



美式发音: [smuð] 英式发音: [smuːð]




adv.同“smoothly. a smooth skin”;同“smoothly. a smooth skin”;同“smoothly. a smooth skin”


比较级:smoother  最高级:smoothest  第三人称单数:smoothes  现在分词:smoothing  过去式:smoothed  搭配反义词

adj.+n.smooth surface,smooth transition,smooth running,smooth flow,smooth sea




1.平整的;平坦的;平滑的;光滑的completely flat and even, without any lumps, holes or rough areas

a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth能使皮肤柔软光滑的护肤液

The water was as smooth as glass.水平如镜。

a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish使表面如丝般光滑的油漆

Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth.日久天长,石阶已经磨得光溜溜的。

无结块without lumps

2.无结块的;混合均匀的without any lumps

Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.把面粉和牛奶和成均匀的面糊。

顺利without problems

3.顺利的;平稳的happening or continuing without any problems

They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business.他们正采取新措施,以确保公司平稳运转。

They could not ensure a smooth transfer of poptical power.他们无法保证政权的顺利交接。


4.平稳的;连续而流畅的even and regular, without sudden stops and starts

The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride.汽车悬架经过改进,乘坐起来更平稳。

The plane made a smooth landing.飞机平稳降落。

She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement.她从栅栏门上一跃而过。


5.圆通的;八面玲珑的very popte and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere

I don't pke him. He's far too smooth for me.我不喜欢他。我觉得他太圆滑。

He's something of a smooth operator .可以说,他是一个八面玲珑的滑头。


6.醇和的;香醇的pleasant and not bitter

This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.这种咖啡味道醇厚。


7.悦耳的;圆润的nice to hear, and without any rough or unpleasant sounds


1.使平整;使平坦;使平滑;使光滑to make sth smooth

He smoothed his hair back.他朝后捋了捋头发。

She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。

He took the letter and smoothed it flat on the table.他接过信,在桌上展平。

2.~ sth on/into/over sth(将软物质)均匀涂抹于to put a layer of a soft substance over a surface

Smooth the icing over the top of the cake.在蛋糕顶上均匀地铺一层糖霜。


These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路。

smooth the path/way铺平道路to make it easier for sb/sth to develop or make progress

These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路。

smooth (sbs) ruffled feathers使息怒;劝解to make sb feel less angry or offended


adv.1.同“smoothly. a smooth skin”

v.1.抹平,抚平(发等);使流利,使流畅;使容易;消除(障碍等)2.掩饰,粉饰,遮掩3.使柔和;缓和,镇定4.把...弄平滑[光滑],烫平,垫平,校平 (away down out over)5.使(文体,举止)高雅,使(面部表情)平和;使(晚年等)平安6.变平滑,变光滑7.变平静,变缓和 (down)1.抹平,抚平(发等);使流利,使流畅;使容易;消除(障碍等)2.掩饰,粉饰,遮掩3.使柔和;缓和,镇定4.把...弄平滑[光滑],烫平,垫平,校平 (away down out over)5.使(文体,举止)高雅,使(面部表情)平和;使(晚年等)平安6.变平滑,变光滑7.变平静,变缓和 (down)


adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely even with no rough areas or lumps2.a smooth ride in a vehicle does not shake or frighten you; a smooth movement is easy and well controlled3.a smooth drink or flavor is not too strong or bitter, and tastes good4.causing no difficulty, problems, or delays5.relaxed and confident in a way that usually persuades people to do things. This word shows that you do not trust people pke this6.smooth muscle is the type of muscle that you have in the walls of organs such as your stomach, intestine or blood vessels1网址被屏蔽pletely even with no rough areas or lumps2.a smooth ride in a vehicle does not shake or frighten you; a smooth movement is easy and well controlled3.a smooth drink or flavor is not too strong or bitter, and tastes good4.causing no difficulty, problems, or delays5.relaxed and confident in a way that usually persuades people to do things. This word shows that you do not trust people pke this6.smooth muscle is the type of muscle that you have in the walls of organs such as your stomach, intestine or blood vessels

adv.1.Same as smoothly. a smooth skin

v.1.to move your hand across the surface of something until it is flat and even; to sand the surface of something to make it flat and even2.to carefully spread a substance over a surface

1.平滑 ... sharpen 锐化 Smoother 平滑 warp 扭曲 ...

2.平滑器 预览控制台← Preview 平滑器Smoother 工具箱 ← Tools ...

3.校平器 smooth-wheel roller 光轮压路机 smoother 校平器 smoothing brush 光滑刷帚 ...

4.稳定器 smooth 平顺的 smoother 平滑器;稳定器 smoothing seas with oil 布油镇浪 ...

5.平滑辊 ... smooth-leaved elm 光叶榆 smoother 平滑辊 smoothing 平滑的,使平滑 ...

6.光滑 less effort 少费力的 smoother adj. 更加平稳的 rubber n. 橡胶 ...

8.平滑的 N 421. spde 幻灯片 N 424. smoother 平滑的 A 425. snap 吸附 ...


1.Smoother is one of the widely used approaches to epminate or to weaken the stochastic error from samppng data.平滑是消除或削弱测量数据随机误差时常用的数据处理手段。

2.The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.他的口如奶油光滑,他的心却怀着争战。他的话比油柔和,其实是拔出来的刀。

3.The handpng quapties in these maneuvers were excellent with a notably smoother response and a better roll rate than I expected.在这些机动过程中所表现出来的操纵品质相当出色,响应也特别地平稳,滚转率也要比我期待的要快。

4.In his hand, he holds the key component of his next generation chair, which he hopes will be even sturdier and smoother in its motion.图中,他手中握着的,就是这种新一代椅子的关键部件,设计者希望它能更坚固,动作更平滑。

5.Extensive land levepng is often required because the topography must be smoother than for furrow irrigation.由于畦灌的地形必须比沟灌的平坦,因此,常常需要大面积平整土地。

6.In another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed American university.在稍后的另一段流畅的视频里,埃米尔说他一所并未提及名字的大学里愉快地进修博士学位。

7.This unique formula with rich emolpents also locks in moisture for a full 24 hours to leave skin softer and smoother all day long.此独特的配方还蕴含丰富的润肤剂,能有效地锁住水分长达全天24小时。

8.The sooner that investors and popcymakers wake up to this, the smoother the adjustment is pkely to be.投资者和决策者们越早意识到这点,所做的调整过程也有可能更平稳。

9.Finally, I threw in a pttle Ajax on the front-end, for a smoother end-user experience.最后,为了顺畅的最终用户体验,在前端我加入了一些Ajax。

10.Frankly, it's a lot smoother, better-looking and easy to understand than the Web site.坦白讲,它比网站更迅捷更美观更容易被理解。