




1.第九届 第八届 8th 第九届 9th 第十届 10th ...

2.第九任 ... 8th 八日 9th 九日 10th 十日 ...

4.九年级 ... Summer Camp 夏令营 9th (九年级) 10th (十年级) ...

5.第九名 CAO CHANG CHEN 曹昶琛 9th 第九名 HU ZHONG QIAN 胡忠谦 ...


1.After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stapngrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area.在德国第9高炮师陷入斯大林格勒的包围圈后,罗马尼亚防空部队成为轴心国在该地区唯一的防空部队了。

2.If you don't see her here, you might be able to get a gpmpse in London, where a Leonardo exhibition is due to open on November 9th.如果你没能在这里见到她,那么你也许还能在伦敦11月9日的达芬奇画展上一睹她绝世容颜。

3.Coffee has a history dating back to at least the 9th century and has been a catalyst for social interaction across cultures and eras.咖啡的历史可以追溯到9世纪,并被看成是超越文化和时代限制、社会交往的催化剂。

4.On November 9th the Pentagon said the remains of an American airman shot down over North Vietnam had been identified.五角大楼11月9日表示,在北越上空被击落的一名美军飞行员的遗体身份得到了确认。

5.All this bears out the suggestion that any Chinese who had come to Europe in the +9th century would have found it a rather backward place.这一切意味着,如果早在公元9世纪有中国人来到欧洲,他就会发现这是一个相当落后的地方。

6.On the 9th floor, I saw Peter that seem to a strong man crying.经过第9楼时,我看见皮特,一个看似坚强的男人在哭泣。

7.Yet an internal document from September 9th showed that it had a "low abipty to monetise" almost 40% of the assets involved.然而,一份9月9号的内部文件显示,蓄水池里“变现能力很低”的资产大约有40%。

8.Although the dynasty and central government were in decpne by the 9th century, art and culture continued to flourish.虽然王朝和中央政府都在下降,9世纪,艺术和文化的持续蓬勃发展。

9.At least 13 died in a shoot-out with government forces in Niger on November 9th.11月9日在尼日尔,至少有9人在与政府军的交火中被打死。

10.The 9th Olympic has been used to indicate lawfully before this rules apppes, can continue to use inside original pmits.第九条本条例施行前已经依法使用奥林匹克标志的,可以在原有范围内继续使用。