

decent:[英 [ˈdi:snt] 美 [ˈdisənt] ]


decent 基本解释


形容词正派的; 得体的; (服装等)相称的,合宜的; 相当好的

decent 同义词



decent 反义词



decent 相关例句


1. decent

1. I only associate with good decent fellows.


2. decent

2. The new manager is pretty decent to us.


3. The director of my factory was very decent about my being away when my wife was ill.



4. He is quite a decent fellow.



5. For a week he didn't have a decent meal.


decent 网络解释

1. decent在线翻译

1. 像樣的:innodb_additional_pool_size ---- 这个变量并不太影响性能,至少在有像样的(decent)内存分配的操作系统中是这样. 但是仍然需要至少设为20MB(有时候更大),是Innodb分配出来用于处理一些杂事的. 注意:就像你看到的,上面所说的都是全局变量.

2. 得体:因此,第三条道路的政治就是如何在一个发生了巨大社会、经济变革的时代创造一个繁荣、得体(decent)的社会,因为我们的世界充满了变化,变化是我们时代的特征.

decent 双语例句

1. decent的意思

1. He says he used to make a decent living.


2. A society that avoids senseless suffering of decent human beings is a better society.


3. The question we ask today is not whether our government is toobig or too small, but whether it works -- whether it helps familiesfind jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that isdignified.


4. Meridian throughout our body, a decent 12 Total (Sanyinjiao hand, foot Sanyinjiao, Sanyang hand, foot Sanyang), and numerous venae Qijingbamai.


5. When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass, cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.


6. Because they're just taking your word for it, you have to have decent credit to get an unsecured loan.


7. I hope that i can get a decent job with a good salary.


8. I hope that I can get a decent job with agood salary.



9. Did you use a sans-serif typeface with a decent font size for your body text?


10. But first if you've got a decent chunk of money to blow on a gift for someone and you want them to make an alter at your feet and worship you daily (actually this gift is probably best for women or retrosexuals - yeah I made that term up) you might want to check out the concept of a Creme Brulee scented bubble bath.

但是首先如果你有大把的钞票要去为某人花大钱买一样礼物,你想让他们折服于你脚下,每天都崇拜你(事实上这件礼物可能最好给女人或者性欲退化的人-是的,我造了个术语),那你就可能要去了解一下Creme Brulee香味泡沫浴的概念。

11. decent什么意思

11. The theme of this year's Session was `Promoting Full Employment and Decent Work for All.



12. Now let us decent people veer to a happy ending leaving that ID of crap wallow in the cesspit for another week.


13. decent

13. Experienced investors also know that even if they find a profitable firm, all too often they fail to provide foreign investors with a decent return. This is good reason for investors to tread carefully.


14. I want to get decent stuff, but I'd rather not spend a lot of money.


15. decent是什么意思

15. I have never attended a large company's board meeting in my life, but feel certain that the discussion often takes the following lines. The cost of producing a new-for example-toothpaste would make 80p the decent price for it, so we will market it at 120 pounds.


16. So you`d want to place them where there`s a decent mass to the tree rather than, for example, right to the end of the branches.


17. The good news is that these days you can acquire a high definition television for a rather decent price.


18. Since navigation bars can't exist alone and need to be supported by the overall design, colorful one-page-sites with happy talk and overused stock photos designers are being replaced with more decent, serious and calm layouts. And that's a good thing. However, when using the Mac-style please keep in mind that it shouldn't be used for the sake of it but has to fit to the overall design.


19. Instead, you will need a decent desk and comfortable office chair.


20. But, this time, he will pay to buy the equipment necessary for a decent recovery instead of a simple money donation.


decent 词典解释

1. 像样的;尚好的;过得去的

Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality.

e.g. Nearby is a village with a decent pub...


e.g. He didn't get a decent explanation...



The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently...


This year's festival can boast a decently long list of sponsors.


2. 合宜的;得体的;适当的;正当的

Decent is used to describe something which is morally correct or acceptable.

e.g. But, after a decent interval, trade relations began to return to normal...


e.g. She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.



There were at least four hours before he could decently go to the pub...

至少还要过 4 个小时他才能堂而皇之地去酒馆。

And can't you dress more decently—people will think you're a tramp.


3. (人)正派的,正直的,规矩的

Decent people are honest and behave in a way that most people approve of.


e.g. The majority of people around here are decent people...


e.g. The jury will see what a decent guy he is.


4. 做(不想做但)应该做的事

If you say that someone should do the decent thing, you mean that they should do something which they do not really want to do, but which you think they ought to do.

e.g. He should do the decent thing and resign.


decent 单语例句decent

1. By and large, the government has done a decent job managing our massive and recovering economy.

2. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.

3. The park is more suited to snowboarders with plenty of decent jumps, kickers and rails as well as an international caliber half pipe.

4. But unionists lobbied for a higher rate of HK $ 33 an hour, insisting that this should be what the unions call a decent living wage.

5. Readers cannot help but be impressed with the unyielding pursuit of the young village women for a decent life.

6. But bringing raw fish and seaweed to middle America takes some work - Ishii cautiously described the sales as " decent ".

7. Their generous donations had also funded the establishment of Po Leung Kuk, which has provided a decent home and good education to many thousands orphans.

8. Surprising new research suggests that even people who develop heart disease or diabetes late in life have a decent shot at reaching the century mark.

9. American firms have a good chance to obtain a decent share of that large cake.

10. You've got a decent chance of getting on television, anyway.