

deflect:[英 [dɪˈflekt] 美 [dɪˈflɛkt] ]


过去式:deflected;   过去分词:deflected;   现在分词:deflecting;

deflect 基本解释


及物/不及物动词使歪斜; 使弯曲; 偏转,偏离

deflect 相关例句


1. deflect的近义词

1. The bullet struck a wall and was deflected from its course.


deflect 网络解释

1. 偏斜:若有板边部份须电镀的规格 则在 PTH 前就先行做出 Slot 见图 15.2 (5) Routing Bit 在作业时 会有偏斜(deflect)产生 因此这个补偿值也应算入 b. 铣刀的动作原理 一般铣刀的转速设定在 6,000~36,

2. 偏向:霍格沃茨学校(School of Hogwarts) 已有1000年的历史铁甲咒(Shield Charm)暂时的隔墙使小魔咒偏向(deflect). 银箭(Silver Arrow) 早些款式的飞天扫帚(broomsticks)的一种. 小天狼星布莱克(Sirius Black)-- 曾被断定杀了12个麻瓜和1个巫师,


3. 使偏斜,使转向:definitive 确定,最后的 | deflect 使偏斜,使转向 | deform 使不成形,使丑

deflect 双语例句

1. I keep my head fixed as I deflect the stick fully to the left.


2. His gloves were made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow.


3. Some main results and innovation points are following:(1) Divided the groundwater flow system of Shihezi city and established the method to analyze the groundwater system characteristic in the arid area.(2) The total recharge of groundwater is 1.6732×10~8m~3/a, the total discharge groundwater is 2.0341×10~8m~3/a, the result of water budget is -0.3609×10~8m~3/a (3) The change processes of groundwater system show hydraulic head decrease, hydraulic head contours deflect, retreat toward to southeast and be form drawdown funnel in intensive exploitable area. The flow direction deflect a small angle and small scope, and hydraulic gradient diminish. The influence degree to groundwater system for exploiting becomes weak gradually from south to north.(4) Because the groundwater overdraft lead to groundwater water level descends continuously, the safety for water supply of city has been affected.(5)To study the distributive rate of cross-border aquifer, the 59.82% of river recharge flows to shihezi region in Manas river West coast.(6) Use of groundwater numerical model Restored groundwater natural state.(7) Put forward a new principle for groundwater exploitation in the study area, which controls exploitation by the certain rate of descent for realizing unified management and separated exploitation.



4. Lucia – Dante has a chance to deflect an incoming attack negating the damage and pushing the enemy away.


5. Ucia – Dante has a chance to deflect an incoming attack negating the damage and pushing the enemy away.

vl 1:10%,Lvl 2:20%,Lvl 3:30%圣-路西亚之眼:但丁有一定几率折射敌人的攻击,转移伤害并且将敌人推远。

6. Eyes of St. Lucia – Dante has a chance to deflect an incoming attack negating the damage and pushing the enemy away.

Lvl 1:10%,Lvl 2:20%,Lvl 3:30%圣-路西亚之眼:但丁有一定几率折射敌人的攻击,转移伤害并且将敌人推远。

7. With the fine lace the glass, the paper, the metal, the bamboo, the log, the soil block, the stone, the grass and so on any small object is hanging in airborne, approaches with the identical small plastic stick they, these small objects deflect, namely effect of the gravitation.


8. deflect

8. Deflect the devil's darts by which he seeks to wear down and even destroy our marriages.


9. Malfoy has time to deflect Bellatrix Lestrange's spell. She, in her turn, can deflect a jinx from Dumbledore while running away from him.


10. Moreover, the output voltages do not deflect by more than 2% from the nominal value, the allowable deflection being 5%!


11. Addictive physics based game where the objective is to deflect the ball into the goal by c..


12. Gaia: This Golden Fleece has the power to deflect approaching weapons and thrust them back to those who deliver them.

盖亚 :金羊毛护臂有抵挡攻击并且把攻击反弹给攻击你的人的功能。

13. deflect在线翻译

13. It is indeed fitting, that this draft, conceived in the desire to deflect the Middle East from its moves towards peace, and born of a deep, pervading feeling of anti-Semitism, should come up for debate on this day which recalls one of the tragic days in one of the darkest periods of history.



14. All the blokes pretend to have a cough to 17deflect suspicion, that it might be something more sinister.


15. All the blokes pretend to have acough to 17deflect suspicion, that it might be something more sinister.


16. By referring to the official statement, library staff can deflect criticism or censorship arising from special interest groups, and politely but firmly refuse unwanted gifts, sectarian materials or potentially offensive items.


17. Why does one liquid stream deflect but the other does not?


18. Above the table is an echo of brass pipes that cast light and deflect sound.


19. Though these are merely short-term gains, they are enough to deflect navel-gazing for the moment.


20. United States – In 2007 high levels of bromate – a carcinogen formed when bromide and chlorine react with sunlight – were founf in Los Angeles`s lvanhoe Reservior. Today three million black pastic balls help deflect UV rays.


deflect 词典解释

1. 转移,引开(批评、注意力等)

If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed towards you or affecting you.

e.g. Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism...


e.g. It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.


2. 使脱离;使放弃;使中止

To deflect someone from a course of action means to make them decide not to continue with it by putting pressure on them or by offering them something desirable.

e.g. The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken...


e.g. Never let a little problem deflect you.


3. 使偏斜;使偏转

If you deflect something that is moving, you make it go in a slightly different direction, for example by hitting or blocking it.

e.g. He stuck out his boot and deflected the shot over the bar seconds before the final whistle...


e.g. My forearm deflected most of the first punch.


deflect 单语例句deflect的近义词

1. Luo also urged his players to try and deflect the pressure on Saturday.

2. Cloaking used special materials to deflect radar or light or other waves around an object, like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream.

3. This recurrent drumbeat is apparently meant to deflect attention from the fact that America's policies precipitated the world's worst financial crisis in seventy years.

4. To deflect criticism, the early pageants always included male participants even though nobody paid them much attention.

5. The governments of both countries are seeking to deflect domestic political pressure by provoking disputes with China.

6. He said the country will continue to improve its insurance programs to help deflect risks in the farming sector.

7. The parents draw their children away from the machines as they pass or deflect questions about the machines.

8. He finally started to deflect some of the criticism when he guided China to victory in the " Good Luck Beijing " International Invitational four months ago.

9. He was obsessed with outperforming Lyndon Johnson, upset with the congressional results and eager to deflect the blame.

10. While Wang is now a celebrity, he is determined that his success will not deflect him from his mission.

deflect 英英释义


1. impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)

e.g. block an attack

Synonym: parryblock

2. draw someone's attention away from something

e.g. The thief distracted the bystanders

He deflected his competitors

Synonym: distract

3. turn aside and away from an initial or intended course

4. turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest

Synonym: bendturn away

5. prevent the occurrence of

prevent from happening

e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation

head off a confrontation

avert a strike

Synonym: debarforefendforfendobviateaverthead offstave offfend offavoidward off