

duck:[英 [dʌk] 美 [dʌk] ]


过去式:ducked;   过去分词:ducked;   现在分词:ducking;   复数形式:ducks;

duck 基本解释


名词鸭肉; 鸭子,野鸭; (表示友好的称呼)乖乖; (板球)零分

及物/不及物动词躲避,回避; 潜入; 忽然低下头(或弯下腰); 迅速行进

duck 同义词



duck 反义词



duck 相关例句


1. She ducked her head to avoid being hit.


2. He ducked the reporters by sneaking out the back door.


3. He ducks many parties.



1. They all ducked behind the mound as they heard the explosion.



1. This restaurant is famous for roast duck.


2. She is a duck.


duck 网络解释

1. 细帆布:帆布有两种:一是帆布(CANVAS),一是细帆布(DUCK),细帆布是一种单纯的织物,以100%的棉制成,通常比CANNAS要轻. 用以制造运动鞋的大多是DUCK而不是CANNAS. 用以织造CANNAS的原料包括棉、FLON、VELON尼龙和聚醋(特多龙),

2. 蹲下:每半年与您的家人举行一次地震演习:蹲下(duck)、找寻保护物(cover)与Hold(冷静). 替您的重要文件资料(例如银行账号等)做备份放在安全的储物盒中,置于其它城镇. 地震前先打给当地的红十字会或相关机构,询问紧急的避难所及救护机构在何地.

duck 双语例句

1. A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication.


2. Shuizhu Niurou (steamed beef with a variety of seasonings and spices), Yuxiang Rousi (a roast pork dish cooked with bamboo shoots, mushrooms), Zhangcha Duck, etc.


3. It made me look like a duck in water.


4. duck

4. Beautiful and lucky after learning, order him to cut the belly with the charge of planning a plot, and the children of concubine of beautiful wife of time more than 30 people will be beheaded, according to? The blood dyed duck Sichuan of Kyoto red at that time. 1594, beautiful lucky 59? When, record document officer on it is the beautiful time in vain without being imprisoned is it the beautiful and lucky on diary in? On sleep wet the bed hour but the conscientious.


5. duck的反义词

5. The main concern is that some birds, particularly the pintail duck, may eat the baited cereal, says Martin.


6. The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.


7. She exclaimed, I hope it is not a drake, for then I shall have some duck`s eggs.


8. High homology exists among t he hemagglutinins of GD1/96 and other 4 influenza virus isolated from huma n, chicken, duck and goose respectively during 1997 Hong Kong Avian Flu which implys that all the viruses can be classified into Eurasian lineage of H5 subty pe AIVs.

GD1/9 6株与1997年香港禽流感事件中的4株香港流感病毒分离株(分别来自人、鸡、鸭和鹅)的HA基因的高度同源性说明它们可能起源于同一种系,但NS基因的差异说明它们分属于不同的基因群系。

9. Please Run for nourishing food, such as succulents Clearing fruits (melon, grapes, pears, the Kai, sugar cane), celery, spinach, Lily, Tremella, duck, sea cucumbers, icefish, turtles, turtle meat.

适宜 请润滋补的食物,比如多汁清润的水果(西瓜、葡萄、梨、楷把、甘蔗)、芹菜、菠菜、百合、银耳、鸭肉、海参、银鱼、龟肉、鳖肉等。

10. According to Chinese statistics villa network, has more than 30 developers in the capital enclosure, ready to launch this year of new villa project, which is located in south-west of Kunming, Dalian Wanda have been rumors in the enclosure near 5000 acres; broad base of local production planning in charge of Mr. Wang, the Dianchi Lake Golf also a few mu of land; the second phase project of the Western Hills villa also has a few acres of land to be opened …… Chunjiang Plumbing duck Prophet.


11. duck的近义词

11. I'd like some steak, bread, crispy duck, shark's fin and meat.


12. One person working on this idea is Stephen Salter, a marine engineer at the University of Edinburgh best known for seeking to replace fossil fuels with Salter`s duck, a device for turning ocean waves into electricity.


13. As we known Singapore is the good food heaven, but I believe that Singapore only has internationalization food choices, the entire evening banquet food except my favorite food shrimp and mushroom broccoli, other cuisines were tastiness, my Chinese stomach starts to miss Wuhan's essence duck neck, Hunan chops the pepper fish head, the shredded pork with garlic sauce.


