

gaff:[英 [gæf] 美 [ɡæf] ]



gaff 基本解释

名词大鱼叉; 帆船上缘的斜桁; 鸡脚上的铁爪; 低级娱乐场所

动词用鱼叉捉; 用鱼钩拖上来; 欺骗; 赌博(尤指小赌博)


gaff 网络解释

1. 鱼叉:部队,容器(Vessel)加4名侍祭(Acolyth)24分,最多可再增加2名侍祭,每名4分,胜利点数2,此部队允许上限1容器(Vessel) 生命值(10)侍祭(Acolyth) 生命值鱼叉(Gaff) 特殊能力(延展) 威力(3) 加总(7)吐出(Disgorge):如果容器(Vessel)受到敌方攻击的伤害足以被消灭,


2. 斜桁:为便於操控,brig的主桅兼作后桅(或称后樯),主桅各层都有方帆之外,其下层加装向船后伸出的下桁(boom) ,和较高处向后上方伸出的斜桁(gaff) ,两者间 可挂方形的后樯纵帆(spanker) .

3. 纵帆斜桁:gaff 纵帆斜桁 | gaff foresail 前桅主帆 | gangway 舷梯


4. 装油软管吊架;攀钩;斜桁:gae 裂隙 | gaff 装油软管吊架;攀钩;斜桁 | gaffer 不熟练工

gaff 双语例句

1. Course you are. You did it at Keith's gaff. You know the score.


2. So once again, Please Do Not Blow The Gaff to Anybody


3. Gaff was the aide-de-camp of Governor Koong during the early days of the Empire.


4. Gaff was involved in numerous schemes orchestrated by Governor Koong to curry favor with Imperial Admiral Screed.


5. Sure, it enlarges the force of the Microsoft club and it makes the team attendant understand the importance of cooperation ﹑ support and giff-gaff.



6. EX:If you want to succeed in this field, you'll have to stand the gaff.


7. gaff在线翻译

7. If you want to succeed in this field, you'll have to stand the gaff.


8. If you want to succeed in this fild you will have to stand the gaff.


9. gaff的意思

9. Stand the gaff, sincere to others, great team spirit, good language skill, enterprising.


10. A mountaineer must learn to stand the gaff.


11. Stand the gaff ——忍受折磨; 不怯懦 If you want to succeed in this field, you'll have to stand the gaff.


12. Everybody who wants sucess needs to stand the gaff.


13. So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf weed with the gaff as they passed and shook it so that the small shrimps that were in it fell onto the planking of the skiff.


14. A rope, rod, or batten along the upper side of a yard, gaff, or boom to which a sail is fastened.


15. Don't blow the gaff on us about putting the rat in his desk.


16. gaff

16. They killed Green because he was about to blow the gaff on their drug dealing.

他们杀死了格林,因为8 Tt t 8。com 他要把他们贩毒的事情说出去。

17. Blow the gaff reveal a secret 泄漏秘密: She didn`t want anyone to know where she had been, but her husband blew the gaff.


18. gaff什么意思

18. Spam is overrunning, so much as disturb the natural use of E-mail. Although the event of E-mail blow gaff is the new arising problem in these several years, it still aroused broad attention for the drastically mercantile competition.


19. gaff的翻译

19. After sign pact, the two parties who signed pact mustn't blow the gaff of pact content to the third side.


20. But the general purpose E-Mail system doesn`t fully consider the problem of the security, there are some extrusive problems:First is posing as an authorized user and sending E-Mail; The second is legal user's E-Mails be intercepted and restored that leads to blow the gaff; the third is user denies the E-Mail that he ever sent out. Aiming at the hidden trouble in the E-Mail system a

针对电子邮件系统存在的安全隐患,在分析阐述电子邮件协议、密码学知识和现阶段对电子邮件安全问题的研究基础上,结合讨论了我军XX 部互联网络特点及其上行下达通报关系的实际需求,提出了针对该部互联网络的安全电子邮件系统模型和具体设计方案,包括协议的设计、用户证书

gaff 词典解释

1. (固定在桅杆上以支撑帆的)斜桁

On a boat, a gaff is a pole which is attached to a mast in order to support a particular kind of sail.

2. (钓大鱼的)手钩,挽钩

A gaff is a pole with a point or hook at one end, which is used for catching large fish.

3. see also: gaffe

gaff 英英释义


1. an iron hook with a handle

used for landing large fish

2. a spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail

3. a sharp metal spike or spur that is fastened to the leg of a gamecock