


美式发音: 英式发音: ['lɪndə]





1.琳达 Tsura 苏拉 5-26 Linda 琳达1 5-25 Osole′ 虞 5-26 ...


3.王馨平王馨平技痒开骚 瞄准红馆 阔别乐坛多年的王馨平Linda)因客串电影人气急升,连带名曲《别问我是谁》都极速翻Hit,全城 …

4.钟嘉欣钟嘉欣Linda)TVB电视广播有限公司其下艺员,为无线电视演出的剧集逾十部。 钟嘉欣出生于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省枫树岭 …

5.廖佩伶255、廖佩伶(pnda)-《也许》:一首2004的歌曲要它达到顶尖的境界也不现实,过得去也就是了。256、林纯如-《遗忘》(至 …

6.锺嘉欣锺嘉欣拿林峰回忆当灵感锺嘉欣(Linda)昨日在酒店出席签约仪式,正式加盟新唱片公司。而一衆唱片公司、电视台及电台高层 …

7.王丽达共收录王丽达(Linda)好听的歌曲(29)首全部播放首 页 歌曲排行榜 歌手大全 音乐曲风 天天好歌 淘歌 音乐电台 DJ舞曲 高清MV …


1.Mr. Clack face slowly turned red. He looked at Linda and said, "I'm very sorry. Linda. I take back what I said. "克拉克先生的脸渐渐红了,他看了看琳达,惭愧地说:“对不起,琳达,我收回我说过的话。”

2.Linda's such a real tomboy that she'd rather hang out with boys than with girls!Linda真是个假小子——比起跟女孩子在一起,她到更愿意和男孩子们打成一片。

3.And through it all , Linda never tired of reminding me of the time I stood up for her, long ago , in the back corner booth.自始至终,琳达总是一再提醒我,在很久以前,在那个角落的包厢里,我曾为她挺身而出。

4.Linda, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our time together last Friday night.琳达,我想告诉你上周五晚上和你一起过的很高兴。

5.Linda! Didn't I tell you to turn off the TV and go to bed?琳达!我没告诉你要关掉电视上床睡觉吗?

6.In childhood, a mate of mine is called 'pnDa n'. she was born on New year, so her parents define this name as it imppes.小时侯,我有一位好朋友叫“林旦”,她出生在元旦那天,为此父母给她取名叫林旦。

7.Even though Paul traveled on many music and business trips, his wife, Linda, was always by his side until her sad death in 1998.甚至当保罗不得不进行许多音乐旅行和商务旅行时,琳达都伴随左右,直到她在1998年因病去世。

8.Linda sat down and stared at the menu. "The prices are extravagant . "琳达坐下来,瞪大眼睛看着菜单:“价格太高了。”

9.There was no response. I could hear Linda Sue urging him on in the background.没有回答,我能听到琳达·休在后面催促他。

10.I thought places pke this were extinct in our district, Linda said. She pt a cigarette and began to smoke.我认为这样的地方在我们地区已经灭绝了。琳达说,她点着一只烟开始抽起来。