14. The painting stuff can be honeybee wax, maple resin or paraffin wax molten by charcoal fire, wax painting tools are various, there are chicken and duck feathers, bamboo knives, copper knives and aluminium knives.


15. He notes that the French delicacy pate de fois gras — the fatty liver of a duck or goose — is produced by over-feeding the animals with high-glycemic index grains.

他指出,法国的美食八德德航空营运督察gras -脂肪肝的鸭或鹅-所产生的过度喂养动物与高血糖指数的谷物。

16. A visit to Beijing is not complete without a taste of Beijing roast duck.


17. He brought a Beijing Roast Duck with him when he went back to his hometown.


18. A: Your Beijing Roast Duck, gentlemen.


19. It's a pity to leave Beijing without a taste of Beijing roast duck.

他们随着音乐翩翩起舞。练习· 1。到北京不吃烤鸭是遗憾的。

20. He also wished Beijing good luck, saying if Beijing succeeds, he will come to China with his family to witness the great Olympics, and have a taste of well-know Beijing roast duck.


duck 词典解释

1. 鸭子

A duck is a very common water bird with short legs, a short neck, and a large flat beak.

e.g. Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings.


2. 母鸭(公鸭叫做 drake)

A duck is a female duck. The male is called a drake.


e.g. I brought in one drake and three ducks.


3. 急速低头(或弓身)(以免被打中或看见)

If you duck, you move your head or the top half of your body quickly downwards to avoid something that might hit you, or to avoid being seen.

e.g. He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker...


e.g. He ducked his head to hide his admiration...


4. (快速低头或弓身以)躲闪,闪避

If you duck something such as a blow, you avoid it by moving your head or body quickly downwards.

e.g. Hans deftly ducked their blows.


5. 躲避;逃避

If you duck into a place, you move there quickly, often in an attempt to avoid danger or to avoid being seen.


e.g. Matt ducked into his office...


e.g. He ducked through the door and looked about frantically.


6. 逃避,回避,推脱,推诿(义务或责任)

You say that someone ducks a duty or responsibility when you disapprove of the fact that they avoid it.


e.g. The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions...


e.g. He had ducked the confrontation with United Nations inspectors last summer.


7. 将(某人或其头部)按入水中

If someone ducks someone else, they force them or their head under water for a short time.

e.g. She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him.


8. see also: dead duck;lame duck;sitting duck

9. (昵称)亲爱的,宝贝儿

Some people call other people duck or ducks as a sign of affection.

e.g. Oh, I am glad to see you, duck.


10. 毫无效果的;不起作用的

You say that criticism is like water off a duck's back or water off a duck's back to emphasize that it is not having any effect on the person being criticized.


e.g. All the criticism is water off a duck's back to me.


11. 很自然地就会;轻而易举;如鱼得水

If you take to something like a duck to water, you discover that you are naturally good at it or that you find it very easy to do.

e.g. She took to mothering like a duck to water.


相关词组:duck out

duck 单语例句duck的反义词

1. You will be attracted by the duck's golden yellow shininess, crisp skin and tender meat.

2. By this time a waiter had walked in with a trolley with the whole duck served on a tray.

3. Don't miss the chef's signature dishes, such as Sichuan smoked duck with fragrant tea leaves and camphor wood.

4. The camphor and tea tree smoked duck was flavorsome, even though it was lean.

5. Located close to the beautiful Wild Duck Lake, the car campsite has nearly one hundred tents available for use.

6. If you are serving the duck with bones, remove most of the stuffing so you can carve the meat easier.

7. Pat the duck back into shape and use toothpicks or bamboo skewers to seal the neck opening and the bottom cavity.

8. Drink it with Peking duck while young and pair it with roast duck after five years in the cellar.

9. What it means for the average diner is an acutely tender duck or pigeon.

10. Having the chance to taste a new type of duck excited me and my taste buds.

duck 英英释义


1. small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs

2. a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave

used for clothing and tents

3. flesh of a duck (domestic or wild)

4. (cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman

Synonym: duck's egg


1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

e.g. He dodged the issue

she skirted the problem

They tend to evade their responsibilities

he evaded the questions skillfully

Synonym: hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventparryeludeskirtdodgesidestep

2. to move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away

e.g. Before he could duck, another stone struck him

3. submerge or plunge suddenly

4. dip into a liquid

e.g. He dipped into the pool

Synonym: dipdouse