


美式发音: [ˈsentrəl] 英式发音: ['sentrəl]





adj.+n.central bank,central government,central area,central europe,central region






1.最重要的;首要的;主要的most important

The central issue is that of widespread racism.最重要的问题是种族主义到处泛滥。

She has been a central figure in the campaign.她一直是这场运动的主要人物。

Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine.预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。

Reducing inflation is central to(= is an important part of) the government's economic popcy.减少通货膨胀是政府经济政策最重要的组成部分。

2.起支配作用的;有控制力的having power or control over other parts

the central committee(= of a poptical party)(政党的)中央委员会

The organization has a central office in York.该组织在约克设有总部。

3.在中心的;中央的in the centre of an area or object

central London伦敦中心区

Central America/Europe/Asia中美洲;中欧;中亚

the central area of the brain大脑中枢

4.容易到达的;交通方便的;四通八达的easily reached from many areas

The flat is very central─just five minutes from Princes Street.这座公寓位于市中心,离王子街只需要五分钟。

a central location中心位置

5.中央的(发音时舌高点在口腔中间位置)produced with the centre of the tongue in a higher position than the front or the back, for example3: inbird



adj.1.the central part of a place is the area in the middle of it; a central place is in the middle of something; used for saying that something is in the middle of an area, so it is very convenient for using stores, theaters, etc.2.a central idea, aspect, system, etc. is one of the main ones that is used or needed; something that is central is extremely important, and often causes something else to happen or develop3.central control comes from one main organization that usually tells a lot of smaller organizations what they should do; a central organization is a main organization that controls a lot of smaller ones; used in the names of organizations

1.中环 ◆ 山顶广场( Peak Galleria) ◆ 中环Central) ◆ 立法会大楼( Legislative Council Building) ...

2.中心的 guide 向导 central 中心的;位于中心的 exam 考试;检查 ...

3.中央的 spinal 脊髓的 central 中央的 vertebral 脊柱的 ...

4.主要的 centimetre n. 公分,厘米 central a. 中心的;主要的 centre n. 中心;中枢 ...

5.中区中区(central) 现在淹水超级严重 很多历史古迹也都很危急 据我看机上的显示淹水地图..包括素可泰跟大城的样子 报上也引述泰 …


1.Nan, a migrant from central Hubei province, landed on his head and died at the scene, Xinhua said, without providing further details.南钢,系中部湖北省外来务工人员,坠楼时头部着地,当场死亡(新华社报道),没有进一步报道。

2.Tencent spokeswoman Catherine Chan said the company often receives central-government officials at its offices.腾讯发言人陈慧芬(CatherineChan)说,公司常常在办公室接待中央政府官员。

3.Emerging evidence indicates that this highly organized response also takes place in the central nervous system.新出现的证据表明,这一高度有组织的反应也发生在中枢神经系统的地方。

4.A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely .几星期前,在一场急促的暴风雨后,我从湖边穿过中央公园,我觉得自己从没有发现纽约如此明艳动人。

5.There are people who say trying to create a strong central government in Afghanistan is going against the grain of the country.有人说在阿富汗建立中央集权政府是有违这个国家的基本结构的。

6.Suddenly bells begin to toll, a weird, unearthly music, as if I had be translated to the steppes of Central Asia.突然钟声响了,这是一种稀奇古怪、绝非人世的曲调,我仿佛被带到了中亚的大草原上。

7.When Thailand's central bank ran out of foreign exchange and had to let the baht plunge, other currencies fell as investors lost confidence.当泰国央行的外汇储备用謦而不得不令泰铢跳水时,投资者也对其它的货币失去了信心。

8.On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi.在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。

9.In other words, central authorities want to influence what you do with your body and the things that you own, ostensibly for your own good.另一句话说,政府表面为你好,其实是想影响你的行为和你的财产。

10.Poti is one of two main Georgian ports used to export oil and oil products from neighbouring Azerbaijan and Central Asia to Europe.Poti是格鲁吉亚从阿塞拜疆和中亚向欧洲输送石油和成品油的两大港口之一。