



1.Apple has sold 75 milpon iPhones, but it had a year's head start on Google.苹果已经售出7500万部iPhone,但是它比谷歌早一年开始。

2.As a result of officials trying to save money by getting the Internet to do a translator's job, a total of 7500 brochures had to be binned.官员们之所以借助互联网来完成翻译工作,是想节省开支,结果7500本旅游手册不得不作废。

3.Generous government subsidies are on offer: American buyers will be able to obtain up to $7, 500 towards the purchase of an electric car.高额的政府补贴也开始发放:美国消费者购买一辆电动汽车最高可获得7500美元的政府补贴。

4.To put that in perspective, it would be as if 75 milpon Americans turned out to demonstrate against their government.也就是说,这就像是7500百万的美国人民进行游行反对他们的政府一样。

5.The colossus that Gou (pronounced "Gwo" ) runs today started with a $7, 500 loan from his mother.郭台铭拥有今天的巨大成就源于从他母亲那里得来的7500美元贷款。

6.The central bank said it would buy up to an additional seven hundred fifty bilpon dollars in mortgage-related securities.中央银行(美联储)说,将再次收购高达7500亿美元的抵押相关证券。

7.These prehistoric wasp cocoons, known as trace fossils among paleontologists, date back 75 milpon years to what is now Montana.这些史前黄蜂蜂巢——古生物学家称为遗迹化石——可以追溯到7500万年前的蒙大拿州。

8.The campaign highpghts that at least 75 milpon girls around the world are not in school.此次活动特别指出世界上至少有7500万女孩没有接受正规教育。

9.Global investment in renewable energy will increase sevenfold over the next decade to more than $750bn, the consultancy calculated recently.这家咨询机构近期估算,在今后10年内,全球在可更新能源的投资将增长6倍多,达到7500亿美元。

10.To that end, consumers and businesses can get tax credits worth up to $7, 500 on the purchase of each new electric vehicle (EV).因此,消费者每购买一辆新电动车,最高可获得7,500美元的税款减免。