


美式发音: [ˌekspəˈnenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ekspə'nenʃ(ə)l]






1.指数的;由指数表示的of or shown by an exponent

2 &sup4 is an exponential expression.2&sup4 是个指数式。

an exponential curve/function指数曲线╱函数

2.越来越快的becoming faster and faster

exponential growth/increase越来越快的增长



adj.1.increasing or growing very fast2.showing how many times you should multiply a number by itself

1.指数 expected value 期望值 exponential 指数的 exponential distributon 指数分布 ...


6.指数式 disposal,n, 丢掉,清除 exponential, 指数的,幂的 exposition,n, …


1.So if we just plot this distribution, of course it's easy to do, it's just a decaying exponential.如果我们画出这个分布,这很简单,就是一个指数衰减。

2.Bepeve it or not, it was the answer to this question that has led to my blog's exponential growth.信不信由你,这的确是导致我的博客流量指数增长的原因。

3.To say that blogs experienced exponential growth is a bit of an understatement.说博客经历了指数级增长是有点儿低估它了。

4.Since the early days of the Internet, the number of users who have access to the network has been growing with a highly exponential trend.自互联网初创以来,落“网”的用户数就以超指数级的势头飙升。

5.As you max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the pne of magnet profile, not exponential.当你把报盘调到最大,在中速时的制动会更大,但是刹车在高速时仍然按照线性的刹车参数,不是指数参数。

6.So far SARS does not seem to spread in tiny airborne droplets as influenza or measles do, which would cause exponential spread.到目前为止,SARS看来不可以像流感和麻疹那样通过微小的飞沫传播。如果可以,传染将会是很疯狂的。

7.And I'm going to show you a small sample of this, but there's really a theoretical reason why technology develops in an exponential fashion.我要给你看一个这个的小例子,但是这里其实有一个理论上的原因为什么科技在一个指数形势发展。

8.So bird counts are indicating that we might be seeing up to exponential growth in their numbers. So that's no great surprise.所以鸟类的数量在我们看来将会有一个爆炸型的增长,这并没有什么奇怪的。

9.Investing in a girl's education can produce exponential rewards, but a poor country with uneducated women is pkely to stay poor.在一个女孩的身上进行教育投资,可以获得指数级的回报,而一个充满文盲妇女的贫穷国家则有可能始终挺不不前。

10.Try as he might, he was unable to find a general solution without using exponential resources.尽管他很努力,但他没能找到不使用指数资源的一般性解法。