

exemption:[英 [ɪgˈzempʃn] 美 [ɪɡˈzɛmpʃən] ]



exemption 基本解释


名词(义务等的)免除; 免(税); (收入中的)免税额


exemption 相关例句


1. He was granted exemption from military service.


exemption 网络解释

1. 免责:2.按船舱种类划分有:(1)干舱型(DryCellType(2)干湿舱型...免责(Exemption)是指行为人违反了法律规定或合同约定的义务,造成他人财产或人身损害,但是之所以发生损失是由于发生了不可归责于行为人的事由,因此法律规定在这种情况下不承担民事责任.

2. 免税额:但各国亲职假(Parental leave)则是提供父母得因照顾幼年子女而选择短暂离职多数国家按儿童年龄将托育服务(Child day care )分为0 至3 岁的婴幼儿童津贴(Child allowance)主要能减轻家庭扶养的财政负担,增加家庭2.免税额 免税额(exemption)是指在税基中,给予

exemption 双语例句

1. The wage and salary remuneration he gained during the period of work in China belonged to income originated in the territory of China, but his working time in China in a tax-paying year calculated continuously did not exceed 90 days, whether or not he can enjoy the preferential treatment of exemption of individual income tax shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation on the Implementation of China's Individual Income Tax Law as well as the stipulations of Clause 1 of Article 2 of this Circular.


2. Optimism prevailed in Valencia FC that by that time in April had become unstoppable with faith, they demonstrated this in Burdeos clearly beating the French by 1-2 leaving in exemption their ticket to the semi-finals.


3. As for CAT, attainment of CCAT leads to exemption from Part 1 of the ACCA`s Professional Scheme qualification


4. Therefore, the article discusses the issues of limitation of action, and exemption from responsibility, and exceptions.


5. Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation.



6. However, in order to support the restructuring of China`s enterprises and push ahead the healthy development of domestic securities market, with approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued the Circular on Temporary Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax (CSZ[1994] No.040), the Circular on Temporary Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax in 1996 (CSZ[1996] No.12), and the Circular on Continuing the Exemption of Income from Stock Transfer from Individual Income Tax CSZ[1998] No.


7. exemption

7. Did you ever apply for exemption from Military service because of alienage, conscientious objections or other reasons?


8. Zhuo Yi tray product patent for its unique design, and good moisture-resistant, light weight, strength, recyclable reuse, without fumigation and disinfection, export exemption, and consistent with international export requirements, and many other properties, wood and foam Poly ene best new packaging materials green packaging alternatives, is the product export logistics new choice. Products are many well-known brands to be designated for long-term supply packaging trays, and sold to the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia, and other countries and regions.

公司中文介绍济南卓艺包装有限公司专业生产各类出口专用包装材料(免熏蒸胶合板托盘、纸托盘、包装箱、纸护角、塑料托盘、集装箱充气袋等)及包装机械(全自动拉伸膜缠绕包装机器)等物流专用产品;生产设备均从国外引进,所有程序由自动化电脑控制,产品工艺已获多国专利(中国专利号:ZL00221092 4),产品质量在国际同行业中处于领先地位;塑料托盘产品以塑代木符合国家环保要求,技术指标均达GB/T15234-94国家标准,公司已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证。

9. exemption的翻译

9. In the first part of this paper, the writer mainly defines the concept of exception and makes a preliminary study on the differences between exception and exemption.


10. Article 5 The measures on the levy of or exemption from import or export duties on incoming and outgoing passengers luggage and articles and on personal postal matters shall be formulated by the State Council Customs Tariff Commission.

第五条 进出境的旅客行李物品和个人邮递物品征免税办法,由国务院关税税则委员会另行规定。

11. It has become an important task to studythe antitrust exemption problems of public utilities.



12. Preliminary statistics also suggest there are more than 1, 000 Chinese enterprises operating in Africa. Chinese enterprises and people can be found in every African nation. By affording duty exemption for some African exports to China, by organizing African commodity fairs and by sending purchasing missions to Africa, China is opening up more to and promoting more imports from Africa.


13. As a procedural legal privilege for defence lawyer, the right of criminal defense exemption is generally accepted in western countries.


14. There are, however, is the exemption of entry Health Premium.


15. I have the discipline, professional graduates are receiving the recommendation of this year's exemption Health.



16. The General Administration of Customs shall add the relevant content in this Catalogue to the Administration System of Tax Reduction and Exemption.


17. exemption的解释

17. Long term debt instruments that qualify for this exemption are specified in section 26A (2) of

税务条例》第26A (2)条订明符合此税务豁免的长期债务票


18. China has the accepted donated property, the gain on exemption of debts, the balance of foreign capital item, but they dispose the special profit and loss in Korea. Other China's the prepare of stockholder investment and the allocated fund dispose the capital adjustment in Korea. The Korea's the gain on capital reduction and the gain on disposition of treasure stock have no detail item in China.


19. Where the preferential treatment of reduction and exemption of income tax on profit, interest, rental, royalty and other income other than those provided for in this Article is required, it shall be regulated by the State Council.


20. Days in a year, in the absence of any statutory exemption, will be considered to

注意:外国公司派驻员工到中国工作一年内超过 183 天,在没有获得法定豁免

exemption 单语例句

1. The insurance companies registered in Pingtan may enjoy the exemption policy of business tax on their revenue of international shipping insurance services.

2. They also negotiated a fee exemption with the local school and help the family with their sugar cane fields.

3. Domestic and overseas projects registered after March 1 will no longer enjoy tariff exemption on caterpillar tractors and the high powered agricultural equipment listed above.

4. After the central government announced it would end a tax exemption policy on Jan 1, buyers have been rushing to take advantage of the policy.

5. In order to enjoy the ST exemption, employees are required to state the claim when completing their salaries tax returns.

6. They shall also be entitled to exemption from the additional fees of the circulation tax as stipulated by the government of the autonomous region.

7. Businesses need a clear definition of the charity donations that can be calculated in the income tax exemption.

8. But the rental exemption would somewhat offset her clearance discount that ranged from 35 percent to 60 percent.

9. Tariff exemption for imported complete set of machinery and equipment will be revoked, according to the communique.

10. The government has cut back on import taxes on spare parts of large equipment and canceled the import tariff exemption on some complete sets.

exemption什么意思exemption 英英释义



1. an act exempting someone

e.g. he was granted immunity from prosecution

Synonym: immunitygranting immunity

2. a deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc.)

e.g. additional exemptions are allowed for each dependent

3. immunity from an obligation or duty

Synonym: freedom