




1.晚上七时 ... Suns at Spurs,3 pm 太阳队在马刺队,下午3时 Mavericks at Hornets,7 pm 小牛队在黄蜂队,

2.七点今夜七点(7PM) 在约定的场所 灌醉猎物(crazy) 狂乱的 pes pes 将性感的身体(ah) 打造得更完美(more & more) 目标only one BLA…

3.晚上七点时间:晚上七点 (7pm)地点:1516 Moorings Drive, Reston VA 20190门票:五元  ($5)电话预约或需要进一步资料者请洽慈济华 …

4.七点整 晚上七点整(7 PM)开始

5.晚上七时正演唱会日期:2013年6月1日(星期六)晚上七时正7pm)。地点:三藩市美生堂(Nob Hill Masonic Center),1111 Capforn…


1.By 7pm I was ready to head home, but felt so sweaty I decided to shower in the office bathroom.7点的时候我准备走人,但是觉得浑身都是汗,就想在办公室的卫生间里冲个凉。

2.Around 7pm, as a cold rain fell steadily on the bridge, popce loaded the last of the last of the marchers into a half-empty city bus.大约到了下午7:00,寒冷的雨滴落在了桥上,警察把最后一个被逮捕的游行者装进一辆空着的城市公交车。

3.Thesong will be sent at exactly 7pm, and the iconic tune will also be spun on radio stations around the world to mark the moment.这支单曲将于七点整被发送,歌曲旋律将在电台向世界播放来纪念这一时刻。

4.Remind me to let my wife note to take the dogs out tomorrow night. Here's your reminder for tomorrow at 7pm.提醒我让我的妻子记得明天晚上出去遛狗。这是你明天晚上7点的事件提醒。

5.In other words, that cup of coffee you drank at 7PM is still with you at midnight.换言之,你在7点钟喝的咖啡会伴随你直到午夜。

6.Kick-off the Lancashire FA HQ is at 7pm and McMahon's side go into this game on an unbeaten run which stretches to 10 games.兰开夏超级杯将会在晚上7点钟开球,赛前麦克马洪的球队已经把不败战绩扩大到10场。

7.At 7pm on a snowy Friday night you would not have expected this place to be a hive of activity. But it was.在一个冬日雪天星期五的晚上你不会期待这个地方会多么的喧闹,但你错了。

8.Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.由于长期午休,企业关闭重开这一时期通常在下午2点左右,然后继续开放至晚上7时左右。

9.Raise any subjects you want by emaipng from now and phoning from 7pm to talk pve on the show Roman Abramovich watches.提出任何你想说的话题,现在开始通过电邮或者在晚上7点的热线节目中打电话过来。阿布将会观看这个节目。

10.Team members were told to surrender their mobile phones from 10pm to 7pm the next day.队员们被告知,在晚10点至第二天晚7点间要交出手机。