

inward:[英 [ˈɪnwəd] 美 [ˈɪnwərd] ]


inward 基本解释

形容词向内的; 内部的; 本质上的; 亲密的

副词向内; 内心里

名词内部; 内脏

inward 同义词


inward 反义词



inward 相关例句


1. The door opened inward into the room.



1. Her words were inward and indistinct when she was in a state of half unconsciousness.


inward 网络解释

1. 内在的:但是,巴门尼德和天启之间的关系主要不是公共的(social)、法度的(legal)和显白的(exoteric),而是内在的(inward)、启始的(initiatic)和隐秘的(esoteric).

2. inward的反义词

2. 不可挽回的:inviolable 内在的 | inward 不可挽回的 | irreparable 不可抵抗的

3. inward的近义词

3. 进港的:国际船级社协会 International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) | 进港的 Inward | 进港货物 Inward cargo


4. 内部,心灵,内心的:involve 使陷於,牵累,影响 | inward 内部,心灵,内心的 | inwards 向内,向内部地

5. inward:inw.; 内的

inward 双语例句

1. Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as''.


2. inward

2. VIII. In case a QFII transfers its amount of investment, the transferee shall make the inward remittance of principals from abroad within the amount of investment as authorized, and complete the payment of the relevant capitals with the transferor within China.



3. Most of us live less theatrically, but remain the survivors of a peculiar an inward time.


4. inward的意思

4. Chang and character to the other people and they will be more inward looking.


5. inward的意思

5. Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal.


6. It's easy to blame all these people without looking inward.


7. The alternative to humanity looking inward for well-being is more of what currently exists for a while.


8. Ascension is about looking inward at the patterns that are mirrored unto us in our daily lives.


9. You will end up being inward looking.


10. More products and services were introduced to customers, including letter of credit, collection, remittance, export bill purchase, inward bill advance, import refinance, outward remittance finance under import, discount of export commercial invoice, forfeiting and etc.


11. In Chapter 1, the author makes a review of the international trade financing development history and concerned theories, and analyzes the essentiality of international trade financing to small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises. The modes of export trade financing and import trade financing are expounded separately in Chapter 2. The export trade financing includes Loan and Overdraft, Packing Loan, Outward Bill Purchased, Export Discount, etc. And import trade financing includes Limits of Letter for Credit, Trust Receipt, Inward Bill Purchased, Delivery against Bank Guarantee, etc.


12. It takes time for heat to move inward from the surface to the center, so the default method is to fry or grill or broil and hope that the browning time equals the heat-through time.


13. Before permission is given to remove the goods out of customs control, the owner or agent is required to submit a Bill of Entry, Customs Declaration or Inward Permit as may be prescribed by law, in the prescribed form to enable the customs authorities to examine and appraise the goods.


14. Wisdom rests quietly in the heart of one who has understanding, But in the inward part of fools it makes itself known.

14:33 智慧安居在聪明人心中;愚昧人内里所存的,显而易见。


15. After the enlargement the area covered by the CAP will be extended eastward, which means inward support and outward protection of the special agricultural policy under the CAP will automatically extend to the 10 new member countries. It may intensify the various endogenous conflicts of the CAP, as well as the conflicts between the CAP and the WTO.


16. The lover of nature is he whichse inward or awayward senses are not yet truly adonlyed to each otIT; which get retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.


17. The time ahead is one of seeking inward and not outward.


18. They needed to consecrate themselves to God with both the outward ceremonial purification and the very important inward devotion to God.


19. This and most other outward observances of the Law have been translated in the New Testament to inward spiritual evidences of discipleship Rom.


20. You shall also take the fat from the ram, that is, the fat tail and the fat that covers the inward parts, and the appendage of the liver and the two kidneys with the fat that is on them, and the right thigh for it is a ram of the filling of hands

29:22 你也要取这羊的脂油和肥尾巴,并盖脏的脂油与肝上的网子,两个腰子和腰子上的脂油,并右腿;这是承接圣职所献的羊

inward 词典解释

1. (思想、感情)内在的,内心的

Your inward thoughts or feelings are the ones that you do not express or show to other people.

e.g. I sighed with inward relief.


e.g. ...a glow of inward satisfaction.



Chantal smiled inwardly...


Sara, while remaining outwardly amiable toward all concerned, was inwardly furious.


2. 向内的;向中心的

An inward movement is one towards the inside or centre of something.

e.g. ...a sharp, inward breath like a gasp...


e.g. The athlete takes off from one leg from an inward twist.


3. see also: inwards

inward 单语例句

1. Most analysts remain optimistic about the outlook for inward capital flows, saying momentum will start to pick up later this year as the global economy recovers.

2. The new rules include hefty fines of up to 30 percent of the capital involved for unauthorized inward or outward money transfer.

3. There is an inward tendency in the Chinese character, and these walled gardens were designed to shut away the outside world.

4. A large amount of inward investment to the mainland helped to establish a large number of industries that permitted local employment and raised economic growth.

5. Whereas inward FDI is a variable outside Chinese government control, outward FDI is not.

6. One logical solution to this sprawl problem would be to redirect growth inward and upward toward the capital's inner core.

7. Turning to China's inward foreign direct investment pattern, its structure is changing due to China's continuing economic development.

8. Insiders said the sustainable export increase and increasing inward foreign direct investment to China may contribute to its growth.

9. It is still distinctly positive, as inward FDI continues to exceed outward FDI.

10. Let's hope the central leadership's decision to look inward to maintain steady economic growth gains permanence and is not neglected once the global economy recovers.

inward的翻译inward 英英释义


1. relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts

e.g. a concern with inward reflections

2. directed or moving inward or toward a center

e.g. the inbound train

inward flood of capital

Synonym: inbound


1. toward the center or interior

e.g. move the needle further inwards!

Synonym: inwards

2. to or toward the inside of

e.g. come in

smash in the door

Synonym: ininwards