

onto:[英 [ˈɒntə] 美 [ˈɑnˌtu, -tə, ˈɔn-] ]


onto 基本解释

介词到…之上; 对…了解; [数]映射到…上

形容词映射的; 自身的; 映成的

onto 相关例句


1. onto的近义词

1. The boy climbed onto the roof top.


2. onto的翻译

2. The cat jumped onto the chair.


3. It didn't take him long to get onto his new job.


onto 网络解释

1. (安通):是您的货物进出口运输最理想的选择;在国际运输方面,有丰富的运输经验,认真负责的操作团队,庞大的仓储及内陆运力,有创造力的销售队伍;我公司为中远(COSCO)、海丰(SITC)、箱运(SINO)、安通(ONTO)、中海(CSCL)等船公司的指定订舱代理;

2. onto的解释

2. 上:※注:Klein认为投射是一种进入(into),而非只是附上(onto)某一客体,而且同常被投射的不只是情感或态度,而是自我(self),或部分的自我,其目的是为了『控制』客体.

3. 到:按照克莱因的定义:投射性认同是自体将自体中的某些部分(体验、感受和功能)潜意识的投射入(into)而不是投射到(onto)另一个人. 而后此人便被认为的确具有这些特点,并会做出相应的回应. 通过人际互动,被投射者被迫认同被投射的部分,

4. 在. . . 上:nobody没人 | onto在. . . 上 | pale苍白的

onto 双语例句

1. onto是什么意思

1. Skid support:For accomodating the objects with feet and skids which can not be lifted onto the beam.


2. Think we'll just hang onto this if that's okay with you.


3. As these fish chew on the coral, digest it, and release it back onto the ocean floor, it form the sandy bases of the reef.


4. He then joined the rest of his teammates in the NBA`s version of a mosh pit, and minutes later the entire group stepped onto the podium to claim what was rightfully theirs.


5. I'll put you onto the officer on duty to see that if he can help.


6. onto是什么意思

6. The circuit itself presents a tough challenge for the cars, with a very long straight and a mix of fast and slow corners, with the very long banked turn leading onto the back straight, putting a lot of stress onto the left hand side tyres, while the opening two corners are very tricky slow tightening turns that can lose a driver a lot of time and can be the deciding factor in setting a quick qualifying lap.


7. Some projections can be visualized as a transparent globe with a light bulb at its center (though not all projections emanate from the globe's center) casting lines of latitude and longitude onto a sheet of paper.


8. onto

8. Can you give me a hand lifting the TV onto the table?



9. For this same reason, praise should be endlessly heaped onto cinematographer Krichman as he makes everything look eerily beautiful and calm.


10. Several children had strayed onto an airport runway and been mown down by a jet.


11. onto

11. A plasma display apparatus capable of preventing devices from being damaged by installing a cover so as not to apply locally excessive pressure onto at least one device formed on at least one signal transmission member includes: a Plasma Display Panel; a chassis base disposed on a rear portion of the PDP; a circuit board disposed on a rear portion of the chassis base to drive the PDP; at least one signal transmission member connecting the PDP to the circuit board to transmit electrical signals therebetween and including at least one device; a reinforcing member including a mounting portion, on which the at least one signal transmission member is disposed and the at least one device installed on the signal transmission members is mounted, at an edge of the chassis base, and at least one boss disposed on the mounting portion; and a cover installed on a rear portion of the at least one signal transmission member to cover the at least one device formed on the at least one signal transmission member, and attached to the at least one boss of the reinforcing member by a coupling unit.


12. We did our best to help you understand how you might use it yourself, starting with our Google Wave first look, moving onto a few best use cases for Wave, and rounding it out with a guide to Wave keyboard shortcuts, filters, searches, and more with our Google Wave 101 guide.


13. When you step into these boat-like shoes on land, the oars stay hidden, but as soon as you step onto water, the oars appear and start moving you forwards with ease.


14. Commanding spectacular views, it overlooks the sparkling turquoise waters of the AndamanSea below, as waves break onto the glistening white sands of KalimBeach.

