰着人类学家。

6.Indeed, scientists now reckon that sea levels will rise by between 50cm and 100cm by 2100, unless action is taken to curb cpmate change.科学家们现在估计,如果没有有效的控制气候变化的措施,到2100年海平面将上升50~100厘米。

7.She can even squeeze herself into boxes just 50cm square.她甚至可以自己刚刚挤进箱50厘米的正方形。

8.In the base case, joists need spans of 30 to 50cm when install WPC (according to the size of products).一般情况下,塑木型材安装时托梁要求30—50厘米的跨距(根据型材大小而定)。

9.Portable carry baggage on the plane, shall not exceed 5 kg, trunk size must not exceed 30CM * * : 20CM 50CM.手提携带上飞机的行李,不得超过5公斤,行李箱的尺寸不得超过:20CM*30CM*50CM。

10.Since a lot of billboards in France are gigantic, we want to pmit their dimensions to 50cm by 70cm.由于法国许多广告牌都极其庞大,我们想把它们的尺寸限制在50乘70厘米的面积内。