

near:[英 [nɪə(r)] 美 [nɪr] ]


过去式:neared;   现在分词:nearing;

near 基本解释


副词(空间)在近处; 在附近; (时间)临近; (程度)几乎

介词(表示程度)接近; (表示位置)靠近; (表示时间)将近; 接近于(某种状态)

形容词近的; 亲密的; 近似; (亲属关系)近亲

near 同义词



形容词at handcloseimminentnigh


near 反义词


near 相关词组

1. near and dear : 极亲密的;

2. far and near : 远近, 到处;

near 相关例句


1. Only near relatives were invited to the wedding.


2. The post office is quite near.



1. The new houses are built too near to us.


2. It is near impossible.



1. near的翻译

1. The ship neared the land.


near 情景对话


A:What about (things/ items/ products) other than food?


B:There are many stores near here.



A:Do you live (nearby/ near here/ close by)?


B:Yes, I live up the block.



A:Are there small shops near here (as well/ also/ in addition)?



B:Yes. / No.


near 网络解释

1. near:near earth asteroid rendezvous; 近地小行星会合号

near 双语例句

1. We keep our music in a stack near the piano.


2. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


3. A diver swims over a reef of table coral near Kanton Island in the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati.


4. The attack happened at a market near Jalalabad, the capital of the eastern Nangarhar province.



5. Modules at each end of the cable provide a phantom path for telephony signals between a telephone near the data set and a PBX, through both conductor pairs in a phantom circuit arrangement.


6. near的意思

6. Now he has a wife and a private office in a fancy apartment building near ritzy Tokyo Bay.


7. What he did earn, coin'odd jobs round town why he spent pretty near all of it on gin, and his family might of starved if the stores hadn't of carried them along.



8. If we saw anything on fire, we wouldn`t stop anywhere near it.



9. But they cannot go back, for they have come too near the unseen cross, and its virtues have pierced too deeply within them.


10. That afternoon, outside the Long County near the South in a room, a woman broke free cloth tied hands, tear off the transparent lips...


11. We need to get something near or on their computer as this is where they study.


12. The rocks from Sharp Island are of volcanic origin. One of the examples is the rhyolite formed by viscous lava spewed from the volcano vents can be found near the caldera edge. As the result of weathering, the rocks here shows an attractive appearence. The tombolo here is also worth a close inspection.


13. If it is in or near Mint Condition then note it as well.


14. Anywhere near a bank. Can't you make an exception for me?


15. near的翻译

15. In winter across the northlands, you can see fishermen sitting on ice-covered lakes near holes in the ice.


16. near的意思

16. But I'm nowhere near ready to laugh about it


17. near的反义词

17. I know what just happened is funny, in theory, but I am nowhere near ready to laugh about it.


18. Brush teeth near the gums on the site, bristles and the tooth surface tilt angle of 45 degrees.



19. Henan Light Group as early as 1958 began to lead-acid battery research and manufacturing, have been near 50-year history, has extensive manufacturing experience and advanced production technology.



20. Beijing -- A think tank at People's University has forecast China's economic growth will slow to about 9.25 percent in 2007 and remain near that rate through 2010, the Beijing News reported on Sunday.


near 词典解释

1. 靠近;在…附近

If something is near a place, thing, or person, it is a short distance from them.

e.g. Don't come near me...


e.g. Her children went back every year to stay in a farmhouse near the cottage...



He was suddenly aware of his nearness.


2. 接近(某一状态);几乎;差不多

If someone or something is near to a particular state, they have almost reached it.

e.g. After the war, The House of Hardie came near to bankruptcy...


e.g. The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion...


3. 近似于;和…差不多

If something is similar to something else, you can say that it is near to it.

e.g. ...a sickening sensation that was near to nausea.


4. (与…)最相似的;(和…)几乎差不多的

You describe the thing most similar to something as the nearest thing to it when there is no example of the thing itself.


e.g. It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry...


e.g. He is the nearest to a dead cert that Britain has in Albertville.


5. (时间或事件)临近,接近

If a time or event draws near, it will happen soon.

e.g. The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day.


6. 离(某一时间)不远;临近

If something happens near a particular time, it happens just before or just after that time.

e.g. Performance is lowest between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., and reaches a peak near midday...


e.g. 'Since I retired to this place,' he wrote near the end of his life, 'I have never been out of these mountains.'...


7. (指数量或数字)接近于,左右,上下

You use near to say that something is a little more or less than an amount or number stated.

e.g. ...to increase manufacturing from about 2.5 million cars a year to nearer 4.75 million...


e.g. The pound, which ended last year near its annual low, is expected to come under renewed pressure today.


8. 往(见某人);去(到某处)

You can say that someone will not go near a person or thing when you are emphasizing that they refuse to see them or go there.


e.g. He will absolutely not go near a hospital...


e.g. I'm so annoyed with her that I haven't been near her for a week.


