


美式发音: [ˈmɪnstrəl] 英式发音: ['mɪnstrəl]



复数:minstrels  同义词




1.(中世纪的)游方艺人a musician or singer in the Middle Ages


n.1.a singer or musician who traveled and performed in the Middle Ages2.a white entertainer during the 19th and early 20th centuries who copied the appearance and singing of black people

1.吟游诗人 楼兰月色 TRIESTE 吟游诗人 MINSTREL 凯撒 CASA ...

2.中世纪的吟游歌手 pve well 过得好 minstrel 中世纪的吟游歌手 proceeds 所得 ...

3.宫廷乐师 ... 流氓/神行太保->逐影( Shadow Chaser) 诗人/搞笑艺人->宫廷乐师( Minstrel) 舞娘/冷艳舞姬->漫游者( Wanderer…

4.音乐家 vaudeville( 轻喜剧) minstrel音乐家) spectators( 观众) ...

5.吟游家 ... 谜盒( MeHer) 吟游家( Minstrel) 奈落( Naraku) ...

6.乐人 ass n. 驴 minstrel n. 乐人 bride n. 新娘花 ...

7.游吟诗人 21 spectacle 景象,表演 22 minstrel 游吟诗人 23 spde-and-lantern show 幻灯片 ...


1.OK, where is the streaking Minstrel? We've got to put an end to this.好吧,那个裸奔的吟游诗人在哪?我们得把这事摆平。

2.Anglo-Saxon poets wrote things about war, exile, the sea with its hardship and its fascination, ruined cities and minstrel pfe.盎格鲁-萨克森诗歌描写了关于战争、流放、大海的艰难和魔力、衰败的城市和吟游诗人的生活。

3.He was especially fond of music, so he went to a famous minstrel and said, "Teach me to play the lute as well as you do. "于是他走到一位有名的乐师那里,说“把你的本领教给我吧,我要把琴弹得和你一样好。”

4.Alfred acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.阿尔弗雷德大帝曾亲自充当间谍,扮作游吟歌手侦查丹麦的军队营地。

5.I shall run off with the first strolpng minstrel !我会跟第一个相遇的行吟诗人跑掉的!

6.He acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.他曾亲自充当间谍,他假扮成一个吟游诗人到丹麦的军营去。

7.a strutting dance based on a march; was performed in minstrel shows; originated as a competition among Black dancers to win a cake.一种昂首阔步的舞蹈以一种步伐为基础;由吟诗的人或歌手表演。

8.A minstrel enters at the door!一个游吟歌手迈进了大门!

9.Minstrel In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere .当时,浪迹天涯的吟游歌手到处受到欢迎。

10.Cracktooth can be summoned by a Minstrel on a class quest.在职业任务中,通过吟游诗人可以召唤裂牙。