

stasis:[英 [ˈsteɪsɪs] 美 [ˈstesɪs, ˈstæsɪs] ]



stasis 基本解释


stasis 网络解释

1. 停滞:一旦新种形成了即进入停滞(stasis)期,可保持数百万年不变,此为「平衡中断说」(punctuated equilibrium). 为了使平衡中断说符合在化石系列(fossil lineages)的长期进化趋势(例如哺乳动物的体型由小渐渐变大),

2. 静止:固板构造(rigid stucture)向流动性(flow)、静止(stasis) 向过程(process)的一个连续的改变. ...

3. 停滞, 郁积:unicel 二亚硝基五亚甲基四胺(发泡剂) | stasis 停滞, 郁积 | environmental hygiene 环境卫生

4. 固定,停滞,郁滞:-spasm 痉挛 | -stasis 固定,停滞,郁滞 | -stat 稳定,静位

stasis 双语例句

1. stasis

1. Staring the abomination in horror, Zeratul was surprised when a male terran suddenly uncloaked in front of the stasis cell.

Zeratul 充满恐惧地盯着这些可憎的生物,令他惊讶的是一个男性人类突然在他面前的静态舱旁解除了隐形。

2. Compared to NHAL, HAL has a high incidence of outer marrow infiltration, leukocyte stasis syndrome, DIC and early mortality rate.


3. stasis的近义词

3. Compared to NHAL, HAL has a high incidence of outer marrow infiltration, leukocyte stasis syndrome, DIC and early mortality rate. The complete remission rate was 28.9% for patients with hyperleukocytosis versus 57.1% for patients with non hyperleukocytosis.

L。其它371例非高白细胞急性白血病患者作为对照组。1.2 治疗方法①降白细胞:ALL应用白细胞单采术和环磷华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院血液科(武汉,430022)酰胺0.2~0.4 g/d静脉注射;AML和其它患者应用白细胞单采术和羟基脲2~4 g/d服。

4. stasis是什么意思

4. Objective: Dahuangzhechongwan has effects of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, invigorating deficiency g...


5. Objective:To monitor the injury effect of homocysteine on the EC of blood vessels, and anti injury effect of Chinese herbal medicine with the actions of tonishing the kidney, activating blood circulation and eliminating blood stasis.

目的 :观察高半胱氨酸对血管内皮细胞的损伤和益肾活血化痰中药抗Hcy损伤作用。

6. Methods The atrial ventricular block model in rabbit induced by verapamil hydrochloride and the atrial ventricular block model of guinea pig induced by adenosine were used and the effect of LO on anti-atrial ventricular block was investigated. Moreover, the effect of LO on promoting blood flow was observed through the experiment of platelet aggregation of rabbit induced by ADP and the experiment of the rheol index of blood stasis rats induced by giant molecule dextran.


7. Objective To study the effect of Acanthopanax senticosus saponins on hemorheology in rat model of acute blood stasis.


8. stasis

8. 4 Improve immune function to prevent rheumatism, lumbar disc herniation, rheumatoid Capsule, a gas chromatography. Oral Liquid (patent No. 031408567): can enhance immunity, Keep, through the meridians of blood stasis. Yangxue Air, Qufeng builds dehumidification, swelling pain relief, peace fill in the prevention of liver and kidney effects of rheumatoid rheumatoid joint pain. fenstration, hyperosteogeny, sciatica, joint pain and other systemic rheumatoid Wanbiqing.


9. To expell phlegm and relieve blood stasis, a hot topic of TCM therapeutic principle for AS, is reviewed in this paper.


10. stasis的意思

10. PuriCore is developing the Vashe Wound Therapy System, a FDA-cleared medical device using a novel, noninvasive, easy-to-use wound management process for acute and chronic wounds including stage I through IV pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers, post-surgical wounds, and burns.


11. stasis的意思

11. It is suggested from the clinical study that:1, the system of treatment by differentiation of syndromes of Chinese medicine of AS should be sort to seven types:Cold and humid type, Heat and humid type, liver and kidney asthenia type, chi deficiency and blood-stasis type, kidney-yin deficiency, kidney asthenia and Du cold type, cold and heat fool-up combine with phlegm.2, According to the percent in investigation; the heat and humid type which had 250 cases took 52.71%in all, the kidney-yin deficiency type which had 90cases took 18.99%in all, liver and kidney asthenia type which had 49 cases took 5.48%in all, kidney asthenia and Du cold type which had 26 cases took 5.48%in all.


12. stasis的近义词

12. This product is suitable for physical weakness, poor appetite, decreased immunity and blood stasis caused byüwith pain, limb numbness, rheumatoid arthritis, middle-aged and elderlyüpain, lumbar, cervical hyperplasia, such as symptoms of the crowd.


13. Methods Amyotrophy, somatasthenia, fasciculation, dysarthria and acataposis were the major clinical symptom of MND patients. The conclusion suggested that MND must be treated mainly by reinforcing the kidney and invigorating the spleen and invigorating spleen to replenish qi, removing blood stasis dredge collaterals as adjunctive therapy.


14. Objective To investigate multi-slice spiral CT and MRI features of stasis cirrhosis and the diagnostic value of MSCT and MRI.

目的 探讨淤血性肝硬变的多层螺旋CT和MRI的表现及MSCT和MRI对其的诊断价值。

15. MSCT and MRI play invaluable roles in diagnosis, differential diagnosis and etiological diagnosis of stasis cirrhosis.


16. stasis

16. Stasis cirrhosis; Tomography/X-ray computed; Magnetic resonance imaging; Multi-slice spiral CT; Cardiac cirrhosis

淤血性肝硬变;断层摄影术/X线计算机;磁共振成像;多层螺旋CT ;心源性肝硬变


17. Methods MSCT and MRI findings of 35 patients with stasis cirrhosis were studied. The size of liver and spleen, the diameter of hepatic vein, enhancement pattern of liver parenchyma, contrast medium reflux in inferior vena cava and HV, ascites, number of varices and correlated abnormalities were reviewed.


18. Stasis cirrhosis mainly demonstrate liver enlargement, inhomogeneous pattern of parenchymal contrast enhancement, contrast medium reflux in IVC and HV, and slight portal hypertension.


19. Evaluate MRI representation:(1) segregation condition: transfixation band, segregation between cartilage and bone, segregation between bone and bone; (2) four stages of pathologic classification based on MRI signal character; (3) texture in weight bearing zone; (4) add Bone Marrow Edema score and joint effusion score as stasis index.


20. It was found that most of the primary dysmenorrhea was caused by blood stasis due to cold stagnation in this study on the basis of theories on western medicine and TCM, related researches and developments, and practices. Method: 30 patients with primary dysmenorrhea due to cold stasis were treated by Shaofuzhuyu Tang. The lower abdominal pain and other clinical symptoms were compared with before and after the treatments.


stasis 词典解释

1. 停滞;静止

Stasis is a state in which something remains the same, and does not change or develop.

e.g. Rock'n'roll had entered a period of stasis.


stasis 单语例句stasis的解释

1. The aim is to " activate blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis ", based on TCM theory.

2. The aged yellow wine made from red glutinous maize can also treat irregular menstruation, postnatal blood stasis and other gynecological diseases.

3. He's gritting his teeth, disgusted by his life's stasis.

4. Sha is the term used to describe blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue as petechiae.

stasis 英英释义


1. inactivity resulting from a static balance between opposing forces

2. an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid (such as blood) is slowed or stopped