9. (两者中)距离较近的

The near one of two things is the one that is closer.


e.g. ...a mighty beech tree on the near side of the little clearing...


e.g. Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger.


10. 近似的;差不多的

You use near to indicate that something is almost the thing mentioned.

e.g. She was believed to have died in near poverty on the French Riviera.


e.g. ...the 48-year-old who was brought in to rescue the bank from near collapse.


11. (在竞赛中)实力接近的,旗鼓相当的

In a contest, your nearest rival or challenger is the person or team that is most likely to defeat you.

e.g. He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford...


e.g. That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers, Dynamo Moscow.


12. 靠近;走近

When you near a place, you get quite near to it.


e.g. As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck...


e.g. We were nearing the top of the pass to Tsagochen Thang when the van spluttered and died.

我们在驶近通往 Tsagochen Thang 的垭口时,货车噼啪几声熄火了。

13. 接近,临近(某一阶段或某一点)

When someone or something nears a particular stage or point, they will soon reach that stage or point.

e.g. His age was hard to guess — he must have been nearing fifty...


e.g. You are nearing the end of your training and you haven't attempted any assessments yet...


14. 临近;即将来临

You say that an important time or event nears when it is going to occur quite soon.

e.g. As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice...


e.g. This factor will come increasingly to the fore as election day nears.


15. 最亲近的人;最亲密的人;至亲

People sometimes refer to their close relatives and friends as their nearest and dearest .

e.g. ...that English convention of not showing your feelings, even to your nearest and dearest.


16. 远近;到处;四面八方

You use near and far to indicate that you are referring to a very large area or distance.


e.g. People would gather from near and far...


e.g. Within months his reputation spread near and far.


17. 在不久的将来;在近期

If you say that something will happen in the near future, you mean that it will happen quite soon.

e.g. The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.


18. 一点儿也不;完全不;远不

You use nowhere near and not anywhere near to emphasize that something is not the case.


e.g. They are nowhere near good enough...


e.g. It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected...


19. 几乎丝毫不差地,几乎一样地(英国英语中亦作 as near as dammit)

If you want to indicate that something is almost true, you can use the expressions near enough and damned near. In British English, you can also say as near as dammit.

e.g. I bought them for a pound apiece, near enough...


e.g. They are as near as dammit new...


20. 差点,险些(发生某事)(英国英语中亦作 as near as dammit)

If you want to indicate that something almost happened, you can use the expression damned near. In British English, you can also say as near as dammit .

e.g. He damned near fooled me...


e.g. As he was to tell Miranda later, he as near as dammit left it there.


near 单语例句

1. Ping An said its core business would keep prospering in the near future and will benefit from the bright outlook of the industry.

2. The bust came two days after the police had learned that a Myanmar gang had snatched wild animals near Myanmar's border with China.

3. But the film will only be seen in the near future because the investor went bust before its original screening date.

4. It was originally built near a wharf and became a prosperous commercial center because of its location and the busy shipping business.

5. Police found a butcher knife near the apartment and said they believe it was used in the killings.

6. Among buyers who are not currently buying in Hong Kong, 65 percent are keen to do so in the near future.

7. Investors are buying up or renting apartments near Beijing's Olympic village to set up budget family hotels in time for next year's Games.

8. Those include cutting interest rates to near zero and buying up government securities.

9. Time was drawing near to " zero hour " second by second, the distance between the spaceship and the ground was becoming shorter.

10. Over 30 reporters and public representatives were invited by the SPC to visit its guarded compound near Tiananmen Square.

near 英英释义



1. move towards

e.g. We were approaching our destination

They are drawing near

The enemy army came nearer and nearer

Synonym: approachcome ongo updraw neardraw closecome near


1. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances

e.g. near neighbors

in the near future

they are near equals

his nearest approach to success

a very near thing

a near hit by the bomb

she was near tears

she was close to tears

had a close call

Synonym: closenigh

2. very close in resemblance

e.g. sketched in an approximate likeness

a near likeness

Synonym: approximate

3. with or in a close or intimate relationship

e.g. a good friend

my sisters and brothers are near and dear

Synonym: deargood

4. giving or spending with reluctance

e.g. our cheeseparing administration

very close (or near) with his money

a penny-pinching miserly old man

Synonym: cheeseparingclosepenny-pinchingskinny

5. closely resembling the genuine article

e.g. near beer

a dress of near satin


1. (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished

all but

e.g. the job is (just) about done

the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded

we're almost finished

the car all but ran her down

he nearly fainted

talked for nigh onto 2 hours

the recording is well-nigh perfect

virtually all the parties signed the contract

I was near exhausted by the run

most everyone agrees

Synonym: aboutalmostmostnearlynighvirtuallywell-nigh

2. near in time or place or relationship

e.g. as the wedding day drew near

stood near the door

don't shoot until they come near

getting near to the true explanation

her mother is always near

The end draws nigh

the bullet didn't come close

don't get too close to the fire

Synonym: nighclose