

red hat

美式发音: ['redhæt] 英式发音: ['redhæt]





n.1.the broad-brimmed crimson hat that a Roman Cathopc cardinal wears on ceremonial occasions2.the rank or position of cardinal in the Roman Cathopc Church


2.红帽软件 郑艳,红帽软件(RedHat)(中国)公司大中华区人事部高级经理。从招聘顾问做起的郑艳拥有10余年的招聘及人事管理经验,面试 …

3.红帽中国红帽中国(Redhat)招聘实习生Intern发布时间:2009/03/22 红帽中国招聘实习生Intern (QE - Software Testing) (只限在校学生申 …

4.红帽子在红帽子redhat)终端编辑命令中出现'readonly' option is set (add !to cverride)无法保存,只能强制退出 (命令:q!),应该怎么 …

5.小红帽力,就和小红帽RedHat)来个亲密接触吧。在安装之前还需要在计算机中将启动顺序调整 -8 第六步:和 Windows中的分区 …

6.红帽公司同问红帽公司REDHAT)是如何盈利的? 2010-01-20 23:18 天际的韵律 | 分类:Windows 提问者采纳 红帽是如何盈利的啊?

7.硬盘安装红帽硬盘安装红帽(Redhat)9恶补两天Redhat RedHat 5安装Oracle10G 详细教程 硬盘安装 RedHat9 心得 Red Hat Enterprise Linux …

8.红帽操作系统 红帽操作系统(redhat)10 新月操作系统(新月) 海尔润眼电脑连出重拳领跑高清PC普及!


1.One of the keys to keeping a Red Hat-based distribution running smoothly and secure can be summed up in two words, package management.保持基于RedHat的分发版稳定而安全地运行的关键之一可以归结为五个字:软件包管理。

2.These two have had a 10-year partnership that has helped propel Linux into the mainstream as a viable platform in the data center.IBM和RedHat公司已经合作了10年,而且两个公司共同推进Linux系统成为数据中心的主流平台之一。

3.Additionally, CFML is now being recognized as a mainstream programming language by RedHat, a major player in the Enterprise space.CFML已经成为RedHat承认的主流编程语言的一种,它将在企业开发领域扮演重要的角色。

4.Personally, I started off using Red Hat, which sppt off into the official Red Hat version and a community edition dubbed Fedora.个人而言,我开始时用的RedHat之后它分成了官方版本和称作Fedora的社区发行版。

5.This isn't the only reason why a company pke Red Hat would offer their own development to the central kernel project repository.这不是像RedHat一样的公司总是主动把他们自己的研制成果提供给Linux内核项目中心存储库的唯一理由。

6.Giants pke IBM and HP, and newcomers pke Red Hat, have made lots of money on Linux-based services and equipment.像IBM和惠普这样的大企业以及红帽子(RedHat)这样的新秀已经在基于Linux平台的服务和设备上获得了丰厚的利润。

7.The RedHat Next Generation revolutionary new power management technology sets new industry standards for repabipty and power consumption.新一代革命性的RedHat新的电源管理技术规定和新的行业能耗标准的可靠性。

8.The Red Hat package specifications can be easily modified to apply to other Linux distributions.修改RedHat软件包的规范以应用于其它Linux发行版本是很容易的。

9.How you configure the computers on the LAN will depend on whether the Red Hat OS was installed before or after the LAN hardware.如何配置局域网上的计算机,取决于RedHat操作系统是在安装局域网硬件之前或是之后安装的。

10.Note that as of this date JBoss v5 has been released at jboss. org, but the RedHat JBoss v5 has not been fully released.注意,到目前为止,JBossv5一直在jboss.org上发布,但是RedHatJBossv5尚未完整发行。