当波浪拍打着Kalim 海滩上闪烁的白沙,从渡假胜地俯看AndamanSea如土耳其玉般闪闪发光的水面,美丽风景一览无遗。

15. On occasion, these portal towns may suddenly disappear, moving directly onto the plane they are connected to.


16. Mr. Harper is not leading an army of Huns onto Parliament Hill.



17. Add the minutes onto the clock and then draw the new time on the blank clock.


18. Tens of thousands people surgered onto the Tian'anmen Sqare on Nation Day.


19. Each pipe shall be carefully lowered onto the prepared sand bed by means of the necessary slings and tackle.


20. They came back onto the deck, wielding their paint brushes.


onto 词典解释In addition to the uses shown below, onto is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘hold onto’ and ‘latch onto’.

除下列用法外,onto还可用于 hold onto, latch onto 等短语动词中。

1. 到…之上;向…之上

If something moves or is put onto an object or surface, it is then on that object or surface.

e.g. I took my bags inside, lowered myself onto the bed and switched on the TV...


e.g. Smear Vaseline on to your baby's skin to prevent soreness.


2. 到(某处)

You can sometimes use onto to mention the place or area that someone moves into.


e.g. The players emerged onto the field...


e.g. ...when the photographer sets off onto the moors...


3. (光线或视线)朝向,转向

You can use onto to introduce the place towards which a light or someone's look is directed.

e.g. ...the metal part of the door onto which the sun had been shining...


e.g. The colours rotated round on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.


4. 通向(某处)

You can use onto to introduce a place that you would immediately come to after leaving another place that you have just mentioned, because they are next to each other.

e.g. ...windows opening onto carved black-wood balconies...


e.g. The door opened onto a lighted hallway.


5. (重心移动)到(身体某部位)上

When you change the position of your body, you use onto to introduce the part your body which is now supporting you.

e.g. As he stepped backwards she fell onto her knees, then onto her face...


e.g. Puffing a little, Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet...


6. 到(交通工具)上

When you get onto a bus, train, or plane, you enter it in order to travel somewhere.

e.g. As he got on to the plane, he asked me how I was feeling...


e.g. Who can fold up a pushchair, toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus?...


7. (用于 hold,hang,cling 等动词后,表示抓紧或牢牢固定)在…上

Onto is used after verbs such as 'hold', 'hang', and 'cling' to indicate what someone is holding firmly or where something is being held firmly.

e.g. The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame...


e.g. She was conscious of a second man hanging on to the rail...


8. 转到(其他话题)

If people who are talking get onto a different subject, they begin talking about it.

e.g. Let's get on to more important matters...


e.g. So, if we could just move onto something else?


9. 成为(列表、系统等)的一部分

You can sometimes use onto to indicate that something or someone becomes included as a part of a list or system.

e.g. The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda...


e.g. The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market...


10. 即将发现(重要之事)

If someone is onto something, they are about to discover something important.

e.g. He leaned across the table and whispered to me, 'I'm really onto something.'...


e.g. Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging.


11. 发现(某人做坏事);对…觉察;对…知悉

If someone is onto you, they have discovered that you are doing something illegal or wrong.

e.g. He did not want Pollard to become suspicious that he was now onto him...


e.g. I had told people what he had been doing, so now the police were onto him.


onto 单语例句

1. Items rescued because Zhi is already onto the next game, already focused on the next opportunity for business.

2. BEIJING - Beijing's subway system was disrupted briefly during Monday morning's rush hour after a man jumped onto the tracks at a busy subway station.

3. A window pane which fell several storeys was still intact after crashing onto the head of a butcher working below.

4. Patrons step onto the platform and hit the red button to go up and green to go down.

5. When the final buzzer sounded, the Warriors hugged as confetti streamed onto the court.

6. She scrupulously paints the patterns onto her models by hand until they seamlessly blend into their background.

7. Now press the mixture onto the sides and base of the cake tin.

8. Jason Roberts had fired Portsmouth ahead after 16 minutes, latching onto the influential Teddy Sheringham's pass and calmly slotting past Nigel Martyn.

9. They each described separate massacres in 1988 of detainees who were herded onto trucks and told they were being taken to another prison camp.

10. A worker was spraying medicinal liquid onto the canoe, and the strong smell spread throughout the building.