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n.1.[Country]the Kingdom of Tonga, an island country in the southern Pacific Ocean

1.汤加 Tokelau( 托克劳) Tonga( 汤加) Trinidad and Tobago( 特立尼达和多巴哥) ...

2.东加 TOKELAU( 托克劳群岛) TONGA( 东加) TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO( 千里达) ...

3.东加王国 Tokelau 托克劳 Tonga 汤加群岛 Tunisia 突尼斯 ...

5.汤加王国 2.Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 678 3. Tonga 汤加王国 676 6.East Timor 东帝汶 670 ...

6.汤加语 香港上环德辅道中锦甡大厦6楼 24993611 东加贸易办事处(Tonga) 香港金钟金钟道89号力宝中心第二座5楼507室 25221321 …


1.the northern most islands of Tonga, said he had not felt the earthquake .汤加最北部岛屿中的纽阿托普塔普岛上,一个气象人员表示他没有感觉到地震。

2.Because tonga kingdom is only one of many island Oceania the old kingdom, its system and some other island nation is different.因为汤加王国是大洋洲许多岛国中唯一古老的王国,它的制度与其他一些岛国不一样。

3.Our instruments show increased activity in her tectonic plates occurring in the region of Tonga, the seat of an earthquake today.我们的仪器检测到她的板块在汤加地区有增强的活动,这就是今天地震的位置。

4.Hundreds of Chinese made their way to Tonga's neighbouring country Fiji Wednesday to board an Air China aircraft sent by Beijing yesterday .星期三,数百名中国人前往汤加的邻国斐济,乘坐由北京昨天派出的一驾中国国航飞机。

5.Tonga islands in the direction of the north and south are roughly, can be divided into east and west two columns.汤加群岛大致按南北的方向排列,可分为东、西两列。

6.The time a tsunami originating around Tonga is pkely to take to reach the Queensland coast is probably less than three hours.汤加地区地震所产生引发强大的海啸到达澳洲昆士兰海岸可能不到3小时。

7.Some of our laptop machines have been donated to people going on missions in Tonga, Eastern Europe and Africa.我们已经把一些笔记本电脑赠送给继续在汤加、东欧和非洲传教的人。

8.SEVERAL hundred years ago, the Pacific island state of Fiji was a place of refuge for exiled princes from neighbouring Tonga.几百年前,太平洋岛国斐济是从邻国汤加流亡而来的王子们的避难之地。

9.China has estabpshed diplomatic ties with Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Cook Islands, Tonga and Niue since the 1970s.自上世纪70年代以来,中国陆续同斐济、萨摩亚、巴布亚新几内亚、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、库克群岛、汤加、纽埃建立了外交关系。

10.New Zealand's two main islands separated by Cook Strait , South Island, near Antarctica , the North Island and Fiji and Tonga, the sea.新西兰两大岛屿以库克海峡分隔,南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济及汤加相望。