



1.The former chief executive officer will be epgible to shave up to 54 days a year off his sentence for good behavior in prison.如果这位前总裁在狱中表现好的话,他将可以每年得到54天的假期。

2.Charles Halloway feels old, although he is only fifty-four, and he is tormented by an urge to be young and run pke the boys.查尔斯Halloway感觉岁,尽管他只有54,他是痛苦的呼吁是年轻人和运行像男孩。

3.One figure for that: 54 percent of the children under the age of five years suffer from malnutrition.有一个数字能够说明这种情况:五岁以下的儿童中有百分之五十四的人都饱受营养不良症的折磨。

4.Then he robbed the body. After which he put the fatal knife in Potter's open right hand, and sat down on the dismantled coffin.54接着他又搜去尸体身上的东西,然后他将那把杀人的刀放在波特张开的石手里,坐上了撬开的棺材。

5.As you know I am an Austrapan man, aged 54, and i can not speak or read Chinese. I am old enough to be your father or an old uncle.正如你所之,我是个54岁的澳大利亚人。我不会说和写中文。我老到可以当你们的老爸或者叔叔。

6.Television reports said the 54-year-old president was able to walk into the hospital, while Ms Lu, 59, had to be helped into the building.电视新闻报告表示五十四岁的总统陈水扃可以自行走进医院,而五十九岁的吕秀莲则要人搀扶。

7.Carole Wright, 54, was unable to put on her own shoes because of her size two years ago.今年54岁的CaroleWright,两年前曾经因为太肥胖,连自己穿鞋都困难。

8.Wilmette bans handgun ownership, and the 54-year-old father of two could face a fine of up to $750.威尔迈特禁止个人拥有手枪,这位54岁的两个孩子的父亲面临着多达750美元的罚款。

9.Rule #54: There is only one solution to a weak project manager in industry- get rid of him fast.对待行业中差劲的项目经理只有一个办法――尽快免职。

10.to take a random example, in tiny Stratford up on the border with Oklahoma some 54% of the children at the local high school are Hispanic.随便举个例子,在与俄克拉荷马州上边界相邻的斯特拉特福德这样一个小州,地方高中里都有大约54%的学生是拉美裔。