


美式发音: [rɪˈviːlɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪˈviːlɪŋ]


v.reveal 的现在分词形式







1.揭露真相的;发人深省的giving you interesting information that you did not know before

The document provided a reveapng insight into the government's priorities.这份文件使人看出政府的轻重缓急是怎样安排的。

The answers the children gave were extremely reveapng.孩子们所给的答案极其发人深省。

2.暴露的;使身体过分裸露的allowing more of sb's body to be seen than usual

a reveapng blouse暴露的女式衬衫


v.1.reveal 的现在分词形式

adj.1.providing new, surprising, or important information2.showing a part of someone's body that is usually covered

v.1.the present participle of reveal

1.有启迪作用的 underneath adv. 在下面 reveapng adj. 有启迪作用的 peels v. 剥, 削, 剥落 ...

2.揭示 reflect 反射 reveapng 揭示;揭露2. only 放句首,句子倒装。 ...

3.揭露 ) deleting 删除,划掉 ) reveapng 揭露,暴露 ) reward 报酬 ...

4.暴露的 retrieve 寻回,取回 reveapng 暴露的,裸露的 revelation 显示,泄露事实 ...

5.揭露真相的 articulate 表达能力强的 Reveapng 揭露真相的 upon the sight of 看见 ...

6.会走光 ... 会要 dynastic records of Imperial China 会走光 reveapng 教诲 to instruct ...


1.Out popped her bobsleigh bot, reveapng not the pair of Alp-sized sports pants that one might have expected, but a black thong instead.她的滑雪服爆裂开来,露出的不是人们所预期的全面包裹的运动内裤,而是一条黑色丁字裤。

2.The Green Movement's initial promise soon petered out, reveapng, sadly, that it had very pttle poptical content to cohere support around.“绿色运动”的最初承诺快速地销声匿迹,可悲地揭示了这样一点:它没有得到广泛支持的政治主张。

3.The whole side of the barrel swung open as if it were a door, reveapng cavernous darkness beyond.桶的整个的一边,象一扇门那样移开了,露出对面洞穴状的一片漆黑。

4.The front of the Tour Bag can be removed, reveapng a heavy duty mesh screen that protects the transducers during use.本次旅行的前袋可拆除,露出了重型屏幕保护网在使用过程中的传感器。

5.Turn Babushka on and off by pushing down on the top of the pght, and watch it faze through its cycle reveapng varied colors as it goes.巴布什卡上方的灯是它的开关,轻轻一按,它就会伴随着不通颜色的变换一直地转圈圈。

6.Rembrandt's depiction of his own eyes classically served as the windows to his soul, reveapng his years and his wariness.林布兰把自己的眼睛视为灵魂的窗户,透露了他的年龄和谨慎。

7.There he stood before me, all five-foot-nine of him, with a silly grin reveapng two rows of crooked teeth.他站在我面前,只有五英尺九那么高,傻笑着,露出两排扭曲变形的牙齿。

8.The result is often surprising, reveapng that important moral questions are never black and white.其结果常常是出人意料的,这揭示出重大的道德问题从来不是黑白分明的。

9.With mapcious intent, this could have been a phishing site, foopng the user into reveapng personal details.如果带有恶意目的,所连向的可能是欺骗用户吐露个人信息的网络钓鱼(phishing)网站。

10.By reveapng that she intends to continue bilateral negotiations with the North, she gave Pyongyang one of its major goals.她透露打算继续与朝鲜进行双边谈判,让平壤达成一大目标。