

overriding:[英 [ˌəʊvəˈraɪdɪŋ] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈraɪdɪŋ] ]


过去式:overrode;   过去分词:overridden;

overriding 基本解释


动词推翻,无视(override的现在分词); (以权力)否决; 优先于; 比…更重要


overriding 网络解释

1. 重载:不到一个月以 前,还没有人建议改变语 法,这个月重载(overriding) 已经成了关键字 了,被加入了方法声 明,并意味着一个方法重载了在基类中定义的方 法,这将允许你确保只重载你需要的方 法,如果你使用了关键字而方法不存在或错误的使用方法将会产生警 告.

2. 覆写:在继续当中,有两个非凡行为需要我们关注:覆写(overriding)和重载(overloading). 现在你只需记住:假如base class和derive class的某个方法名称相同,引数相同,则为覆写(overriding),名称相同,引数相同,则为重载(overloading).


3. 超越:成员函数IsDraggable()和IsDropTarget()都定义为虚函数,所以在需要对可拖动特性和可释放特性进行更为复杂的判断时,用户可以在类CBitmapTree的派生类中超越(overriding)该函数.

4. 主要的,占优势的:overlaping 重叠 | overriding 主要的,占优势的 | opposite 对立的,对面的

overriding 双语例句

1. It is these overriding concerns which influences and shapes our thoughts.


2. And SN74121 One Shots SN54221 and SN74221 Demonstrate Electrical and Switching Characteristics That Are Virtually Identical to the SN54121 and SN74121 One Shots Pinout Is Identical to the SN54123, SN74123, SN54LS123, and SN74LS123 Overriding Clear Terminates Output Pulse

一射门和SN74121 SN54221 SN74221示范和机电开关特性,几乎是相同的SN54121和SN74121一个射门针脚是相同的SN54123,SN74123,SN54LS123,清除覆盖和SN74LS123终止输出脉冲

3. overriding

3. Minerals that melt at lower temperatures and are lighter than the surrounding meterial tend to rise, melting their way up through the overriding plate to erupt as voicanoes on the ocean floor.


4. Still -- overriding OnX wins here.


5. overriding

5. Q. Is that pretty much the overriding theme of your life, or one of them?


6. As far as I understood, this kind of men would appreciate to be satisfied in overriding and controlling people, so I asked in seductive voice what his major was.



7. One easy trap to fall into with overriding, is to mistype the method name.



8. Good communicators are clear about their key messages, those things which are of overriding importance.


9. I have said more than once that stability is of overriding importance and that we cannot abandon the people's democratic dictatorship.


10. Rather than any singular overriding design or vision, this new model aims to adopt what is basically a flexible, mass-customization home design system -- one that gives homeowners themselves the tools to design their own living spaces.



11. My overriding impression was that I was impressed.


12. The ethical principles of non-maleficence and beneficence might be used as justificatio for overriding her autonomy.


13. overriding

13. The major finding was that the amount of overriding of the fracture ends showed significant difference with the overgrowth of the femur.


14. The work flow application model adopts object oriented capsulation technique and uses inheritance and overriding for application transparency and independence.


15. And the president's overriding priority has to be on fixing the economy.


16. Overriding a method means replacing the superclass's implementation of a method with one of your own.


17. Overriding commission {= overrider; o/r; o. r.


18. Will become your entire legal agreement with GMS when you tick the boxes in Part 6 of the online Mapmakers Agreement, overriding any previous communications or agreements.


19. overriding的翻译

19. But if you're one of those people who attaches an overriding value to that little number, this is food for thought.


20. overriding

20. But also for anyone who has got an ounce of humanity in them and I think that is the overriding emotion that people will be feeling today, he said.


overriding 词典解释

1. 压倒一切的;首要的;最为重要的

In a particular situation, the overriding factor is the one that is the most important.

e.g. My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education...


e.g. Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only $15 million this summer.


overriding 单语例句

1. Under the circumstance, " human rights overriding sovereignty " has already become the most powerful weapon of some Western countries.

2. The overriding task in many places is therefore to make sure the masses have clean water to drink.

3. I have said more than once that stability is of overriding importance and that we cannot abandon the people's democratic dictatorship.

4. Despite the disruption, the child's education remains an overriding priority.

5. As it has since the Columbia disaster, the overriding concern remained the foam insulation on the external fuel tank.

6. For the Chinese general public and college students alike, the overriding view of Japan is as a capitalist country.

7. The act stipulates that projects affecting the harbour should not be undertaken unless there is an overriding public interest.

8. Unless environmental protection is given overriding importance, we can hardly expect all government offices to share the same degree of commitment.

9. The overriding issue in Chinese water management is the increasing cost and scarcity of water.

10. The US'overriding objective should be to avoid military conflict with China.

overriding什么意思overriding 英英释义


1. having superior power and influence

e.g. the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

Synonym: paramountpredominantpredominatepreponderantpreponderating