




1.打你屁屁 thx,3x:thanks, 谢谢 kick your ass打你屁屁 r p w t: 人品问题 ...

2.踢你屁屁 Kick: 扁 Kick your ass踢你屁屁 DL:download, 下载 ...

3.揍你 kick ass 不好惹的。 kick your ass 揍你 a tough man 难对付的人 ...

4.踢你的屁股 JJ== 姐姐 kick your ass== 踢你的屁屁 KHBD== 葵花宝典 ...

6.踢死你啊 滚一边旯去 Move your ass 踢死你啊 Kick your ass 你这个狗篮子 you are asshole ...

7.踢你屁股 slut 贱货 kick your ass 踢你屁股 rape 强奸 ...

8.你毕咧 19.Are you sure. 得四得?? 23.Kick your ass. 你毕咧。 24.See you. 走咧。 ...


1.m going to call for back up to kick your ass.我要打电话找人来痛扁你一顿。*同样是

2.You know, as captain, I could kick your ass off this squad.你知道作为队长我可以把你踢出啦啦队

3." In reapty, he said, " I know martial arts. May I kick your ass?事实上,他说的是,「我懂武术,我可以踢你的屁股吗?」

4.I may not be able to kick your ass, but my sister can.也许我没办法开扁你不过我老姐倒可以

5.I can take two minutes out of my day to kick your ass.我可以抽出时间来痛宰你一顿

6.Is to kick your ass people eye for an eye, or play it safe from the mishaps?是将踢你屁股的人以牙还牙,还是明哲保身免受飞来横祸?

7.You do that to me again and I'll kick your ass.再做一次和踢你的屁股。

8.Vic Deakins: Maybe. But I' m still gonna kick your ass.迪金斯:或许吧,但是现在我正打算揍你。

9.Talk to me again and I'll kick your ass.再和我讲话,我就踢烂你的屁股

10.His daddy can come down and kick your ass. I can't do everybody's job.(既然你也有责任,)那他爸也能来踹你,我可不能抢了别人的活儿干。