
think of是什么意思_think of用法和例句

think of:[英 [θiŋk ɔv] 美 [θɪŋk ʌv] ]

think of是什么意思

think of 基本解释

think of的反义词

想起; 考虑; 有…想法; 对…有意见

think of 情景对话


A:Would you copy these papers?


B:This copy machine doesn’t work.


A:I think it ran out of paper.


Talk straight from the shoulder.-(直言不讳)

think of

A:What do you think of my work?




A:Please talk straight from the shoulder.


think of的近义词

B:It’s not very satisfactory, you should be more careful.


Bob groans-(鲍勃在呻吟)

A:What’s the matter, Bob?


B:I think it’s my ankle.


A:What happened?


B:One of my snowshoes got caught on a rock.


A:Can you stand?


B:I don’t think so. It’s kind of sore.


A:We’ll have to get you to a hospital for an X-ray.


B:Is that really necessary?


A:It may be worse than it seems.


think of 网络解释

1. 想到:因为高小姐身上有猴子的味道(smell of),猪八戒怀疑(suspect of)她就是大闹天宫的孙猴子. 这时,猪八戒突然想到(think of)菩萨的话,说自己厌倦了(tired of)妖精生活,愿意保唐僧取经,孙悟空警告(warn)猪八戒(of)不要再犯色戒.

2. 考虑:58. not...anymore不再...... | 59. think of考虑 | 60. as a result结果是

3. think of的翻译

3. 想起:8. take turns 轮流 | 9. think of 想起 | 10. keep...from doing 使不做某事

think of 双语例句

1. think of

1. What you have to think of is the potential of the person, not his appearance.


2. I don't think many of my birds are visitors, because they come back every day no matter what the weather, so they must be mostly resident birds.


3. think of的意思

3. I immediately contacted by other means of understanding in the game, he saw my game role in sanctan took all clothing stood beside the mailbox, I think the worst had happened.


4. Think of wants to who eat to sign up later, unified purchase.


5. But do you think we should also change the content of the advertisements as well?


6. think of的解释

6. An article on CAZAC sequence used as a training symbol of the papers, think very useful, and everyone shared.


7. think of

7. Then we mount the view seeing at the top of the 通天阁. And the tutelary god of Osaka 『Billiken』defends here. And people think that if you touch the sole of the foot of the 『Billiken』, you will have good lucky.


8. It was an unlikely place for Elijah to flee but a good place, for who would think of looking for him there?


9. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.


10. I just think of you Y...


11. think of

11. What do you think of this potted plant?


12. think of的解释

12. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people's affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.


13. What is even worse is that some people defy the law of the country and spoliate the resources of others. Imagine if one day someone hold a gun with it pointing to your head, asking for your food, then what will you think?


14. I think it's a little bit of both.


15. So I think these are the three main points of the SYNTAX to me.



16. Still, I think that about 90 per cent of the people I deal with are honest.


17. We think the stool pigeon is one of your friends.


18. think of在线翻译

18. So when you think about it, all of the elements in our bodies originally formed from nuclear reactions in the centers of stars, long ago.


19. The Italian illustrators'works are always coloful(don't know why), and I think that is what I need-To be COLORFUL. Ironically, this set of books cost me almost 40000 NT.



20. Be as respectful as you can be of their beliefs, even when you think they are wrong or misinformed.


think of 单语例句

1. Unlike the British man, the current generation of business people act instead of think.

2. Given the limited business scope of ROs, you may think the scale of operations should be small.

3. The legislation will also allow the government to buy up any kind of asset that top economic officials think is necessary to promote market stability.

4. Those children who are obedient by nature may develop a sense of ethical purity but they may lack the ability to think independently.

5. Biao Li Ru Yi means " to act and think the same way ", and it sums up the restaurant's commitment of quality and service to patrons.

6. Most of his friends think he has few worries about finding a good job, but they are quite wrong.

7. And so I think we're in the process of what we call activation, where we're working with steel mills and municipalities to really drive these initiatives.

8. When people hear the word seizure, they often think of what doctors call a grand mal seizure.

9. I can't really think of a more callous way to sell a food product.

10. Although some think tanks present scenarios of conflict, the reality is that Asian people understand that peace alone can ensure stability and progress.

think of 英英释义


1. keep in mind for attention or consideration

e.g. Remember the Alamo

Remember to call your mother every day!

Think of the starving children in India!

Synonym: remember

2. look on as or consider

e.g. she looked on this affair as a joke

He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician

He is reputed to be intelligent

Synonym: reputeregard aslook uponlook onesteemtake to be

3. take into consideration, have in view

e.g. He entertained the notion of moving to South America

Synonym: entertaintoy withflirt withthink about

4. choose in one's mind

e.g. Think of any integer between 1 and 25

5. intend to refer to

e.g. I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France

Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!

Synonym: have in mindmean

6. devise or invent

e.g. He thought up a plan to get rich quickly

no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software

Synonym: think updream uphatchconcoct