

libido:[英 [lɪˈbi:dəʊ] 美 [lɪˈbi:doʊ] ]



libido 基本解释



libido 网络解释

1. 性欲:据说,传统中的爱分成四种经历或感情:第一种是性(sex)-或是我们所称作的肉欲(lust)或性欲(libido), 其次是爱欲(Eros)-或是进入一种感情的更高阶段, 第三种是友爱(filia),或者说是友情, 第四种是同胞爱(Agape,

2. 力比多:


libido 双语例句

1. libido

1. It is considered a central nervous system stimulant and used for sexual weakness and lowered libido in both men and women.


2. libido是什么意思

2. Regular use may help healthy males strengthen rudimentary potency and nourish blood, cultivate libido and reinforce the kidney.

SW-3501{浪漫海葵}Romantic Anemone 恒温药浴:由微电脑控制的电子加热系统调节水温;根据具体治疗需要设置特定温度后,可实现恒温药液按摩。健康男性经常使用可养根护性,培欲固本。

3. The effort to obey this teaching, involving as it does the repression of the libido, must result in self-torment and ultimately illness.

努力服从这教学,介入作为它做性欲的抑制,必须导致自已torment 和最后病症。

4. Male impotence, male deficiency of libido, aching pain of waist and knees, lacking in strength.



5. There, no conscience is possible as almost the whole amount of the libido (of the psychic energy - or, more simply, of the energy), out of that which is necessary for the vegetative life, is not directed to anywhere, not to the outer world and neither, inside the body-mind system, to any part of it.


6. EFFECTS: Rejuvenation with Philtre, Libido Enhancement, Protection and Treatment of Kidney, Liver, Heart, Calm, Anti-infection, PMT, Care of aging, sensitivity, and dryness, Promotion of Cell Regenerations for Skin Silken and firmed.


7. A high libido is amaryl website the desire of every couple.


8. Testosterone levels decrease from the age of 40 by about 0.5 per cent a year, and this can result in low libido.


9. One showed improved libido among men between the ages of 21 and 56 who took either 1, 500 or 3, 000 mg of maca for 12 weeks.


10. libido的意思

10. When beautiful sex researcher Carol Sharp checks into a legendary Eastern European castle to document its strange psychic properties and their effects on the human libido, she discovers an ancient diary which unlocks not only the steamy past of the castle, but her own lustful nature as well.


11. libido的意思

11. Unprecedented strange thing were occurring in streams:dinosaurs were out of order, women were pratfall, men were out of control...the primitive libido between man and animals was discharged crazily...


12. libido的翻译

12. You don't have to be a beauty queen, but some physical attraction is desirable since I have a strong and active libido.



13. The same hormones, when released in women, can have a positive effect on their energy and libido so it seems like chomping on a stalk is an all round winner!


14. I cann't say which colour is more beauty, but I think both of the freezing ruddiness face and cyan smile are the songs of life, have strong libido.


15. libido的反义词

15. Husband and I have to do three times a night the secret love of the vagina is too wet, no feeling of love NO.1, to stimulate the build-bin-homed Bin built after the point at the top of Sanyinjiao about 2 inches, small medial calf, is a full Shao Yin Kidney, massage to stimulate the points can increase libido.

我与老公一晚做3次爱的秘诀·阴道太湿滑,没了做爱感觉 NO.1、刺激筑宾穴筑宾穴位于三阴交穴后上方约2寸、小腿肚内侧,属足少阴肾经,按摩刺激该穴可提高性欲。

16. Penis, kidney deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, low sexual desire, leading to the penis from the slow hair growth in stunted, weak erection, ejaculation and weak and prostatic hypertrophy caused testicular pain, abdominal bulge, urinary frequency, urgency, scrotum wet, low-emission, low sperm, intercourse fatigue, senile atrophy of the penis caused by shrinkage, low libido, erectile dysfunction, due to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, trauma due to different causes such as sexual dysfunction.


17. A possible reason for this reduced libido could have been that spearmint was reducing their androgen level.


18. libido的反义词

18. The team decided to study the effects of spearmint on hirsutism because of previous reports that extracts of the spearmint plant could reduce libido in men.


19. Functions: Depress cholesterol, enhance immunity ability, increase temper of capillary, prevent prostate hypertrophy, stave caducity, adjust endocrine, keep female`s young blood, enhance libido, and help defaecation.

功 效:降低胆固醇、提高免疫力、增加毛细血管韧性、预防前列腺肥大、延缓衰老、调节内分泌、保持女性青春活力、增强性欲、通便。


20. In real life, some pay no attention to his wife make her husband's physiological characteristics, will be purely as a sexual life style of all the content, time, how his wife does not cause loss of libido性冷淡or so?


libido 词典解释

1. 欲望;(尤指)力比多,性欲

A person's libido is the part of their personality that is considered to cause their emotional, especially sexual, desires.

e.g. A flagging libido and a drop in sexual performance are all part of the ageing process...


e.g. Lack of sleep is a major factor in loss of libido.


libido 单语例句

1. Sometimes sex problems stem from an unhealthy obsession with an unfairly intoxicating ex who seemed to steal our libido along with that favorite CD.

2. " Their libido was even higher than the control group taking Viagra, " he said.

3. Therefore when this area is affected people need to urinate frequently, sperm count in men is reduced as is libido.

4. Man has been looking for food to enhance love and libido ever since Cupid shot his first arrows.

5. Those women must have had both ovaries surgically removed, be currently taking an estrogen supplement and be distressed about their lack of libido.

6. Icy blasts of winter cold can chill the libido, but it's the potential for indoor cosiness afterwards that makes it all worth it.

7. If your mother or father had a high or low libido, there's a good chance you do too.

8. The Los Angeles Galaxy soccer star - who is married to former Spice Girls singer Victoria - wears the libido boosting beads around his wrist.

9. Nutmeg boosts male libido, according to research at Aligarh University in India.

10. These periods are vital, as the animals'notoriously low libido has frustrated efforts to boost their numbers.

libido的解释libido 英英释义


1. (psychoanalysis) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire