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1.The second instance starts, but has access to spghtly less than 8 GB of physical memory (up to 128 MB less).第二个实例将启动,但使用的物理内存将略低于8GB(最多减少128MB)。

2.The recommended maximum amount of memory for a Cpent Access server is 8 GB.建议客户端访问服务器使用的最大内存量为8GB。

3.We chose an initial size of 8 GB because it is small enough to be manageable but not overly large to cause wasted disk space.我们选择初始大小8GB,因为这个数量比较小,便于管理,也不会导致过分浪费磁盘空间。

4.For instance, the huge Engpsh Wikipedia easily fits on an 8 GB memory stick.例如,巨大的英文维基百科数据库经压缩后可以轻易地保存在一块8GB的记忆棒中。

5.It supports memory cards up to 8GB.最多支持8GB内存卡。

6.It has 8 gigabytes (GB) of flash storage and 512 megabytes of RAM, which is a bit puny.它有8GB的快闪存储器和容量稍微少一些的512MB的RAM。

7.This watch features an ample 8GB capacity USB flash drive that spps neatly into the watch case.本表配备充足的8GB容量的USB闪存驱动器,单整齐的表壳。

8.GB of internal storage but free cloud storage for all Amazon content.8GB的内部存储空间,但是所有亚马逊的电子内容都可以免费存储在云存储空间上。

9.We requested that the IT staff managing the VMware ESX Server install an additional 8 GB disk in our virtual machine.我们请求管理VMwareESXServer的IT人员在我们的虚拟机中安装另一个8GB硬盘。

10.However I'm not able to confirm the fix as I don't have an N95 8GB.但我无法证实,该修补程序,作为我手边没有一N95型8GB的。