

charm:[英 [tʃɑ:m] 美 [tʃɑ:rm] ]


过去式:charmed;   过去分词:charmed;   现在分词:charming;   复数形式:charms;

charm 基本解释


名词魅力; 魔力; 咒文; (表链等的)小装饰品

及物动词使陶醉; 诱惑; 对…行魔法; 令人陶醉

charm 相关词组

1. work like a charm : 有神效;

2. like a charm : 效验如神地;

charm 相关例句


1. The child charms everyone.


2. I'm charmed to meet you.



1. The girl's warm personality is her greatest charm.



2. He fell victim to her charms.


charm 网络解释

1. 符咒:进入寄存处,用钥匙打开Regin保险柜,找到一个空信封(Envelope)和一个符咒(Charm). 去小神庙将符咒拿给预言家看,他说这个符咒属于Uberwald家族,能同时给人带来好运和恶运,但恶运多于好运. 当谈到Errata时,

2. 魅惑:附魔系法术分为以下两类: 魅惑(Charm):此类法术可以改变对方对你的看法,通常会将你视为朋友. 协迫(Compulsion):此类法术强迫对方改变想法,有时可让你决定对方的行动,甚至控制对方.

3. 吸引力:众神的态度有以下十一种,笔者由高到低排列,请众位玩家留意:兴奋(Exalted)、有吸引力(Charm)、喜悦(Delighted)、开心(Happy)、高兴(Pleased)、漠不关心(Indifferent)、不开心(Displeased)、有怒气(Irritated)、愤怒(Angry)、非常愤怒(

charm 双语例句

1. I applied it to my blog and it works like a charm.


2. From these fox sirens, not only can we feel the authenticity of their true-life presence, but also wake up to their special presence as variants based on the details. The perfect combination of humanity and fox-bestiality is just the charm of fox sirens describled by Pu Liuxian.


3. If you have a good speed this can really work like charm for normal people.


4. Turning on the charm, I joked that because of her name, she must be free to show me around.



5. Place of work of an artistic design has some aesthetic charm, gift by project and artistic double skill place.


6. Contrast, metre and seriation are also important for aesthetic feeling and artistic charm in costume design.


7. charm是什么意思

7. This is a sincere belief in the artist's sentiment really is the embodiment of aesthetic charm, and the very people who can appreciate.



8. Wall tiles in the choice of color and collage to meet the owner of an unusual aesthetic charm.


9. Whether feeling expression is proper or not in singing determines the art charm and aesthetic feeling in song appreciation.


10. charm

10. Painting a concrete link different times. Analysis of Chinese Painting Images produced by the different aesthetic charm and aesthetic expression.


11. Hence, poetic beauty endows her novels with aesthetic value and artistic charm.


12. Malsoon: That's his charm!


13. Through their designs, downtown hotels have interpreted their cities`dominant themes as in the ultra-modernity of Atlanta`s Hyatt Regencyand Westin Peachtree Plaza, the sophistication of San Francisco`sStanford Court and Campton Place, the massiveness of New York`s Hiltonand Marriott Marquis, and the traditional charm of Boston`s MarriottLong Wharf and The Bostonian.


14. All other brand in the field feel the charm of GOJAJA being of the yeoman's service of Hengchan.


15. A DASH of otherworldliness is part of the charm of academic conferences.


16. charm什么意思

16. You will be captivated by this city's extraordinary charm.


17. charm

17. This is Michael Jackson's extraordinary charm.


18. charm是什么意思

18. Little kid, it seems that you are over-confid ent about your charm.



19. Illusory is the modern landscape that Zhuang Zhe finds in his heart. The upper part of the painting is mixed heavy and light color. The use of dye relies on the charm of emptiness in Chinese painting. The center of the painting resembles a changing landscape, in motion during a hazy daylight that descends as fog and rain. The free use of lines and shapes shows the influence of calligraphy in this work. On the canvas of a Western painting, he expresses his personal feelings through Chinese culture.


20. Another request, help me out. Her charm caught my throat that I can ` t breathe smoothly.


charm 词典解释

1. 魅力;吸引力

Charm is the quality of being pleasant or attractive.

e.g. 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs', the 1937 Disney classic, has lost none of its original charm...


e.g. The house had its charms, not the least of which was the furniture that came with it.


2. (人的)魅力,亲和力

Someone who has charm behaves in a friendly, pleasant way that makes people like them.

e.g. He was a man of great charm and distinction.


3. 迷住;吸引;使倾倒

If you charm someone, you please them, especially by using your charm.

e.g. He even charmed Mrs Prichard, carrying her shopping and flirting with her, though she's 83...


e.g. The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook...


4. 运用个人魅力(出入…)

If you charm your way into or out of a place or situation, you use your charm to get into or out of that place or situation.

e.g. ...charming his way into the British Embassy in Teheran...


e.g. He charmed his way out of trouble.


5. 利用个人魅力获取

If you say that someone charmed something out of you or from you, you mean that they used their charm to persuade you to give it to them.

e.g. He is good at charming money out of companies.


6. (手镯、项链上的)小挂件,小饰物,小玩意

A charm is a small ornament that is fixed to a bracelet or necklace.

7. 有魔力的物品;咒语;魔法

A charm is an act, saying, or object that is believed to have magic powers.

e.g. They cross their fingers and spit over their shoulders as charms against the evil eye.


e.g. ...a good luck charm.


8. (常指为了获取某物或欺骗某人而)施展魅力

If someone turns on the charm, they behave in a way that seems very friendly but which you think is insincere, often in order to obtain something or deceive someone.

e.g. He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.


9. 立见功效;很成功

If you say that something worked like a charm, you mean that it was very effective or successful.

e.g. Economically, the policy worked like a charm.


charm 单语例句

1. If you want to feel closer to its beauty and lingering charm, the best way is to visit it by yourself.

2. Here, you can still find steam locomotives and experience the romantic charm of a bygone era!

3. Such transition is not unusual for the Australian actor hailed for her work ethic, intellect and cool charm emblematic of leading figures of a Hollywood era long gone.

4. The theme of the activities is " joy in central China, charm of Ruzhou ".

5. Her charm and charisma has made her a darling of the press and the object of desire for millions - especially fellow actors and directors.

6. China's actress Zhang Ziyi has proved her universal charisma by winning a " You Bring Charm to the World " award last Saturday.

7. He says Wen conveys a lot of charisma and charm on the screen and wonders how he is in real life.

8. Kim Kardashian will be Miles Austin's " lucky charm " when the NFL season restarts.

9. With inspirations drawn from a complete understanding of individual features, the couture collections display the charm of gentlemen in all their aspects for all occasions.

10. The only highlight for entertainment is a hostel and tea house run by a young couple who moved to Jinxi for its romantic charm.

charm 英英释义



1. something believed to bring good luck

Synonym: good luck charm

2. attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates

e.g. his smile was part of his appeal to her

Synonym: appealappealingness

3. (physics) one of the six flavors of quark

4. a verbal formula believed to have magical force

e.g. he whispered a spell as he moved his hands

inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese

Synonym: spellmagic spellmagical spell


1. induce into action by using one's charm

e.g. She charmed him into giving her all his money

Synonym: influencetempt

2. protect through supernatural powers or charms

3. attract

cause to be enamored

e.g. She captured all the men's hearts

Synonym: captureenamourtrancecatchbecharmenamorcaptivatebeguilefascinatebewitchentranceenchant

4. control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft

Synonym: becharm