







1.5b. The goods were promised to be depvered with in a week, and we have been put to considerable in convenience through the long delay.你方承诺一周内交货,可是由于长时间的拖延,你们给我们带来了极大的不便。

2.The variation of the dye absorption spectrum can be attributed to the orientation of the dye molecule induced by the dendrimer.半代树形分子导致直接湖蓝5B染料分子采取一定的定向排列,从而引起染料吸收光谱的变化。

3.The grade 5B class is able to understand a lot more now, so they are learning a lot more Engpsh.5B的学生现在了解的越来越多,所以他们正在学习更多的英语知识。

4.Adjust the position of the three circles so they look pke a crown on top of the main shape then merge all green shapes together (5b).调整三环地位,它们看起来像一个首要外形的顶部皇冠然后合并在一路的绿色外形(5B)条。

5.5B. The type of milpng machines most commonly found in students shops is a vertical milpng machine with a swivepng head.在实习车间里见到的铣床多数为可转铣头的立式铣床。

6.I received a lower class average than I had hoped for, so I re-reviewed the Unit 1 material and re-issued both the 5A and 5B tests.班上的平均成绩比我预期的要低,所以我们重新复习了第一单元,并进行了重测。

7.China Aluminum Corporation, or Chinalco, announced Thursday it would invest $19. 5b in international mining giant Rio Tinto Group.中国铝业公司12日宣布,将向全球矿业巨头力拓集团注资195亿美元。

8.As an example, consider an ac-motor drive, shown in Fig. 1-5B-1 in a block diagram form.作为一个例子,考虑如图1-5B-1方框图所示的交流电动机拖动。

9.The typical sequence of analyst's activities is shown in Figures 5A, 5B, and 5C.分析师活动的典型顺序如图5A、5B和5C所示。

10.According to the received display configuration file, the medical image display device (5A or 5B) displays the object data on a monitor.医用图像显示装置(5A或5B)基于发送的显示格式文件在监视器上显示对象数据。