

evil:[英 [ˈi:vl] 美 [ˈivəl] ]



evil 基本解释

形容词邪恶的,罪恶的; 有害的; 不幸的,不吉的; 品行坏的

名词灾祸; 邪恶,罪恶; 坏事,恶行; 邪恶的力量、势力或化身


evil 同义词



evil 反义词



evil 相关例句


1. evil

1. The man was punished for his evil acts.



1. It went evil with him.



1. evil的意思

1. Some people return good for evil.


2. Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.


3. evil是什么意思

3. Of two evils choose the less.


evil 网络解释


1. evil:extensible video interactive language; 可延伸的视频交互语言

evil 双语例句


1. HH Farmer, Towards Belief in God; R Hazelton, On Proving God; J Hick, The Existence of God; D Hicks, The Philosophical Basis of Theism; AJ Hoover, The Case for Christian Theism; S Jaki, The Road of Science and the Ways to God; CEM Joad, God and Evil; J Maritain, Approaches to God; EL Mascall, The Openness of Being; G Mavrodes, The Rationality of Belief in God; A Plantinga, ed., The Ontological Argument; RC Sproul, If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists?

个HH农民,对信仰的上帝与r黑兹尔顿,就证明上帝; j hick ,上帝存在; d希克斯,哲学基础的有神论;的AJ胡佛情况基督教有神论; s jaki ,道路的科学和如何向上帝;杰姆joad ,上帝与邪恶; j旦,途径上帝下午马斯科尔,公开性被100 mavrodes ,理性的信仰上帝;普兰丁格,版,本体论的论点;钢筋sproul ,如果有一个上帝,为什麼有无神论者?

2. For the good all these are good, but for the wicked they turn out evil.


3. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs.


4. evil什么意思

4. The problem is that the quests are unambiguously evil. And you have no option to make moral choices.


5. Okay, here is the thing.|You're not ready for the evil laugh.


6. You're not ready for the evil laugh.


7. As children, we were taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.


8. evil的反义词

8. When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.



9. There is only one good that is knowledge; there is only one evil that is ignorance.


10. evil是什么意思

10. There is only one good, that is knowledge, there is only one evil, that is


11. evil是什么意思

11. Process-home New Year, the square shows, into the courtyard wish worship, sit lights Officer pressurejie zhen evil, burn incense and sacrifice wind garden light field, spinwang huo, way over a series of programs.


12. The most special is on the left-Chen Shan-bit also opened a Doumen, would have to sit and Chen Zi-shan position to open the door just evil committed eight doors, eight brains door is not Kyrgyzstan, but houses in the right side of Shanghai sa bit on the more open a Doumen, this eight-sha-chen Hill Gate with Hill's son and sitting right申子synthetic Shanghai Hill three-chen Bureau, the original brains of eight-bit into Hopewell Bureau for use in feng shui practices, we call for ventilation, so the way of non-understand feng shui may cloth.


13. Their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.


14. The question as to how this evil is to be remedied is an important one.


15. Western powers will be accompanied by colonization and military aggression, killing innocent people, burning and looting artifacts, was robbed of resources and divide the market, as well as the drug trade and other forms of evil, threatening, shock, aggression, East and West, all small and weak countries.


16. evil在线翻译

16. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD.

8:18 他行以色列诸王所行的、与亚哈家一样。

17. If you want to lead a quiet life, you must lay the axe to the root of the evil.


18. If you want to lead a quiet life, you must set the axe to the root of the evil.


19. evil的反义词

19. The Evil Impulse is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end.


20. If these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion.


evil 词典解释

1. 恶;罪恶;邪恶

Evil is a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and which causes wicked and bad things to happen.


e.g. We are still being attacked by the forces of evil...


e.g. There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.


2. 坏事;恶行

Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world.

e.g. He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world.


e.g. ...those who see television as the root of all evil.


3. 祸害;灾难;弊病;不幸

If you refer to an evil, you mean a very unpleasant or harmful situation or activity.

e.g. Apartheid is even a greater evil...


e.g. Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.


4. (人)凶恶的,邪恶的

If you describe someone as evil, you mean that they are very wicked by nature and take pleasure in doing things that harm other people.

e.g. ...the country's most evil terrorists...


e.g. She's an evil woman.


5. 危害社会的;道德败坏的

If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it causes a great deal of harm to people and is morally bad.

e.g. After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil...


e.g. They are setting an evil example for their children.


6. 受魔鬼影响的;恶魔的;不祥的

If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it is influenced by the devil.

e.g. I think this is an evil spirit at work...


e.g. According to local folklore it is an evil place.


7. (气味)难闻的,令人不舒服的

You can describe a very unpleasant smell as evil.

e.g. Both men were smoking evil-smelling pipes.


8. 倒霉的日子/时刻

If someone is putting off the evil day or the evil hour, they have to do something unpleasant and are trying to avoid doing it for as long as possible.

e.g. You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.


9. 两害中的较轻者

If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil .

e.g. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils...


e.g. One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil.


evil 单语例句

1. But New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said yesterday that if proven, the letters were an " evil act of cowardice ".

2. There is no sense in arguing that these people are by nature evil, and that they become a heresy.

3. Legend has it that the evil river god was offended when the canal opened after the first engineer worked on it for 333 days.

4. Jade monkeys are selling well as many " people believe wearing jade can dispel evil, " said a cashier at the Yuyuan Garden Shopping Center.

5. They prefer instead to view the CCP as monolithic and " evil ".

6. The tragic saga begins with an evil eagle that transforms a charming Chinese girl into a white swan.

7. It is through Mahler's compositions that the choreographer gives life to the seven dwarfs and the evil stepmother.

8. Some claim the ability to communicate with the dead and cure the sick by exorcising evil spirits from their bodies.

9. They continue to be seen wearing purple clothing on important days, because the color supposedly makes the wearer superior and wards off evil.

10. They also gave away free gifts to visitors including special wreaths made of plants, and eggs wrapped in colorful thread to dispel illness and evil.
